現任職稱(職務):教授,博士生導師,現在任職於Mineral Physics Institute, Stony Brook University. 北京大學長江學者講座教授。
1. Li, B. and R.C. Liebermann (2014) Study of the Earth's interior using measurements of sound velocities in minerals by ultrasonic interferometry, Phy Earth Planet Interior (invited review, accepted)
2. Kung, J., and B. Li (2014) Lattice dynamics towards the onset of phase transition in orthopyroxene (FeSiO3), J. of Phys. Chem. C (in press)
3. Zou, Y., X. Qi, X. Wang, T. Chen, D. Welch, B. Li (2014), Thermoelastic behavior of Niobium, J App Phy., (submitted)
4. He, Q., X. Liu, B. Li, L. Deng, L. Wang (2014), Thermal equation of state of a natural kyanite up to 8.55 GPa and 1273 K, Am Min., (submitted).
5. Jacobsen, M., W. Liu, B. Li (2014), Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance with Pressure in Ce0.8Fe3CoSb12.1 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids(in press).
6. Zou, Y. et al. (2014), Unusual pressure effect on the shear modulus in MgAl2O4 spinel. J. of Phys. Chem. C, doi.org/10.1021/jp404901a.
7. Fan, D. W., Ma, M. N., Wei, S. Y., Li, B. S., Chen, Z. Q., Xie, H. S.(2013) In-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of scorodite at high pressure, High Temperatures-High Pressures, 42, 203-209.
8. Fan, D., S. Wei, M. Ma, Z. Chen, B. Li, and H. Xie (2013) High-pressure elastic behavior of Ca4La6(SiO4)6(OH)2 a synthetic rare-earth silicate apatite: a powder X-ray diffraction study up to 9.33 GPa, Phy. Chem. Min., DOI 10.1007/s00269-013-0626-0
9. Li, B., J. Kung, W. Liu, and R.C. Liebermann (2013) Phase stability and elasticity of enstatite under pressure from experiments and first-principles studies, Phys. Earth. Planet. Interi., (available on line).
10. Wei, S., M. Ma , D. Fang, W. Zhou, B. Li , Z. Chen , H. Xie (2013), In situ high pressure X-ray diffraction study of mimetite and pyromorphite, Compressibility of mimetite and pyromorphite at high pressure, High Pressure Research, DOI:10.1080/08957959, 2013, 765003.
11. Jacobsen, M., W. Liu, and B. Li (2013) Sound velocities of PbTe to 14 GPa: evidence for coupling between acoustic and optic phonons, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 25, 365402, doi:10.1088/0953-8984/25/36/365402.
12. He, Q., X. Liu, B. Li, L. Deng, Z. Chen, X. Liu, and H. Wang (2013) Expansivity and compressibility of strontium and barium flourapatites: significance of the M-cations, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals Phys Chem Minerals, DOI 10.1007/s00269-013-0576-6).
13. Jacobsen, M., W. Liu, and B. Li, Measurement Setup for the Simultaneous Determination of Diffusivity and Seebeck coefficient in a Multi-Anvil Apparatus, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 093903 (2012)
14. Li X, Q. He, L. Deng, S. Zhai, X. Hu, B. Li, L. Zhang, Z. Chen, Q. Liu (2011), Equation of state of CAS phase to pressure of the uppermost lower mantle at ambient temperature, Science China, 54, 1394-1399, doi: 10.1007/s11430-011-4262-6.
15. Liu, W., Q. Zeng, Q. Jiang, L. Wang, and B. Li. Density and elasticity of Zr46Cu37.6Ag8.4Al8 bulk metallic glass at high pressure, Scripta Materialia, 65, 497-500,2011.
16. He, Q., X Liu. X. Hu, L. Deng, Z. Chen, B. Li, Y. Fei, Solid solution between lead fluorapatite and lead fluorvanadate apatite: compressibility determined by using a diamond-anvil cell coupled with synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Phy. Chem Min., OI: 10.1007/s00269-011-0477-5, 2011.
17. Lin, Z., J. Zhang, B. Li, L. Wang, H-K Mao, R. Hemley, Y. Zhao (2011), Superhard and tough diamond/WC nanocomposites, App Phys Lett.,98, 121914 ,doi:10.1063/1.3570645,2011.
18. Liu, X., W. Liu, Q. He, L. Deng, H.J. Wang, D. W. He, B. Li (2011), Isotropic thermal expansivity and anisotropic compressibility of ReB2, Chin.. Phys. Lett, , 28, 036401.
19. Liu, W., Whitaker, M., Q. Liu, N. Nishiyama, Y. Wang, A. Kubo, T. Duffy, B. Li (2011), Thermal Equation of State of CaIrO3 Post-Perovskite, Phys. Chem. Min, DOI: 10.1007/s00269-010-0414-z)
20. Ehm, L. , M. Vaughan, T. Duffy, Z. Liu, L. Wang, B. Li, D.J. Weidner, Z. Chen, S. Ghose, and Z. Zhong (2010), High-Pressure Research at the National Synchrotron Light Source, Synch. Rad. News, 23: 3, 24 -30.
