

張文星:男,電子科技大學副教授。研究方向:凸優化 變分不等式及其應用.


·2014/02-2015/02 圖盧茲大學(ITAV-CNRS, Université de Toulouse, France) 博士后(Post-doc.)
·2009/09-2012/06 南京大學數學系(Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University) 博士(Ph. D)
·2006/09-2009/06 南京師範大學數學科學學院(School of Mathematical Sciences, Nanjing Normal University) 碩士(M. Sc)
·2002/09-2006/06 山東師範大學數學科學學院(Department of Mathematics, Shandong Normal University) 本科(B. Sc


P. Escande, P. Weiss, and W.X. Zhang, A variational model for multiplicative structured noise removal, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, to appear,
Y.H. Dai, D.R. Han, X.M. Yuan, and W.X. Zhang, A sequential updating scheme of Lagrange multiplier for separable convex programming, Mathematics of Computation, 86 (2017) 315-343
W.X. Zhang, J. Fehrenbach, A. Desmaison, V. Lobjois, B. Ducommun, and P. Weiss, Structure tensor based analysis of cells and nuclei organization in tissues, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 35(1) (2016) 294-306
D.R. Han, W.W. Kong, and W.X. Zhang, A partial splitting augmented Lagrangian method for low-patch-rank image decomposition, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,51(1) (2015) 145-160
D.R. Han, X.M. Yuan, and W.X. Zhang,An augmented Lagrangian based parallel splitting method for separable convex minimization with applications to image processing, Mathematics of Computation,83(289), (2014), 2263–2291
W.X. Zhang, D.R. Han, and Z.B. Li, A self-adaptive projection method for multiple-sets split feasibility problem, Inverse Problems, 25, (2009) 115001
M.K. Ng, X.M. Yuan, and W.X. Zhang, A coupled variational image decomposition and restoration model for blurred cartoon+texture images with missing pixels, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22(6) (2013) 2233-2246
B.S. He, X.M. Yuan,and W.X. Zhang, A customized proximal point algorithm for convex minimization with linear constraints, Computational Optimization and Applications, 56 (2013) 559-572
D.R. Han,X.M. Yuan, W.X. Zhang and X.J. Cai, An ADM-based splitting method for separable convex programming, Computational Optimization and Applications, 54 (2013) 343-369
W.X. Zhang, D.R. Han and ­X.M. Yuan, An efficient simultaneous method for constrained multiple-sets split feasibility problem, Computational Optimization and Applications,52 (2012) 825-843
R.H. Chan, X.M. Yuan, and W.X. Zhang, Point spread function reconstruction in ground-based astronomy by l1-lp model, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 29 (2012) 2263-2271
M.K. Ng, H.Y.T. Ngan, X.M. Yuan, and W.X. Zhang, Lattice-based patterned fabric inspection by using total variation and sparsity with low-rank representations, SIAM Journal on Imaging Science, accepted


2014/01-2016/12: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11301055), 主持
2014/01-2015/12: The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities ( No. YGX2013J103),主持


線性代數與空間解析幾何, 凸優化方法