



榮獲2006年英國生態學會“Young Author Investigator Prize”國際獎,2009年度“全國百篇優秀博士論文”提名獎以及2010年“教育部新世紀優秀人才”支持計劃,2013年獲得國家自然科學基金委優秀青年基金項目資助。現為《生物多樣性》雜誌編委,並為《Ecology Letters》、《Journal of Ecology》、《Plos One》、《Acta Oecologica》、《Plant Ecology》、《Polish Journal of Ecology》、《Journal of Plant Ecology》、《生態學報》、《植物生態學報》、《生物多樣性》等多種雜誌審稿。


鄧建明教授主要從事植物個體間相互作用和植物代謝生態理論方面的研究。對森林、荒漠灌木群落以及草本作物中個體的異速生長指數和代謝速率異速指數對環境變化和競爭強度的響應機制進行了較系統、深入的研究。其中部分研究成果已發表在國際著名學術刊物PNAS(2篇)、Journal of Ecology、Plos One等雜誌上,而且受到國內外學者的一致好評。




(* 表示通訊作者):
Deng,J.M.,Ran,J.Z.,Wang,Z.Q.,Fan,Z.X., Wang, G.X.,Ji,M.F.,Liu, J., Wang,Y.,Liu, J.Q. and Brown,J.H.2012.Models and tests of optimal density and maximal yield for crop plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA.(Early Edition)
Deng, J.M.,Zuo, W.Y., Wang, Z.Q., Fan,Z.X., Wang, G.X., Ran, J.Z., Zhao,C.M., Liu, J.Q., Niklas, K.J., Hammond,S.T. and Brown,J.H.2012.Insights into plant size-density relationships from models and agricultural crops. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 109: 8600-8605.
Deng, J.M., Wang, G.X., Morris, E.C., Wei, X.P., Li, D.X., Chen, B.M., Zhao, C.M., Liu, J., and Wang, Y. 2006. Plant mass-density relationship along a moisture gradient in north-west China. Journal of Ecology 94: 953-958.
Deng, J.M., Li, T., Wang, G.X. Yu, Z.L., Ji, M.F., Zhang, Q. and Liu, J.Q. 2008. Trade-offs between the Metabolic Rate and Population Density of Plants. PLoS One, 3 (3): 1799.
Chang, M.Z., Wang, G.X., Wei, X.P., Deng J.-M., Cheng, D.L. 2007. Effects of groundwater depth variation on photosynthesis and photoprotection of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Trees-structure and functions, 21, 55-63.
Chen, B.M., Wang, G.X., Cheng, D.L., Deng, J.M., Pen, S.L., An, F.B. 2007. Vegetation Change and Soil Nutrient Distribution along an Oasis-desert Transitional Zone in Northwestern China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49, 1537-1547.
Yuan, B.C., Xue, X.G., Li, Z.Z., Gao, T.P., Gao, M., Fan, X.W., Deng, J.M. 2007. Microbial biomass and activity in alkalized magnesic soils under arid conditions. Soil biology and Biochemistry, 39, 3004-3013.
Wang Y., Deng, J.M., Li T. et al. 2008. Spatial Distribution of Leaf form and the Self-thinning Exponent are Affected by the Sensitivity of the Response to Abscisic acid in an Arabidopsis thaliana Population. Journal of plant biology, 51 (1), 64-73.
Wei X.P., Pan X..Y., Zhao C.M., and Deng J.M. 2008. Response of Three Donemant Shrubs to Soil water and Groundwater along Oasis-Desert Ecotone in Northwest China. Russian Journal of Ecology, 2008, 39 (7), 475–482.
Li,T., Deng, J.M., Wang, G.X., Cheng, D.L. and Yu, Z.L. 2009. Isometric scaling relationship between leaf number and size within current-tear shoots of woody species across contrasting habitats. Polish journal of ecology, 57 (4), 659-667.
Wu, F,J., Yu, Z.L., Wei, X.P., Deng, J.M., Li, T., Zhao, C.M. and Wang, G.X. 2010. Relationship between groundwater depth and pattern of net primary production in oasis-desert ecotone. Polish journal of ecology, 58, 681-692.
Deng, J.M., Wang, G.X.. and Wei, X.P. 2006. The advance of metabolic regulation studies for macroscopical ecology processes. Acta Ecologica Sinica (In Chinese with English Abstract), 26, 3413-3423.
Deng, J.M., Zhang, XY., Wang, G.X. Wei, X.P. and Zhao, C.M. 2006. The relationship between the energy use and densities of spring wheat under the different moisture levels. Acta Ecologica Sinica (In Chinese with English Abstract), 26, 2281-2287.
Zhang, Q., Ma, R.Y., Ji, M.F. and Deng, J.M.﹡2008. Advances of species richness regulated by the metabolic rate. Biodiversity Science (In Chinese with English Abstract), 5, 437-445.
Zhao, C.M., Wei, X.P., Yu, Q.S., Deng, J.M., Cheng, D.L. and Wang, G.X. 2005. Photosyn thet ic characteristics of Nitrariatangu torum and Haloxylon ammodendron in the ecotone between oasis and desert in Minqin, Region, Country. Acta Ecologica Sinica (In Chinese with English Abstract), 25 (8), 1909-1913.
Deng, J.M. and Wang, G.X.. 2005. Ecological Measure of Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Arid Areas of China. Science and Technology Review (In Chinese with English Abstract), 7, 51-55.
Ji, M.F., Zhang, X.W., Wang, Z.Q., Zhang, Q., Deng, J.M*. 2011. Intra–versus interpopulation variation of cone and seed morphological traits of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. in northern China: impact of climate-related conditions. Polish journal of ecology, 59: 381-389.
Zhang, Q. Wang, Z.Q., Ji, M.F., Fan, Z.X., Deng, J.M*. 2011. Patterns of species richness in relation to temperature, taxonomy and spatial scale in eastern China. Acta Oecologica 37 (4), pg. 307-313.
Yao,B.Q., Deng, J.M. and Liu, J.Q.* 2011. Variations between Diploids and Tetraploids of Allium przewalskianum, an Important Vegetable and/or Condiment in the Himalayas. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 8: 1-6.


