共找到4條詞條名為Hello Hello的結果 展開

Hello Hello

Lady GaGa演唱歌曲

Lady GaGa與Elton John(埃爾頓·約翰)將合作錄製一首名為《Hello, Hello》的歌曲,這首歌曲也將成為迪斯尼公司最新電影動畫電影《Gnomeo & Juliet》(吉諾密歐與朱麗葉)的主題曲。這首歌曲將會在電影中吉諾密歐與朱麗葉第一次見面時首次響起。這部電影將於明年公映,James McAvoy,Emily Blunt,Maggie Smith,Jason Statham以及Sir Michael Caine都將獻聲這部電影中。


GaGa與埃爾頓·約翰自去年在格萊美獎頒獎典禮上的表演之後就成為了親密的朋友,GaGa也表示她一度受到了埃爾頓·約翰的很多影響。John評價GaGa的《Born This Way》“將會使經典之作《I Will Survive》從音樂版圖上抹去”。
這首單曲可以說讓二人眾多的粉絲盼望已久。早在今年10月份的時候,GaGa就在自己的Twitter上透露:“我跟Elton的合唱單曲《Hello Hello》已經進入了最後的製作階段。這首歌聽起來棒極了。等最後的製作完成後,就能成為電影配樂啦。”
如果你想聽到GaGa與Elton John(埃爾頓·約翰)的最新二重唱,恐怕只能買一張電影票了。
這首名為《Hello Hello》的歌曲是動畫版《Gnomeo & Juliet》(吉諾密歐與朱麗葉)中的歌曲,GaGa與Elton John聯手為影片進行了演唱,不過這首歌你只能在電影里聽到,由於唱片公司的緣故,這首歌不會進行電台宣傳。
Elton John在採訪中透露說去年他們曾共同參加了在倫敦舉行的一場慈善演出,他邀請GaGa跟他一起在動畫片中進行演唱。本來這首歌可以收錄在GaGa即將出爐的新專輯《Born This Way》中,但由於唱片公司方面的一些問題,歌迷們將無緣在新專輯中聽到這首歌。
動畫片《Gnomeo & Juliet》將於2月11日登陸各大影院,該影片的原聲碟則將於2月8日發行。


[Elton John]:
I feel I'm feeling light
And I'm up to see the sights
Ain't life a many splendored thing?
[Lady GaGa]:
Ducking up and down
All those crazy sights and sounds
Bounce around like puppets on a string
Never gonna find, anything to change my mind
Famous last lines of a fool
[Elton John]:
Just when you think
Your chain is just one link
Something comes to tip you off to your stool
Hello hello
Hello hello
Oh my my, what have we here?
What a surprise
What a surprise!
[Lady GaGa]:
Hello, Hello
Hello, Hello
I'm not alone it's good to know
[Elton John]:
Someone dropped right in to say hello
[Elton John]:
Do a dizzy dance
Twirl around and take a chance
Nothing's easy
Nothing comes for free
[Lady GaGa]:
Sniffing on a flower
Run through an autumn shower
I'm better off with someone else like me
Hello hello
Hello hello
Oh my my, what have we here?
What a surprise
What a surprise!
[Lady GaGa]:
Hello, Hello
Hello, Hello
I'm not alone it's good to know
[Elton John]:
Someone dropped right in to say hello
Hello hello
Hello hello
Oh my my, what have we here?
What a surprise
What a surprise!
[Lady GaGa]:
Hello, Hello
Hello, Hello
I'm not alone it's good to know
[Elton John]:
Someone dropped right in to say hello
Hello Hello
Hello hello
[Elton John]:
Oh my my, what have we here?
What a surprise
What a surprise!
[Lady GaGa]:
Hello, Hello
Hello, Hello
I'm not alone it's good to know
[Elton John]:
Someone dropped right in to say hello