格麗塔·萊維瓦(Margarita Levieva),1980年2月9日生於俄羅斯聖彼得堡,俄羅斯演員。
代表作品有美劇《復仇》、電影《隱形人》《情聖終結者》等。她獨特的拉丁長相有幾分像拉丁天后夏奇拉。目前在電視劇《復仇》中飾演Amanda Clarke。

I'm not an insecure person, per se, but I just never saw myself as the girl who walks into a place and everybody goes, 'Wow.'

I had to dance in a Tweety Bird costume once.
I was always the serious kid.
I grew up in communist Russia where we didn't have anything, so I'm not worried that I can't buy an extra pair of shoes.
I'm Russian Jewish. And I had to grow up really quickly.
One of my first commercials was for a Samsung cellphone. It was made as a mini-movie.


Independent Critics
Margarita Levieva
The 30 year-old Russian-born actress is a breath of fresh air in the industry and on this list. She used to be a professional gymnast before going on to star in films like “Adventureland”.

The New York Magazine
A classic ingenue, but not in an American way; she’s more European.

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2009 ·最佳群戲表演 提名