共找到32條詞條名為羅輝的結果 展開
- 革命烈士
- 福建省人民檢察院副檢察長、檢察委員會委員、檢察員
- 山東省生態環境保護督察專員
- 新華社河南分社社長、黨組書記
- 賀州市農業投資集團總經理
- 男高音歌唱家
- 黑龍江省訥河市人大常委會副主任
- 南昌市重點辦辦公室主任
- 興寧市人民政府研究室主任
- 華中科技大學教授
- 上海百秘健康科技有限公司創始人
- 咸陽市質量技術監督局黨組成員、副局長
- 福建省書法家協會會員
- 原貴州省政協副主席
- 湖南師範大學外國語學院英語系講師
- 中國科學院南京地質古生物研究所研究員
- 廣東醫學院黨委常委,副院長
- 山西省太原市人大常委會副秘書長
- 武警北京總隊十六支隊勤務汽車中隊原中隊長
- 河南省軍區醫院主治醫師
- 杭州強生泌尿外醫院主任醫師
- 中國工藝美術學會會員
- 湖南省寧鄉籍烈士
- 河南省玉石雕刻大師
- 北京華壇中西醫結合醫院執業醫師
- 珙縣少年“盲流”
- 麻城白果鎮龔埠村黨支部委員
- 南昌市雷式學校教師
- 甘肅平涼市安監局綜合科科長
- 哈爾濱師範大學副教授
- 鐘山區住房和城鄉建設局辦公室主任
- 中電投江西電力有限公司工程部主任
演唱時間:2013年6月8日 演出地點:湖南音樂廳
演唱時間:2014年3月29日 演出地點:湖南音樂廳 主辦單位:湖南省聲樂藝術委員會
LuoHui, lyrical and dramatic tenor. The early years of school in Beijing , Shanghai. Enlightenment the famous Hunan tenor, Professor Zhao Xiaoping, after studying under the Central Philharmonic singer, educator Mr.WuQihui in Shanghai during the study, under the tutelage of the original vocal Head of the Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music Professor Zhang Renqing, the latter under the tutelage of the world-famous tenor opera master Peter Doversky, the system studied singing with the school. 2003 recorded a solo album, "Luo Hui concert of Italian and French opera arias album. With "scientific atmosphere with-the around treble the only way to", "In Search of Puccini's music password," "On the vibrato and trembling singing, "On the operatic tenor cavity", "female How treble training". Luo Hui concert feelings and delicate, elegant, warm and spirited. His loud District brilliant hot in the whispered area transition smooth, richly varied tone, both Verdi chest sound ambitious volume, but also has the French tenor champagne color and semi-sound control. On the stage show he and compensation more thanper formances, but temperament. Especially singing "pearldivers" excerpt "Your voice is still in my ear, very melancholy color the mature classical, semi-acoustic technology. He both competent the more heavy role, but also occasionally guest role such as Donizetti pedicle cheerful jumping. His musical language is extremely rich, has a unique vision and singing opera in understanding Italy, France, ordinarythings a poem flowing musical language in his voice. The good will "casual" magazine: apoettenor. His life is art, his art is life, CCTV referred to as a "LaBoheme" in his personal interview.