



在黃亮數年如一日的堅持和努力下,工作室如今發展成為國內著名的紀實婚禮攝影工作室——LEON WONG Studio,並且作品屢獲國際獎項,在2013年入圍WPJA(國際婚禮紀實攝影協會)年度世界十大婚禮攝影師。他曾受邀拍攝李小璐賈乃亮蔣勤勤陳建斌田亮葉一茜辛柏青朱媛媛戚薇李承鉉等眾多明星的婚禮及家庭生活。




2014年LEON WONG Studio入駐杭州拱墅區運河廣告創意產業園區。工作室坐擁350 ㎡畫廊式空間——LEON WONG Gallery,集辦公區、會客區、放映廳、影棚、畫廊於一體,簡約空間設計帶來獨特參觀體驗。未來在這裡將會不定期舉辦影展、開設工作坊等活動。


• WPJA 2013年度世界十大婚禮攝影師
• 首個在WPJA全球紀實婚禮攝影師協會比賽中奪冠的中國攝影師
• 佳能CPS影像大使
• 《時尚新娘》Top50最有影響力華人婚禮人


• 2013 WPJA Q1 Weather——1st Place
LEON WONG 婚禮紀實攝影作品
LEON WONG 婚禮紀實攝影作品
Judges Comment:The water droplets juxtaposed with the bride’s smile made this photo a great moment.
Judges Comment: The contrast of the cool exterior light and the warmth of the yellow interior light emphasizes the chill of winter. The bride looks beautiful and unfazed by the bad weather. Nice moment.
Beautiful expression of a bride who won’t let rain affect her day.
• 2013 WPJA Q1 Ceremony——4th Place
2013 WPJA Q1 Ceremony 4th Place
2013 WPJA Q1 Ceremony 4th Place
Judges Comment:Loved looking at the emotions on the bridesmaids faces, with only one fighting away tears. Their dresses complimented the the draping of the background which added the the visual appeal.
• 2013 WPJA Q2 Emotion——3rd Place
Judges Comment:Unexpected perspective. Nice moment. Emotion carries it.
Judges Comment: A nice moment, shot from inside the car, framing the contrasts of emotion between the bride and person outside.
• 2013 WPJA Q2 Lit Portrait——5th Place
2013 WPJA Q2 Lit Portrait 5th Place
2013 WPJA Q2 Lit Portrait 5th Place
Judges Comment:Nice framing with the bride and groom against the evening lights of the city. It gives me a little feeling of vertigo.
• 2012 AGWPJA Q4 Kids——5th Place
2012 AGWPJA Q4 Kids 5th Place
2012 AGWPJA Q4 Kids 5th Place
The little girl has a great expression that is framed perfectly by the kissing couple. I applaud the photographer for looking past the obvious kissing picture to see the little girl.
• 2011 AGWPJA Q3 Getting Ready——1st Place
2011 AGWPJA Q3 Getting Ready 1st Place
2011 AGWPJA Q3 Getting Ready 1st Place
Judges Comment:The three silhouette women create a very strong graphic appeal especially with the hint of color behind the women on the right side of the frame. Additionally the gesture created by each women is really a nice added touch.
Judges Comment:I liked the mood created by the silhouettes. I liked the framing of the windows and the body language. It combined the documentary and the artistic sides of photography to create a moody and compelling image.
• 2014 ISWPJA Q2 Details——6th Place
• 2013 AGWPJA Q3 Reception Ambiance——12th Place
• 2013 ISWPJA Q3 Venue or Location——13rd Place
• 2013 WPJA Q1 Weather——11th Place
• 2013 WPJA Q1 Getting Ready——15th Place
• 2012 WPJA Q3 Lit Portrait——12th Place
• 2012 ISWPJA Q4 Venue or Location——4th Place
• 2012 ISWPJA Q3 Family Love——6th Place
• 2012 ISWPJA Q2 Bridal Party Portrait——7th Place
• 2012 ISWPJA Q2 First Dance——11th Place


美國中文電視電視專訪 黃亮:理工男變身頂級婚禮攝影師
攝影之友:婚禮攝影師Leon Wong的決定性瞬間
蜂鳥網:一切源於堅持紀實 解密婚禮攝影師養成記
婚禮風尚:人生如水不在於形,而在於心——紀實婚禮攝影師Leon Wong專訪