



2009.1~2009.4,visiting scientist, Pennsylvania State University, US;


Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering編委
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Research編委
Journal of Computational Engineering編委


1. 鈦合金攪拌摩擦焊接構件顯微結構及力學性能預測中的計算方法,國家自然科學基金(11572074),2016-2019,負責人
2. 30t軸重八軸貨運電力機車主變壓器器身強度計算,中車大連機車廠項目,2015-2016,負責人
3. 機車主變壓器結構輕量化方案研究,中車大連機車廠項目,2016-2017,負責人
4. 出口奈及利亞機車車體方案優化設計及強度剛度與振動模態計算,中車大連機車廠項目,2016-2017,負責人
5. 再製造對象多物理場多尺度損傷演化模型,973項目‘機械裝備再製造的基礎科學問題’課題一(2011CB013401)子課題,2011-2016,負責人
6. 埋地管線抗震分析技術 & 關鍵部件服役安全性軟體平台開發,863項目‘核電站研究’課題‘壓水堆核電站長壽期安全運行關鍵技術’(2012AA050901)子課題,2012-2014,負責人
7. 基於性能預測的攪拌摩擦焊接計算方法研究,國家自然科學基金(11172057),2012-2015,負責人
8. 基於永磁電機牽引系統動車組牽引變壓器安裝梁模擬計算及優化,南車青島四方機車車輛股份有限公司項目,2012-2013,負責人
9. XX-X三維建模和傳遞關係分析,運載火箭研究院項目,2011-2012,負責人
10. XX-XX力學環境條件分析及制定,運載火箭研究院項目,2011-2012,負責人
11. XX-XX剛度條件分析及制定,運載火箭研究院項目,2011-2012,負責人
12. XX-XX載荷條件分析及制定,運載火箭研究院項目,2011-2012,負責人
13. 全箭桌面級動力學模擬系統開發,運載火箭研究院項目,2011-2012,負責人
14. 自研優化分析軟體,運載火箭研究院項目,2011-2012,負責人
15. 機車製造中焊接熱變形預測、控制與矯正計算平台,遼寧省教育廳重點實驗室項目(LS2010033),2010-2012,負責人
16. 攪拌摩擦焊接的多尺度計算方法研究,國家自然科學基金項目(10802017),2009-2011,負責人
17. 星箭動間隙及界面低頻環境分析,運載火箭研究院項目,2010-2011,負責人
18. CZ-XX載荷計算複核,運載火箭研究院項目,2009-2010,負責人
19. CZ-XX構型力學環境條件複核,運載火箭研究院項目,2009-2010,負責人
20. 射孔槍現代設計技術在海洋石油開發中的應用,863項目(2006AA09Z326),2006-2009
21. 9600kW大功率交流傳動六軸貨運電力機車車體計算,大連機車廠項目,2007-2008
22. 9600kW大功率交流傳動六軸貨運電力機車主變壓器油箱強度計算,大連機車廠項目,2007-2008
23. 大型離心壓縮機葉輪可靠性研究,瀋陽鼓風機集團項目,2006-2008


1.攪拌摩擦焊接數值模擬 2. 增材製造(3D列印)數值模擬 3. 動車車體結構強度及疲勞 4. 再製造對象損傷演化 5. 壓水堆核電站長壽期安全運行關鍵技術 6. 運載火箭力學環境預示


