



1991年和1994年畢業於蘭州大學生物系細胞生物學專業,分別獲理學學士和碩士學位。2003年畢業於復旦大學生化系,獲理學博士學位。2003-2005年赴法國國家科研中心(CNRS)植物分子生物學研究所(IBMP)從事博士后研究。2006-2009年,在德國馬普(Max Planck)發育生物研究所從事博士后研究。2009-2011年,在海德堡大學幹細胞生物學系工作。2011年加入中國科技大學生命科學學院。




研究成果發表於 Nature, Nature Cell Biology, Development Cell, PNAS和 Plant Cell等國際著名期刊,4篇文章(3篇為第一作者)受到Faculty of 1000推薦和評價。
1.Zhao Z, Andersen SU, Ljung K, Dolezal K, Miotk A, Schultheiss SJ and Lohmann JU. Hormonal control of the shoot stem cell niche.Nature, 465: 1089-1092, 2010.
2.Zhao Z, Zhu Y, Erhardt M, Ruan Y, Shen WH. A Non-canonical Transferred DNA Insertion at the BRI1 Locus in Arabidopsis thaliana,J Integr Plant Biol., 51(4): 367-73, 2009.
3.Zhao Z, Yu Y, Meyer D, Wu C and Shen WH. Prevention of early flowering by expression of FLOWERING LOCUS C requires methylation of histone H3 K36,Nature Cell Biology, 7(12): 1256-60, 2005.
4.Zhao Z and Shen WH. Plants contain a high number of proteins showing sequence similarity to the animal SUV39H family of histone methyltransferases.Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci.1030: 661-669, 2004.
5.Zhao Z and Jia J-F. Selection of methionine-resistance variant of Medicago sativa.Acta Botanica Sinica. 39(10): 933-939, 1997
6.Zhao Z and Jia J-F. Selection of methionine-resistance variant of Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop.Acta Botanica Sinica. 38(4): 268-275, 1996
7.Zhao Z, Lin H and Jia J-F. The accumulation of organic osmotica of the salt-tolerant calli under the NaCl stress in Onobrychis viciaefolia.Journal of Lanzhou University. 30(suppl.): 36-39, 1994
8.Zhao Z and Jia J-F. Selection of NaCl-tolerant cell line of Medicago sativa and Onobrychis viciaefolia and analysis of their physiological and biochemical characteristics.Journal of Lanzhou University(Nature28(3): 109-114, 1992.