


1.一般可用a來修釋;例如:a car a book 2. 在母音發音開頭的單詞前用an例如:an elephant an apple 但是請注意,形如a useful machine開頭字母U不發母音,發ju:的音


1.一般可用a來修釋;例如: a car a book
2. 在 母音發音開頭的單詞前用 an 例如:an elephant an apple
但是請注意,形如a useful machine開頭字母U不發母音,發{ju:}的音


中國人the Chinesea Chinesetwo Chinese
瑞士人the Swissa Swisstwo Swiss
澳大利亞人the Australiansan Australiantwo Australians
俄國人the Russiansa Russiantwo Russians
義大利人the Italiansan Italiantwo Italians
希臘人the Greeka Greektwo Greeks
法國人the Frencha Frenchmantwo Frenchmen
日本人the Japanesea Japanesetwo Japanese
美國人the Americansan Americantwo Americans
印度人the Indiansan Indiantwo Indians
加拿大人the Canadiansa Canadiantwo Canadians
德國人the Germansa Germantwo Germans
英國人the Englishan Englishmantwo Englishmen
瑞典人the Swedisha Swedetwo Swedes


1.The of an air ticket(票) from Dalian to Gunangzhou is about 1,800 yuan.
A. price B. money C. pay D. use
2.It`s bedroom(卧室). It’s clean and tidy.
A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily and Lucy’s C. Lily’s and Lucy D. Lily’s and Lucy’s 3.There are few in the fridge(冰箱). Let’s go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages. A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs 4. There is not enough in the corner for the bridge.
A. place B. room C. field D. ground
5.Today is September 10th. It’s Day. Let’s go and buy some flowers for our teachers.
A. Teachers B. teachers’ C. the Teachers’ D. Teacher’s 6.What would you like to drink, girls? --- , please. A. Two cup of coffee B. Two cups of coffees C. Two cups of coffee D. Two cup of coffees
7.Our summer holiday is coming. Two students in our school will go to the beach. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of
8. Chinese are looking for ways to learn English well before Beijing 2008 Olympics.
A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of
9.Lucy will show us some new of hers.
A. photo B. photos C. photoes
10.There is a lot of in the box.
A. cake B. bags of cakes C. milk D. bags of milk 11.It’s about ride from my home to the zoo.
A. twenty of minutes B. twenty minutes’ C. twenty minute’s D. twenty-minutes 12.Beijing is one of the largest in China. A. city B. a city C. the city D. cities
13.The now is that we have lots of to ask. A. problem, questions B. question, problems
C. question, problem, D. problem, question
14.I’m afraid that there is no for you in my car, because there are already five people here. A. land B. ground C. room D. floor
15. Lucy tried her best to find a good job in the city, but she had no . A. trouble B. idea C. luck D. time 16. Every morning Mr. Smith takes a to his office. A. 20 minutes’ walk B. 20 minute’s walk C. 20-minutes walk D. 20-minute walk 17. There are on the table.
A. a glass of water B. a glass of milk C. two glasses of water D. a glass of orange 18. We have rest after each class.
A. ten minutes B. ten-minutes C. ten minutes’ D. ten minute’s 19. usually go to the zoo on Sundays.
A. The Smiths B. Mr Smith C. The Smiths' D. Mr smith's 20. She had drunk .
A. four glasses of milks B. four glass of milk C. four glasses of milk D. four glass milk 21. This is the bedroom.
A. twins's B. twins'es C. twin D. twins'
22. Linda doesn’t know Chinese because she has studied it for only months. A. much, a little B. little, few C. few, a little D. much, a few
23. This room is _____. A. Lily and Lucy's B. Lily's and Lucy's 24. Mr Brown has a son.
A. ten year old B. ten year-old C. ten-year-old D. ten-years-old 25. There is a building in my school.
A. 50-metres-tall B. 50-metre-tall C. 50 metre tall D. 50 metres-tall 26. There is some on the plate.
A. meat B. cakes C. potato D. pears 27. The are going to fly to Beijing.
A. Germen B. Germany C. Germanys D. Germans
28. -Would you like some ? -No, thanks. I’m not hungry at all.
A. bread B. water C. juice D. tea
29. September 10th is Day. A. Mother’s B. Mothers’ C. Teachers’ D. Teacher’s 30. -What’s the today? -It’s May 25th.
A. time B. hour C. date D. day
31. I want to buy a few in the shop because my friends will come tomorrow. A. bottles of oranges B. bottle of oranges
C. bottles of orange D. bottle of orange 32. The woman sitting under the tree is mother. A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily’s
C. Lucy’s and Lily’s D. Lucy’s and Lily 33. There were forty-five in the school last year.
A. woman teachers B. women teachers C. women teacher D. womans teachers 34.This is my _____dictionary.
A. sister Mary B. sister’s C. sister Mary’s D. sister’s Mary’s 35.Miss Smith is a friend of________.