1. 張昭,張洪武. 攪拌摩擦焊的數值模擬,北京:科學出版社,2016.
2. 張昭,蔡志勤. 有限元方法與應用,大連:大連理工大學出版社,2011.
1. Z. Zhang, Q. Wu, M. Grujicic, Z.Y. Wan. Monte Carlo Simulation of Grain Growth and Welding Zones in Friction Stir Welding of AA6082-T6, Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51:1882–1895.
2. Z. Zhang, Q. Wu. Prediction of tool fatigue life in friction stir welding, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-016-8475-x.
3. 張昭,葛芃. 激光增材製造工藝數值模擬,機械研究與應用,2016, 29(3): 136-139.
4. 張昭,田宇,葛芃,張元良,張洪武. 腐蝕坑對葉輪疲勞裂紋擴展影響的概率失效分析,機械研究與應用,2016, 29(2): 23-26.
5. 張昭,韓星凱,蘇開創. 基於聲子晶體帶隙特性的薄板減振設計,人工晶體學報,2016,45(4): 872-879.
6. 張昭,葛芃. 焊接葉輪殘餘應力的數值模擬,兵器材料科學與工程,2016, 39(3): 9-12.
7. M. Grujicic, S. Ramaswami, J.S. Snipes, V. Avuthu, R. Galgalikar, Z. Zhang. Prediction of the grain-microstructure evolution within a Friction Stir Welding (FSW) joint via the use of the Monte Carlo simulation method, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, 24:3471–3486.
8. Z. Zhang, Q. Wu. Numerical studies of tool diameter on strain rates, temperature rises and grain sizes in friction stir welding, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2015, 29(10): 4121-4128.
9. Z. Zhang, Q. Wu. Analytical and numerical studies of fatigue stresses in friction stir welding, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 78: 1371-1380.
10. Z.W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, H.W. Zhang. Effect of residual stress of friction stir welding on fatigue life of AA 2024-T351 joint, Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture, 2015, 229(11): 2021-2034.
11. 張昭,吳奇,萬震宇,張洪武. 基於蒙特卡洛方法的攪拌摩擦焊接晶粒生長模擬,塑性工程學報,2015, 22(4): 172-177.
12. 趙磊,張昭,王松,張洪武. 燃油箱吊座的焊縫有限元強度和疲勞分析,計算機輔助工程,2015, 24(1): 7-11.
13. 張昭,吳奇,張洪武. 轉速對攪拌摩擦焊接攪拌區晶粒影響研究,材料工程,2015, 43(7): 1-7.
14. 吳奇,張昭,張洪武. 基於CFD模型的攪拌摩擦焊接攪拌頭受力分析,機械科學與技術,2015, 34(12): 1961-1965.
15. 張昭,吳奇. 基於運動軌跡的攪拌摩擦焊接晶粒及焊接區大小預測模型,機械工程學報,2015, 51(2): 43-48.
16. Z. Zhang, H.W. Zhang. Solid mechanics-based Eulerian model of friction stir welding, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 72: 1647–1653.
17. Z.W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, H.W. Zhang. Numerical investigations of size effects on residual states of friction stir weld, Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture, 2014, Vol. 228(4) 572–581.
18. Z. Zhang, Q. Wu, H.W. Zhang. Numerical studies of tool sizes and geometries in friction stir welding process, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24: 3293?3301.
19. 張昭,陳金濤,劉亞麗,張洪武. 兩種熱處理狀態下AA2024鋁合金的攪拌摩擦焊接過程對比,機械強度,2014, 36(2): 206-210.
20. 張正偉,張昭,張洪武. 焊接殘餘應力對2024鋁合金薄板疲勞壽命的影響,焊接學報,2014, 35(10): 29-32.
21. 張昭,吳奇. 攪拌針對攪拌摩擦焊接攪拌區晶粒影響研究,兵器材料科學與工程,2014, 37(5): 32-35.
22. 黃佳,張昭,張洪武. 聚能射流形成數值模擬,計算力學學報,2013, 30: 88-91.
23. 金立翡,張昭. 熱點應力法在高速列車設計中的應用,計算力學學報,2013, 30: 25-28.
24. 張正偉,張昭,張洪武. 攪拌摩擦焊接殘餘應力及殘餘變形數值分析,計算力學學報,2013, 30: 16-21.
25. Z. Zhang, Z.Y. Wan. Predictions of tool forces in friction stir welding of AZ91 magnesium alloy, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2012, 17(6): 495-500.
26. Z. Zhang, J.T. Chen. Computational investigations on reliable finite element based thermo-mechanical coupled simulations of friction stir welding, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 60: 959-975.
27. 劉亞麗,張昭,陳金濤,張洪武。攪拌摩擦焊接數值模擬的網格敏感性分析,計算力學學報,2012,29(1): 140-145.
28. 張正偉,張昭,劉亞麗,張洪武,王晉寶,王松,柳占宇. 攪拌摩擦焊數值模擬過程中不同轉速與熱輸入功率之間關係研究,焊接,2012, 4: 19-24.
29. 張昭,張洪武. 基於歐拉模型的攪拌摩擦焊接界面行為及產熱數值,塑性工程學報,2012, 19(6): 130-133.
30. Z. Zhang, J.T. Chen, Z.W. Zhang, H.W. Zhang. Coupled thermo-mechanical model based comparison of friction stir welding processes of AA2024-T3 in different thicknesses, Journal of Materials Science, 2011, 46: 5815-5821.
31. 黃佳,張昭,鄭勇剛,張洪武. 基於SPH方法的射孔槍射孔過程研究及射孔槍設計,測井技術,2011, 35(5): 487-493.
32. 張昭,陳金濤,王晉寶,王輝,劉亞麗,張洪武. 基於模擬的攪拌摩擦焊連接AA2024-T3厚薄板過程對比,機械工程學報,2011, 47(18): 23-27.
