共找到57條詞條名為馬強的結果 展開





在Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry、International Journal of Mass Spectrometry、Journal of AOAC International、Chromatographia、分析化學、高等學校化學學報等國內外學術期刊發表論文76篇,其中SCI論文24篇;獲國家發明專利5項;參與編寫著作3部。研究成果獲國家質檢總局優秀科技論文獎一等獎(2008年)、國家質檢總局科技興檢二等獎(2009年)、北京市科學技術獎三等獎(2012)、中國輕工業聯合會科技優秀獎(2012年)、分析測試學報創刊30周年百篇優秀論文(2012年)。


1. Ma, Q.; Wang, C.; Bai, H.; Xi, H.W.; Xi, G.C.; Ren, X.M.; Yang, Y.; Guo, L.H.: Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Separation of Hydroxylated Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers by Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry.Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2011, 22(10): 1851-1861.
2. Ma, Q.*; Xi, G.C.; Wang, C.; Bai, H.; Zhang, Q.; Xi, H.W.; Wang, Z.M.; Guo, L.H.: Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Separation for the Analysis of Alkylphenol Ethoxylates Employing Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography Coupled with Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry.International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2012, 315: 31-39.
3. Wang, C.; Ma, Q.*; Wang X.: Determination of Alkylphenol Ethoxylates in Textiles by Normal-Phase Liquid Chromatography and Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography/Electrospray Mass Spectrometry.Journal of AOAC International, 2007, 90(5): 1411-1417.
4. Ma, Q.*; Wang, C.; Bai, H.; Ma, W.; Zhou, X.; Dong, Y.Y.; Zhang, Q.: Comparison of RP, Ion-Pair and IE Chromatography Coupled with UV and Tandem Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of 8-Hydroxyquinoline in Cosmetics.Chromatographia, 2010, 71(5): 469-474.
5. Ma, Q.*; Bai, H.; Zhang, Q.; Ma, W.; Xi, H.W.; Zhou, X.; Wang, C.: Determination of Carcinogenic and Allergenic Dyestuffs in Toys by LC Coupled to UV/Vis Spectrometry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry.Chromatographia, 2010, 72(1/2): 85-93.
6. Xi, G.C.; Ye, J.H.; Ma, Q.; Su, N.; Bai, H.; Wang, C.: In Situ Growth of Metal Particles on 3D Urchin-like WO3 Nanostructures.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134: 6508-6511.
7. Xi, G.C.; Yan, Y.; Ma, Q.; Li, J.F.; Yang, H.F.; Lu, X.J.; Wang, C.: Synthesis of Multiple-Shell WO3 Hollow Spheres by a Binary Carbonaceous Template Route and Their Applications in Visible-Light Photocatalysis.Chemistry-A European Journal, 2012, 18(44): 13949.
8. Xi, G.C.; Ouyang, S.X.; Li, P.; Ye, J.H.; Ma, Q.; Su, N.; Bai, H.; Wang, C.: Ultrathin W18O49 Nanowires with Diameters below 1 nm: Synthesis, Near-Infrared Absorption, Photoluminescence, and Photochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide.Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2012, 51: 2395-2399.
9. Zhang, Q.; Wang, C.; Bai, H.; Wang, X.; Wu, T.; Ma, Q.: Determination of Aromatic Amines from Azo Dyes Reduction by Liquid-Phase Sorbent Trapping and Thermal Desorption-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.Journal of Separation Science, 2009, 32: 2434-2441.
10. Wu, T.; Wang, C.; Wang, X.; Ma, Q.: Simultaneous Determination of 21 Preservatives in Cosmetics by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography.International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 2008, 30, 367-372.
11. Ma, Q.*; Xi, H.W.; Wang, C.; Bai, H.; Xi, G.C.; Su, N.; Xu, L.Y.; Wang, J.B.: Determination of Ten Volatile Nitrosamines in Cosmetics by Gas Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 39(8): 1201-1207 (Citation by ScienceDirect).
12. Ma, Q.*; Bai, H.; Wang, C.; Xi, H.W.; Ma, W.; Zhou, X.; Dong, Y.Y.; Wang, B.L.: Determination of Hexabromocyclododecane in Textiles by Isotope Dilution-Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry.Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2010, 31(3): 473-478.
13. Ma, Q.; Bai, H.; Wang, C.; Zhang, Q.; Ma, W.; Zhou, X.; Dong, Y.Y.; Wang, B.L.: Simultaneous Determination of 16 Carcinogenic and Allergenous Dyestuffs in Toys by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 38(1): 51-56.
14. Ma, Q.; Bai, H.; Wang, C.; Zhang, Q.; Zhou, X.; Dong, H.; Wang, B.L.: Simultaneous Determination of Nonylphenol, Octylphenol and Bisphenol A in Textiles and Food Packaging Materials by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 38(2): 197-201.
15. Ma, Q.*; Wang, C.; Wang, X.; Bai, H.; Zhou, X.; Xiao, H.Q.; Wang, J.B.; Tang, Y.Z.: Determination of Alkylphenol Ethoxylates in Textiles by Accelerated Solvent Extraction-Solid Phase Extraction-Silica Adsorption Chromatoraphy-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 37(1): 46-52.
16. Ma, Q.*; Bai, H.; Wang, C.; Ma, W.; Zhang, Q.; Xiao, H.Q.; Zhou, X.; Dong, Y.Y.; Wang, B.L.: Determination of Musk Xylene in Cosmetics by Solid Phase Extraction-Isotope Dilution-Gas Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 37(12): 1776-1780.
17. Ma, Q.*; Wang, C.; Wang, X.; Bai, H.; Dong, Y.Y.; Wu, T.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, J.B.; Tang, Y.Z.: Simultaneous Determination of 22 Sulfonamides in Cosmetics by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 36(12): 1683-1689.
18. Wang, C.; Ma, Q.*; Wang, X.; Wu, T.; Bai, H.; Hao, N.; Wang, J.B.: Simultaneous Determination of 16 Hormones in Cosmetics by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2007, 35(9): 1257-1262.
19. Ma, Q.*; Zhang, J.L.; Zhou, Y.X.; Lei, H.M.; Wang, C.H.: Analysis of Isoflavonoids inTrifolium Pratense L. by High Performance Liquid Chromatraphy-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2006, 34: S247-S250.