



吳義誠,浙江大學語言與認知研究中心教授,英國愛丁堡大學語言學博士,博士生導師。工作研究領域包括語言學理論;句法, 語義, 語用及其之間的界面;語言與認知;詞典編撰。目前的主要研究興趣為句法與語義及語用的界面(syntax-semantics and syntax-pragmatics interfaces),其次對雙語詞典編撰和雙語轉換的認知過程也有一定的興趣。曾任《柯林斯英漢·漢英詞典》首席編委,並在 Linguistic Inquiry、Lingua、Journal of Pragmatics、Discourse Studies 等國際語言學專業期刊上發表數篇論文。


1. Syntax
2. Semantics
3. Pragmatics


2011. The Interpretation of Copular Constructions in Chinese: Semantic Underspecification and Pragmatic Enrichment. Lingua 121(4): 851-870.
2011. Towards a Dynamic Typology of Passives. In The Dynamics of Lexical Interfaces, eds. by R. Kempson, E. Gregoromichelaki and C. Howes, pp.129-159. Stanford: CSLI publications.
2011 (with J. Chen). Less Well-behaved Pronouns: Singular they in English and Plural ta in Chinese. Journal of Pragmatics 43(1): 407-410.
2011 (with R. Cann). The Passive Construction in Chinese: A Dynamic Account. In The Dynamics of Lexical Interfaces, eds. by R. Kempson, E. Gregoromichelaki and C. Howes, pp.339-379. Stanford: CSLI publications.
2010 (with J. Chen and H. Huang). Aspects of Pragmatic Referentiality. Journal of Pragmatics 42(3): 870-874.
2010 (with S. Matthews). How Different Are Expletive and Referential Pronouns? A Parsing Perspective. Lingua 120(7): 1805-1820.
2009 (with J. Chen and H. Huang). Topic Expression, Information Saliency and Anaphora Resolution. Journal of Pragmatics 41(9): 1103-1107.
2009 (with A. Bodomo). Classifiers ≠ Determiners. Linguistic Inquiry 40(3): 487-503.
2010 (contributor). Oxford Chinese Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2007 (contributor). Oxford Beginner's Chinese Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2004 (principal editor). Collins Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. Glasgow, London and New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