生態代謝理論作為近十年來迅速發展起來的新理論體系,它極大地推動了生態學的快速發展也已成為全球眾多學者研究和關注的焦點。最近幾年來,我們始終立足於我國西北獨特的生態環境,緊扣全球對該理論及其相關研究領域的最前沿動態。我們已取得了一系列的顯著研究成果,主要有:1)對在乾旱極端環境條件下,基於代謝理論的植物種群競爭理論(自疏法則)和能量平衡法則(Energy equivalence law)進行了修正和完善;2)提出了在不同環境條件下,植物個體代謝速率與種群密度間存在權衡關係(Trade-offs relationship),並得到了很好的實驗驗證;3)建立了植物冠層隨種群密度或競爭強度增加植物個體對資源利用速率或生長速率變化的模型,進而預測了植物個體平均生物量-密度間異速指數和代謝速率-個體大小間異速指數的變化規律;4)我們還基於植物生長模型和代謝理論建立了植物種群最適密度模型,可以用於預測不同物種在不同成熟個體大小狀況下的最適密度;我們也基於代謝理論對物種多樣性-環境溫度-面積大小間比例關係進行了修正和完善。近年來,發表論文今20篇,其中以第一作者在國際著名期刊Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS)、Journal of Ecology和PLoS ONE 等雜誌上發表研究論文。先後主持教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”、國家自然科學基金青年項目、教育部科學技術重點項目及春暉計劃等課題7項;參與國家自然科學基金重點項目1項和國際合作項目2項。


2、英國生態學會2006年度“青年學者”國際獎(Young Author Investigator Prize)


曾為《Ecology Letters》、 《Journal of Ecology》、 《Acta Oecologica》、《Plant Ecology》、《Journal of Plant Ecology》、《Polish Journal of Ecology》《植物生態學報》、《生物多樣性》等雜誌審稿。