33. 張昭,陳金濤,劉亞麗,張洪武. 攪拌摩擦焊接中的接觸界面材料行為分析,塑性工程學報,2011, 18(3): 116-119.
34. 張昭,劉會傑. 攪拌頭形狀對攪拌摩擦焊材料變形和溫度場的影響,焊接學報,2011,32(3): 5-8.
35. 金瑋瑋,張昭,張洪武. 葯型罩錐角對射孔槍射流衝擊過程的影響,計算力學學報(增刊) ,2011, 28: 43-48.
36. 金瑋瑋,張昭,韓秀清,張洪武. 射孔槍射流形成的數值模擬與彈殼設計,塑性工程學報,2010, 17(6): 121-126.
37. A. Arora, Z. Zhang, A. De, T. DebRoy. Strains and strain rates during friction stir welding, Scripta Materialia, 2009, 61: 863-866.
38. Z. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, J.T. Chen. Effect of shoulder size on the temperature rise and the material deformation in friction stir welding, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2009, 45(9): 889-895.
39. Z. Zhang. Comparison of two contact models in the simulation of friction stir welding process, Journal of Materials Science, 2008, 43: 5867-5877.
40. Z. Zhang, H.W. Zhang. Numerical studies on the effect of transverse speed in friction stir welding, Materials & Design, 2009, 30: 900-907.
41. Z. Zhang, H.W. Zhang. Numerical studies on controlling of process parameters in friction stir welding, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009, 209(1): 241-270.
42. Z. Zhang, H. W. Zhang. A fully coupled thermo-mechanical model of friction stir welding, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2008, 37: 279-293.
43. Z. Zhang, J.T. Chen. The simulation of material behaviors in friction stir welding process by using rate-dependent constitutive model, Journal of Materials Science, 2008, 43: 222-232.
44. Z. Zhang, J. Bie, Y.L. Liu, H.W. Zhang. Effect of traverse/rotational speed on material deformations and temperature distributions in friction stir welding, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2008, 24(6): 907-914.
45. 張 昭,張洪武. 接觸模型對攪拌摩擦焊接數值模擬的影響,金屬學報, 2008, 44: 85-90.
46. Z. Zhang, H.W. Zhang. Numerical studies of pre-heating time effect on temperature and material behaviors in friction stir welding process, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2007, 12(5): 436-448.
47. Z. Zhang, H. W. Zhang. The simulation of residual stresses in friction stir welds, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2007, 2(5): 951-964.
1.48. Z. Zhang, H. W. Zhang. Numerical studies on the effect of axial pressure in friction stir welding, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2007, 12(3): 226-248.
2.49. Z. Zhang, H. W. Zhang. Material behaviors and mechanical features in friction stir welding process, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2007, 35: 86-100.
50. H. W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. T. Chen. 3D modeling of material flow in friction stir welding under different process parameters, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2007, 183: 62-70.
51. 張昭,劉亞麗,張洪武. 軸向載荷變化對攪拌摩擦焊接過程中材料變形和溫度分佈的影響,金屬學報,2007, 43(8): 868-874.
52. H. W. Zhang, Z. Zhang. Numerical modeling of friction stir welding process by using rate-dependent constitutive model, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2007, 23(1): 73-80.
53. 張 昭,張洪武. 焊接參數對攪拌摩擦焊接構件攪拌區材料融合的影響, 金屬學報, 2007, 43(3): 321326.
54. 張 昭,張洪武. 攪拌摩擦焊中動態再結晶及硬度分佈的數值模擬,金屬學報,2006; 42(9): 998-1002.
55. H. W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Bie, L. Zhou, J. T. Chen. Effect of viscosity on material behaviors in friction stir welding process, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2006, 16: 1045-1052.
56. H. W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. T. Chen. The finite element simulation of the friction stir welding process, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2005, 403: 340-348.
57. 張洪武,張 昭,陳金濤. 攪拌摩擦焊接過程中攪拌頭轉速對材料流動的影響,金屬學報,2005, 41(8): 853-859.


1. 2008年度錢令希力學青年教師一等獎;
2. 2008年度遼寧省優秀博士論文;
3. 2009年度全國優秀博士論文提名獎;
4. Most cited articles 2005-2010 (J. Mater. Process. Technol.), 2010
5. Most cited articles 2009 (J. Mater. Process. Technol.), 2011