A. Mary’s mother’s B. Mary’s mother C. Mary mother’s D. mother’s of Mary 36. There are lots of on the old trees. A. leafes B. leafs C. leaves D. leaf 37. My mother bought for me yesterday.
A. a pair of glasses B. a pair of glass C. a glasses D . a glass 38. How many are there in the big box?
A. bottle of milk B. bottles of milk C. bottles of milks D. bottle of milks 39. Kate won the___________ race in the summer sports meeting.
A .100-metre B .100-metres C .100 metre D .100 metre's 40. There is not enough__________ in the corner for the fridge .
A. place B. room C. field D . ground
41.. Let me have a___________ . I'm so tired after the long walk.
A. look B. talk C. rest D .swim 42.-How many teachers are there in your school?
-Eighty. There are fifty-five teachers and twenty-five teachers. A. woman; man B. women; men C. woman; men D. women; man
43.. I' m afraid that there is no_______ for you in my car, because there are already five people.
A. land B. ground C. room D. floor
44.. The three workers are checking these boxes. A. man; letter B. men; letters C. man; letters D. men; letter 45.. I know him. He is .
A. a friend of my father B. a friend of my father's C. my father friend D. my father friend's 46.-What would you like to drink, girls? - _________ please .
A. Two cup of coffee B. Two cups of coffees C. Two cups of coffee D. Two cup of coffees 47. They are those___________ bags. Please put them on the bus.
A. visitor B. visitors C .visitor's D. visitors' 48.. Please give me_________
A. two pieces paper B. two piece of papers C. two pieces of paper D. two piece papers 49.-Do you know the girl sitting under the tree?-Yeah, she’s a friend of . A. Lily’s sister’s B. Lily sister C. sister’s of Lily D. Lily sister’s 50.You should clean your twice a day.
A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths 51.After the exam, we'll have _________ holiday.
A. two weeks B. two-weeks C. two weeks' D. two week's 52. Mr Black has a .
A. ten year old girl B. ten-year-old boy C. boy of ten year old D. boy of ten 53.He says that two will come to our school next week.
A. woman doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors D. woman doctor 54.Shanghai is one of the biggest in China. A. citys B. city C. cities D. citys 55.When spring comes, all the turn green.
A. leave B. leaves C. leafs D. leaf 56.The is on the third floor of the classroom building.
A. teacher's office B. teacher office C. teachers' office D. teacher's offices 57. There are books in our school library. A. thousand of B. thousands of C. thousands D. thousand 58.---How many can you see?---I can see seven.
A. pig B. man C .sheep D. bird 59. Look! The two old are carrying some heavy . A. man, boxes B. mans, boxes C. men, boxes D. mans, boxes 60.There are five__in the picture.
A. babys B. babies C. babyes D. baby
61.-Is the railway station very far from here?-No, it’s just A. ten minutes’ walk B. ten minute walk
C. ten minute’s walk D. ten minutes walk
62. There are two new doctors in that hospital. They are .
A. Germen B. Germany C. Germans D. German 63.-How many are there in the picture?
-There are three. A. box B. woman C. books D. man 64.-What do you like best, Lily ?-Red. What about you ?
A. subject B. color C. weather D. fruit
65. The little pretty girl with her parents playing games in the park.
A. is B. are C. be D. will
66.Nobody but two students in the classroom last Sunday morning.
A. is B. was C. were D. are
67.Mr Smith has and he is able to pay for the house.
A. million dollars B. millions of dollar C. millions of dollars D. million of dollars 68.Jim has two under the bed.
A. pair of shoe B. pairs of shoe C. pair of shoes D. pairs of shoes 69. Tommy, it’s your to wash dishes today. A. to turn B. turn C. turning D. for turn 70.I'm very hungry now, please give me to eat.
A. two piece of bread B. two pieces of bread C. two pieces of breads D. two piece of breads
71.I am sure that all the teachers and students are enjoying the film very much.
A. women; girls B. women; girl C. woman; girls D. woman; girl 72.Several are eating grass and at the foot of a hill.
A. sheep; leaves B. sheeps; leaves C. sheep; leaf D. sheeps; leaves 73.They are rooms.
A. Tom's and Kate B. Kate and Tom C. the twin's D. the twins' 74.I want to meet many
A. Canadian B. English C.Japanese D American 75.-Would you like something to drink?
-Some , please. I’m really thirsty. A. bread B. meat C. fish D. orange 76.Do you know how many you have?
A. tooths B. teeth C. teeths D. Tooth 77. dormitory is the cleanest in our class.
A. Alice and Betty B. Alice’s and Betty C. Alice and Betty’s D. Alice’s and Betty’s