1、They were lucky toget through to the final / semifinal of the men's singles at Wimbledon. 他們很幸運進入了溫布爾登男子單打決賽;半決賽。
2、As it grew too dim,the umpire decided to postpone the decisive game in this semifinal to tomorrow 因為光線太暗,裁判決定這場半決賽的決勝盤推遲到明天舉行。
3、Hopkins started thematch by defeating fifth seed Kent 232-218. He got past Arnold 244-183,andedged Voss in the semifinal,223-214.霍金斯一路過關斬將,先以232:218擊敗5號種子肯特,接著又以244:183將阿諾德淘汰出局,在半決賽中,他以233:214險勝佛斯。
4、At her first biggolf tournament there was a row that nearly reached the newspapers--asuggestion that she had moved her ball from a bad lie in the semi-final round. 在她參加的第一個重要的高爾夫錦標賽L,發生了一場風波,差一點鬧到登報——有人說在半決賽那一局她把球從一個不利的位置上移動過。