



讀音:kāi xiǎozào
[receive private attention] 與之相對的就是大鍋飯,為個人單獨炒菜、做飯。平常以此引申為給某人特殊關照。


• 老師答應給這幾個學生開小灶。 The teacher promised to give these students special tuition .
• 孩子成績不太理想,老師們放學后常義務給他‘開小灶’。 The child result is not too ideal , after teachers are on vacation from school , often the duty 'opens the special mess hall for him '.
• 這種開小灶的待遇,實際上就是給球員一個心理暗示:俱樂部將重用他們。 This kind opens the special mess hall the treatment , in fact is for the player a psychological suggestion : The club will entrust with heavy responsibility them .
• 教師通常都反對給成績優秀的孩子開小灶”,認為掉隊的孩子才需要特別照顧。 Teachers are often opposed to separate provision for the best -performing children , saying any extra help should go to stragglers .
• 多塞納今天透露,他是如何在訓練結束之後為自己開小灶加練,已達到自己的最佳狀態。 Andrea Dossena today revealed how he is putting in extra hours on the training ground to help find his best form .
• 別人一節課會了,他要幾節課,課後老師給他開小灶,晚上家裡還要開,周而復始,記住這,忘了那。 others will be a lesson , he want a few lessons , after-school teachers give him special treatment , but also open the evening at home again and again, remember this , forget it .
• 對於這次的開小灶”,魏群表示:“恩師的教導讓我受益匪淺,我已抄到本子上了,今後慢慢來消化”。 For the "special treatment", Wei Qun , said : "I teach the mentor benefit, I have Chaodao book , take your time to digest in the future .
• 不要不惜血本請名師做家教、開小灶,這樣不僅擠佔了孩子自由消化複習內容的時間,而且有揠苗助長之嫌。 Please teacher at Xueben not do …, a Xiaozao , not only diverted the children free time to digest the contents of the literature, but also Yamiaozhuchang of suspicion .
• 訓練後半段,米登多普單獨給卡巴雷羅開小灶,讓他們在杜震宇開出的角球中尋找著進球的感覺。 Training the second half , more than Mideng &P to separate Kabaleiluo , Dazha Ji and Tang Jing, special treatment, Du Zhenyu let them out of the corner of the goal to find the feeling .
• 魔法部里有許多他過去的得意門生,他總是願意給學生開小灶,但從來不肯在亞瑟身上多花時間——他似乎認為亞瑟沒有什麼抱負。 The Ministry 's littered with Slughorn 's old favorites, he was always good at giving leg ups, but he never had much time for Arthur … didn't seem to think he was enough of a high flier .