共找到34條詞條名為周超的結果 展開
- 中國內地男演員
- 建造師講師
- 湖北省天門市麻洋鎮黨委書記
- 平川區文化館藝術指導部老師
- 重慶市江津區華信資產經營(集團)有限公司原監事會主席
- 物理學家
- 新鄉市原市人大常委會第一副主任
- 東坡書畫院院士
- 青島濱海學院畫家
- 石阡縣坪地場仡佬族侗族鄉綜治辦專職副主任
- 湖南省安鄉籍烈士
- 濉溪縣五溝鎮黨委委員、人武部長
- 香港理工大學土木及環境工程學系助理教授
- 歡瑞星球(杭州)網路科技有限公司法人
- 中國農業大學法律系教師
- 女子柔道選手
- 中國田徑運動員
- 上海市質監局綜合業務處副處長
- 重慶大學法學院教授
- 清代畫家
- 北京鐵路局團委書記
- 西安建築科技大學副教授
- 長治市城區政府採購中心主任
- 吞食天地人物
- 武漢愛爾眼科醫院一級驗光師
- 佛學居士
- 青年歌手、演員周超
- 中國射擊運動員
- 新疆新疆維吾爾自治區經濟和信息化委員會
- 電影《英雄本色2018》中人物
- 葫蘆島市人民檢察院工作人員
- 咸陽市三原縣城關街道辦五四村衛生室村醫
- 中山大學教授
- 遠大醫藥集團行政總裁
Dr. Chao Zhou obtained his Ph.D. degree in physics in 2007 from the University of Pennsylvania, where he worked with Professor Arjun G. Yodh on the development of diffuse optical spectroscopy and imaging techniques. In August 2007, Dr. Zhou joined Professor James G. Fujimoto’s Laser Medicine and Medical Imaging Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral associate. Since then, he has been working on the development of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Optical Coherence Microscopy (OCM) technologies. In June 2012, Dr. Zhou joined the faculty at Lehigh University as an assistant professor in electrical engineering and bioengineering. Dr. Zhou has extensive experience in the field of biomedical optical imaging and has contributed to the development and validation of novel modalities for the imaging of humans and animals with various applications ranging from measuring the brain function to monitoring cancer treatments. Dr. Zhou has published 40 peer-reviewed journal articles, and is a member of the Optical Society of America, the International Society for Optical Engineering, the Organization for Human Brain Mapping and the International Society for Cerebral Blood flow and Metabolism. He is also a peer reviewer forOptics Letters,Optics Express,Biomedical Optics Express,Applied Optics,Journal of Optical Society of America - A,Journal of Biomedical Optics, Medical Physics,Physics in Medicine and Biology,Physiological Measurement,Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronicsand several conferences.