共找到10條詞條名為李晟的結果 展開
李晟研究員主要從事的研究包括視覺分類與知覺決策的神經機制,知覺決策與高層認知功能的互動,以及功能性腦成像的數據分析方法與建模。主要研究手段包括將功能性磁共振成像(fMRI),腦電(EEG),與心理物理相結合的方式,並輔以機器學習等多種計算方法。李晟研究員在國際學術刊物上發表論文多篇,包括Neuron,Journal of Neuroscience,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks等權威性雜誌。
1. 視覺分類與知覺決策的神經機制。
2. 功能性腦成像的方法與建模,多模態功能性腦成像(fMRI, EEG, MEG)技術。
3. 視覺神經編碼機制。
Li,S., Mayhew,S., Kourtzi,Z. (2012) Learning shapes spatiotemporal brain patterns for flexible categorical decisions. Cerebral Cortex (in press).
Mayhew,S.†, Li,S.†, Kourtzi,Z. (2012) Learning acts on distinct processes for visual form perception in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience 32:775–786. (†co-first authors)
Li,S. (2011) Multivariate pattern analysis in functional brain imaging. Acta Physiologica Sinica 63: 472−476.
Peterson,MF., Das,K., Sy,JL., Li,S., Giesbrecht,B., Kourtzi,Z., Eckstein,MP. (2010) Ideal observer analysis for task normalization of pattern classifier performance applied to EEG and fMRI data. J Opt Soc Am A, 27: 2670-2683.
Chen,D.†, Li,S.†, Kourtzi,Z., Wu,S. (2010) Behavior-constrained support vector machines for fMRI data analysis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 21:1680-1685. (†co-first authors)
Das,K., Li,S., Giesbrecht,B., Kourtzi,K., Eckstein,MP. (2010) Predicting perceptual performance from neural activity. In Advances in Understanding Human Performance: Neuroergonomics, Human Factors Design, and Special Populations. T. Marek, W. Karwowski, V. Rice Eds. CRC Press.
Mayhew,S., Li,S., Storrar,J., Tsvetanov,K., Kourtzi,Z. (2010) Learning shapes the representation of visual categories in the aging human brain. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22:2913-2925.
Duncan,K., Hadjipapas,A., Li,S., Kourtzi,Z., Bagshaw,A., Barnes,G. (2010) Identifying spatially overlapping local cortical networks with MEG. Human Brain Mapping 31:1003-1016.
Li,S., Mayhew,S., Kourtzi,Z. (2009) Learning shapes the representation of behavioral choice in the human brain. Neuron 62:441-452.
Preston,T., Li,S., Kourtzi,Z., Welchman,A. (2008) Multivoxel pattern selectivity for perceptually relevant binocular disparities in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience 28:11315–11327.
Ostwald,D., Lam,J., Li,S., Kourtzi,Z. (2008) Neural coding of global form in the human visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 99:2456-2469.
Li,S., Ostwald,D., Giese,MA., Kourtzi,Z. (2007) Flexible coding for categorical decisions in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience 27:12321-12330.
Li,S., Wu,S. (2007) Robustness of neural codes and its implication on natural image processing. Cognitive Neurodynamics 1:261-272.
Williams,P., Li,S., Feng,J., Wu,S. (2007) A geometrical method to improve performance of the support vector machine. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 18:942-947.
Williams,P., Li,S., Feng, J. and Wu,S. (2005) Scaling the kernel function to improve performance of the support vector machine. Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3496: pp. 831-836.
Li,S., Wu,S. (2005) On the variability of cortical neural responses: a statistical interpretation. Neurocomputing 65:409-414.