You Give Good Love

You Give Good Love

You Give Good Love,來自惠特尼1985年處女專輯《Whitney Houston》,曾獲1986年全美音樂獎最受歡迎節奏藍調靈魂樂單曲。排行榜主要成績:Billboard Hot 100(#3)R&B (#1)成人當代(#4)英國榜(#93)。


You Give Good Love
You Give Good Love
80年代惠特尼的重要天賦之一毫無疑問地就是她能夠把少量的靈魂樂元素融入成人當代流行情歌里,足以確保她的音樂能夠吸引城市聽眾和主流流行歌迷。You Give Good Love這首歌是這一點的一個很好的例子,惠姨在這首歌里以適度的R&B律動完美表現了找回真愛時充分的感情和熱情。雖然惠姨本身不是一個歌曲作者,她在這裡展現了驚人的天賦,能迅速地選擇適合自己嗓音準確度的流行曲風。Billboard形容惠姨在這首歌里的嗓音是極具辨識度和掌控力的嗓音。TheGrio.com的Rashod D. Ollison在評論惠姨的I Look to You時特別提到這首歌是不費吹灰之力的性感。


You Give Good Love
You Give Good Love
I found out what I've been missing 苦苦追尋遺失的美好,
Always on the run 一直不得其果。
I've been looking for someone 我不斷在尋找某人,
Now you're here like you've been before 那就是你,回歸的愛人。
And you know just what I need 你了解我的全部,
It took some time for me to see 我居然花了這麼長時間才看清。
That you give good love to me baby 你給予我無與倫比的愛,
So good, take this heart of mine into your hands 刻骨銘心的愛,把我的心託付於你。
You give good love to me 你給予我無與倫比的愛,
Never too much 寧缺毋濫的愛
Baby you give good love 你給予的摯愛!
Never stopping, I was always searching 永不停歇,不斷找尋
For that perfect love 那完美無暇的愛。
The kind that girls like me dream of 每個女孩都夢寐以求的那種愛。
Now you're here like you've been before 那就是你,回歸的愛人。
And you know just what I need 你了解我的全部,
It took some time for me to see 我居然花了這麼長時間才看清。
That you give good love to me baby 你給予我無與的愛,
So good, take this heart of mine into your hands 刻骨銘心的愛,把我的心託付於你。
You give good love to me 你給予我無與倫比的愛,
Never too much 寧缺毋濫的愛
Baby you give good love 你給予的摯愛!
Now I, I can't stop looking around 我不住的環顧四周
It's not, what this loves all about 這份愛已非比尋常,
Our love is here to stay, stay 我們的愛流芳百世,
Baby you give good love 就是你給予的摯愛!
That you give good love to me baby 你給予我無與倫比的愛,
So good, take this heart of mine into your hands 刻骨銘心的愛,把我的心託付於你。
You give good love to me 你給予我無與倫比的愛,
Never too much 寧缺毋濫的愛
Baby you give good love 你給予的摯愛!