徠the the the
良醫妙藥 Extraordinary Measures ------- (2010)
草葉集 Leaves of Grass ------- (2009)
神奇女俠/神力女超人 Wonder Woman ------- (2009)
睡前故事/枕草子/天方夜談(台)/魔法童話夜(港) Bedtime Stories ------- (2008)
八月迷情/把愛找回來(台)/聲夢奇緣(港) August Rush ------- (2007)
女服務員/女招待/女侍情緣 Waitress ------- (2007)
The Girl in the Park ------- (2007)
"Up Close with Carrie Keagan" ------- (2007)
The 17th Annual Gotham Awards ------- (2007)
人魔線索/羅騰堡 Rohtenburg ------- (2006)
碟中諜3/不可能的任務3(台)/職業特工隊3(港) Mission: Impossible III ------- (2006)
憤怒之上/怒不可遏/抓狂邊緣 The Upside of Anger ------- (2005)
平凡歲月的魅力 The Magic of Ordinary Days ------- (2005)
西部風雲 "Into the West" ------- (2005)
Creating 'The Upside of Anger' ------- (2005)
The 59th Annual Tony Awards ------- (2005)
我們曾是戰士/勇士們(台)/越戰忠魂/軍天壯志/我們曾是士兵 We Were Soldiers ------- (2002)
8th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (2002)
We Were Soldiers: Getting It Right ------- (2002)
用力擦洗 "Scrubs" ------- (2001)
"The Movie Loft" ------- (2001)
曼波舞王 Mad About Mambo ------- (2000)
Cinderelmo ------- (1999)
The 51st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards ------- (1999)
彎曲 Dead Man's Curve ------- (1998)
"Felicity" ------- (1998)
一周八天 Eight Days a Week ------- (1997)
When Innocence Is Lost ------- (1997)
"The View" ------- (1997)
"Roar" ------- (1997)
保姆殺人案 The Babysitter's Seduction ------- (1996)
The Lottery ------- (1996)
"The Rosie O'Donnell Show" ------- (1996)
"徠Access Hollywood" ------- (1996)
Clerks. ------- (1995)
MMC in Concert ------- (1993)
大衛深夜秀/大衛牙擦騷(港) Late Show with David Letterman ------- (1993)
"Late Night with Conan O'Brien" ------- (1993)
親愛的,我把孩子放大了/豆釘小靈精II之BB大曬 Honey I Blew Up the Kid ------- (1992)
"MMC" ------- (1989)
"Entertainment Tonight" ------- (1981)