21. Liu W., J. Qing, Q. Li, B. Li (2011), Synchrotron X-ray study of filledskutterudites CeFe4Sb12 and Ce0.8Fe3CoSb12, Physica: B, 406 52-55.
22. Li, B., D. Neuville (2010), Elasticity of Diopside to 8 GPa and 1073K, Phys. Earth. Planet. Interior. 183, 398-403.
23. Liu, Q., W. Liu, M. Whitaker, L. Wang, B. Li (2010) Ultrasonic study of fayalite-spinel phase transition at high pressure, Am. Min. 95, 1000-1005.
24. Li, B., Characteristics of lateral heterogeneities with thermal and chemical origins in pyrolite lower mantle (2009), Progress in Natural Science 19, 1603-1611, 2009.
25. Uchida, T., Y. Wang, N. Nishiyama, K. Funakoshi, H. Kenko, A. Nozawa, R van Dreele, M. Rivers, S. R. Sutton, A. Yamada, A. Kumimoto, T. Irifune, T. Inoue, B. Li (2009) Non-cubic crystal symmetry of CaSiO3 perovskite up to 18 GPa 1600K, Earth Planet Sci. Lett, 282, 268-274.
26. Whitaker, M., W. Liu, Q. Liu, L. Wang, B. Li (2009), Theroelasticity of e-FeSi to 12 GPa 1273K, Am. Min., 94,1039-1044.
27. Liu, W., Q., Liu, M. Whitaker, L. Wang, B. Li, Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Elasticity of Molybdenum to 12 GPa (2009), J. App. Phy.
28. Antao, S., C.J. Benmore, B. Li, L. Wang, E. Bychkov, and J. Parise (2008), Network rigidity in GeSe2 glass at high pressure, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 115501.
29. Bass, J., S. Sinogeikin, B. Li (2008), Elastic properties of minerals: A key for understanding the composition and temperature of Earth's interior, Elements DOI: 10.2113/GSELEMENTS .4.3.165, 165-170.
30. Higo, Y., T. Inoue, T. Irifune, K. Funakoshi, B. Li (2008) Elastic wave velocities of (Mg0.91Fe0.09)2SiO4 ringwoodite under P-T condition of the mantle transition region, Phys Earth. Planet Interi. , 66, 167-174.
31. Lee, S.K., J. Lin, Yong Cai, N. Hiraoka, P. J. Eng, T. Okuchi, H-K Mao, M. J. Hu, P. Chow, J. Shu, B. Li, H. Fukui, B. Lee, H. Kim, C-S Yoo (2008), Oxygen coordination transformation in MgSiO3 melts in the Earth's interior, PNAS, 105 no. 23, 7925-7929.
32. Liu W., J. Kung, L. Wang, B. Li (2008) Thermoelasticity of CaGeO3 to 10 GPa 1273K, Am. Min.,; 93; no. 5-6; p. 745-750; DOI: 10.2138/am.2008.2428.
33. Liu, W, B. Li (2008) Elasticity of amorphous zirconium tungstate at high pressure, App. Phy. Lett., 93, 191904; DOI:10.1063/1.3023049
34. Liu, W., Kung, J., Li, B., Nishiyama, N.,Wang, Y., (2008) Elasticity of (Mg0.87Fe0.13)2SiO4 wadsleyite to 12 GPa, 1073 K, Phys Earth Planet. Interi., doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2008.10.020.
35. Liu, W., L. Wang, B. Li, J. Zhang, Y. Zhao (2008), Ultrasonic study of Zr across a-w phase transition, J App. Phy., 104, 076102; DOI:10.1063/1.2987001.
36. Liu, Q., W. Liu, M. Whitaker, L. Wang, and B. Li (2008), Compressional and shear wave velocities of Fe2SiO4 spinel at high pressure and high temperature, High Pressure Research, 28:3,405-413.
37. Schneider, B., W. Liu, B. Li (2008) Searching for post perovskite transition in CaSnO3 at high pressure: an ultrasonic velocity study to 18 GPa, High Pressure Research, 28:3,397-404.
38. Whitaker, M., W., Liu, Q. Liu, L. Wang, B. Li (2008), Combined in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and ultrasonic interferometry study of -FeSi at high pressure and temperature, High Pressure Research, 28:3,385-395.
39. Whitaker, M., W. Liu, Q. Liu, L. Wang, B. Li, (2008), Theroelasticity of e-FeSi to 12 GPa 1273K, Am. Min., (accepted)
40. Uchida, T., Y. Wang, N. Nishiyama, K. Funakoshi, H. Kenko, A. Nozawa, R van Dreele, M. Rivers, S. R. Sutton, A. Yamada, A. Kumimoto, T. Irifune, T. Inoue, B. Li (2008) The crystal symmetry of CaSiO3 perovskite up to 18 GPa 1600K, Phy. Rev, B.
41. Zhang, J., B. Li, Y. Zhao (2008) Pressure-induced shear-mode elastic softening in orthorhombic BaCe1-xYxO3-0.5x perovskite, High Pressure Research, Vol. 28, No. 3, 415-421.