人知的一部,但它裡面並沒有出現任何戰爭的殘酷場面,而是聚焦在 ?戰爭時期一個小鎮的男孩眼中的日常生活上。大部分學校照常上課,孩子們一如既往地打鬧。一些不幸的家庭遭受著極度貧困的折磨,讓孩子的母親不得不出賣自己的身體來養活一家人。另一些人卻乘機發著戰爭財,鑽律法的漏洞。電影展示在戰爭的背景之下人們真實的日常生活,讓觀眾更加體會到戰爭的殘酷。

A story of two 13-year-old boys in a small country village during the last days of the Korean War. Sungmin's father gets a job at US army camp through his daughter's American boyfriend, and the family gets richer. But Changhee's father has been long-lost and his mother can't even afford one meal a day for her children. One day, the boys peep into a deserted mill-house which is unofficially used for prostitution, and find out Changhee's mother with a GI soldier. Changhee sets fire to the place and runs away. Months later, Sungmin hears a rumor that his best friend has been killed by a group of angry American soldiers and makes an empty grave with other boys. A year later, Sungmin's father gets fired for stealing things from the camp. Sangmin goes to Changhee's grave to bid farewell and the family leaves the village.