

《911調查報告》是Leigh Slawner執導,瑞特·蓋艾斯等參演的劇情片。影片主要聚焦了五個在9·11中倖存的個體的故事,對美國政府進行了抨擊,同時也包含了一些關於9·11事件的調查資料。


The 9/11 commission report "simply cannot be trusted," concludes this retired Claremont School of Theology professor. Following up on his call for an official investigation in The New Pearl Harbor (2004), Griffin revisits the cataclysmic events and deconstructs the government's probe. He offers two mind-numbing versions of an "alternative conspiracy theory": that the Bush administration "deliberately" failed to prevent the attacks or, more chillingly, "was actively involved in the planning and execution of the attacks." Why? To spur the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and the occupation of their valuable oil and natural gas resources. Embracing the complicity theory, Griffin claims the 9/11 Commission's report, labeled the Kean-Zelikow Report here to underline the White House allegiances of its Republican chairman and director, was neither thorough nor non-partisan but rather a "cover-up" designed to back up the Bush administration's view of the day's events. Among the problems Griffin says the commissioners fail to address are discrepancies in the hijackers' identities; the behavior exhibited by President Bush and his Secret Service contingent in Florida; and the charges of obstruction by higher-ups made by FBI agent Coleen Rowley and other mid-level officials. In fact, "revisionism" was the Commission's major goal, argues the author, since the report reconstructs the timelines of the hijackings, officials' teleconferences and the plane crashes to absolve the military of mishandling …


JackJeff Denton
ValerieSarah Lieving
SamChriss Anglin


Asylum, The
Asylum, The(2006) (worldwide) (all media)
Global Asylum, The(2006) (worldwide) (all media)