共找到18條詞條名為劉克的結果 展開
1998年在香港中文大學系統工程與工程管理系做訪問教授(1998.2.15-4.15, 12.1-12.22)
1987-1990 The Grant of Young National Natural Science Foundation of China,
1991-1992 The Research Fellowship of Young Scientist awarded by Chinese Academy of Sciences,
1997-1998 The foundation of the Laboratory of Management, Decision and Information System, CAS,
1997-1998 The Supporting Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences,
1997-1998 The Supporting Foundation of Education Commission of China,
1998-2000 The Grant of The National Natural Science Foundation of China,
1999-2000 The Grant of The Human Resource Commission of China,
1999-2000 The special foundation for mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1. Decompositions of Revised Monotone Signed Fuzzy Measures, Tsinhua Science and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp60-64, 2003.
2. Finite Horizon Portfolio Risk Models with Probability Criterion, In Markov Processes and Controlled Markov Chains, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp405-424, 2002.
3. Lebesgue Decompositions of Non-Additive Set Functions, (Chinese) Acta Mathematica Sinica, Vol.45, No.5, pp899-904, 2002.
4. An Infinite Horizon Inventory Model of Empty Containers at One Port, In Proceedings of The 9th Bellman Continuum International Workshop on Uncertain Systems and Soft Computing, Series of Information & Management Sciences, Vol. 2, pp55-59, 2002.
5. 屬性綜合評價系統在城市交通規劃中的應用,系統工程理論與實踐, 22卷6期,113-120, 2002.
6. An N-Period Inventory Model of Empty Containers at One Port, In Operational Research and Its Applications, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium, ISORA'02, Edited by Zhang Xiangsun and Liu Degang, Lecture Notes in Operations Research 4, World Publishing Company, p220-226, 2002.
7. Finite Horizon Portfolio Risk Models with Probability Criterion. Conference Papers and talkes Li J., Liu Ke and Lai K.K., (2002)
8. An Infinite Horizon Inventory Model of Empty Containers at One Port, The 9th Bellman Continuum International Workshop on Uncertain Systems and Soft Computing, Beijing, P.R. China, July 24-27. Li J., Liu Ke and Lai K.K., (2002)
9. Survey of Markov Decision Processes (Chinese), The 2-nd Conference of Decision Theory and Its Applications in China, Xia Men Oct.. 技術報告等 Li J.A., Liu Ke and Lia K.K., (2002)
10. Empty Container Management in a Port with Long-Run Average Criterion. Research Report AMSS-2002-005, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences. Liu Ke, Li J.A. and Lia K.K., (2002)
11. Single-Period Stochastic Inventory Model of One Product with Random Shock. Research Report AMSS-2002-006, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences. Jiao G.M., Zhong C.K. and Liu Ke, (2002)
12. Stochastic comparisons of minimal repair policies. Research Report AMSS-V-2002-009, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences. Jiao G.M., Zhong C.K. and Liu Ke, (2002)
13. A new result on comparison in hazard rate ordering. Research Report AMSS-V-2002-010, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences. Jiao G.M. and Liu Ke, (2002)