共找到4條詞條名為納什維爾的結果 展開
- 美國田納西州首府
- 2012年R.J.卡特勒執導電視劇
- 1975年美國電影
- 納什維爾
角色 | 演員 | 配音 |
Haven Hamilton | 亨利·吉布森 | 亨利·吉布森 |
Connie White | 凱倫·布萊克 | 凱倫·布萊克 |
Barbara Jean | 瑞妮·布拉克利 | 瑞妮·布拉克利 |
Tom Frank | 基思·卡拉丹 | 基思·卡拉丹 |
Opal | 傑拉丁·卓別林 | 傑拉丁·卓別林 |
Delbert Reese | 尼德·巴蒂 | 尼德·巴蒂 |
導演 | 羅伯特·奧特曼 |
副導演(助理) | 阿倫·蘭多夫/Tommy Thompson |
編劇 | Joan Tewkesbury |
攝影 | Paul Lohmann |
剪輯 | Dennis M. Hill/Sidney Levin |
造型設計 | Ann Wadlington |
服裝設計 | Jules Melillo |
布景師 | Robert M.Anderson |
發行 | 派拉蒙家庭視頻公司 |
上映/發行日期 | 國家/地區 |
1975年6月11日 | 美國 |
1975年12月12日 | 瑞典 |
1975年12月12日 | 芬蘭 |
1976年3月12日 | 西德 |
1976年4月15日 | 荷蘭 |
2000年10月5日 | 澳大利亞 |
Howard K. Smith: [on a television news broadcast] Little more than a year ago, a man named Hal Phillip Walker excited a group of college students with some questions. "Have you stood on a high and windy hill and heard the acorns drop and roll? Have you walked in the valley beside the brook, walked alone and remembered? Does Christmas smell like oranges to you?" Within a commencement speech, such questions were fitting, perhaps, but hardly the material with which to launch a presidential campaign. Even those who pay close attention to politics probably saw Hal Phillip Walker and his Replacement Party as a bit of frost on the hillside. Summer, if not late spring, would surely do away with all that. Well, now that summer, along with presidential primaries, is heavy upon us and the frost is still there, perhaps we should take a closer look. Hal Phillip Walker is, in a way, a mystery man. Out of nowhere with a handful of students and scarcely any pros, he's managed to win three presidential primaries and is given a fighting chance to take a fourth - Tennessee. A win in that state would take on added significance, for only once in the last fifty years has Tennessee failed to vote for the winning presidential candidate. No doubt many Americans, especially party-liners, wish that Hal Phillip Walker would go away, disappear like the natural frost and come again at some more convenient season. But wherever he may be going, it seems sure that Hal Phillip Walker is not going away. For there is genuine appeal, and it must be related to the raw courage of this man. Running for President, willing to battle vast oil companies, eliminate subsidies to farmers, tax churches, abolish the Electoral College, change the National Anthem, and remove lawyers from government - especially from Congress. Well at this point, it would be wise to say most of us don't know the answer to Hal Phillip Walker. But to answer one of his questions, as a matter of fact, Christmas has always smelled like oranges to me.
奧斯卡獎-最佳原創歌曲基思·卡拉丹 Keith Carradine
奧斯卡獎-最佳影片羅伯特·奧特曼 Robert Altman
奧斯卡獎-最佳女配角瑞妮·布拉克利 Ronee Blakley
奧斯卡獎-最佳女配角莉莉·湯普琳 Lily Tomlin
奧斯卡獎-最佳導演羅伯特·奧特曼 Robert Altman