共找到12條詞條名為雷軍的結果 展開
1995~1999年 中國地震局地質研究所地震地質專業,理學博士學位,博士論文題目《三分量地震矢量波場的分離與重建》;
2004 北京大學2003~2004年度優秀班主任二等獎;
2001 《近場爆炸地震優化定位研究》陝西省自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎,排名第2;
2001 北京大學2000~2001年度優秀班主任二等獎;
1999 《三分量地震矢量波場的分離與重建》獲1999年度中國地震局地質研究所特

1998 《不同地區地方震橫波分裂理論研究和觀測解釋》(1998)獲中國地震局部級科技進步二等獎,排名第2;
1993 《設計人工時程曲線的試驗研究》獲核工業總公司部級科技進步二等獎一次,排名第5;
1987 《浙江湖南鎮水庫誘發地震研究》獲國家地震局部級科技進步三等獎一次,排名第13 。
2004年 主持完成國家自然科學基金項目《日本東北部島弧不同深度橫波偏振各向異性與板塊俯衝的關係》(40374008);
2001~2002年 主持完成博士后基金項目《地震波震相矢量的分離》;
1999~2001年 主持完成國家自然科學基金項目《京西北地區橫波分裂特徵及其與構造環境的關係》(49874011);
1997~1998年 主持完成國家自然科學基金項目《人類工程與斷裂活動的對比研究》(49604053);
1995~1996年 主持完成地震聯合基金項目《雲南劍川地震橫波分裂研究》。
2006~2007年 北京大學地空學院主講本科課程《地球物理學基礎》和研究生課程《城市工程地震學》;
2002~2005年 北京大學地空學院主講授本科生《地球物理觀測實驗》課程和研究生《城市工程地震學》課程;
1996~2002年 作為外聘教師在北京大學地質係為研究生講授《工程地震安全性評價》和《城市地震災害預測》課程;
1. Wang Bo and Lei Jun.Spectrum—time history ratio method and its application to determination of formation site effect near subway line.Acta Seismologica Sinica,2015,37(1):39-52
2. Feng Lili, Chen Yun-tai and Lei Jun, SKS splitting analysis of seismic anisotropy beneath mid-eastern Africa. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 2014, (6), 981-996
3. Zhang Zhiqiang and Lei Jun, Observation for vibration caused by subway transit and effect on high precision instrument,Modern Instruments, 2011,(1), 69-78
4. Lei Jun, Certified Invention Patent: “Vector Signal Processing Method and Its Methodological Applicability in Related Fields”, (ZL 2007 1 0080303.9), certified by State Intellectual Property office of PRC, 2010.
5. Zhang Jiedong Xu Jun and Lei Jun et al,Testing and analysis of vibration of ground surface by metro or underground vehicle,Modern Instruments,2008, (1), 45-48
6. Lei Jun, “A method for non-orthogonal seismic polarization-vector separation”, Geophys. J. Int, 2005, 162, 965-974.
7. Lei Jun, Li Xezheng, Feng Yongge. “Development of Seismic Network and Modern Digital Seismograph with the International Program of Geoscience during the Past 20 years, Progress in Geophysics,2004, 19,819-827. (in Chinese)
8. Lei Jun, Li Xuezheng and Zhao Dapeng, “A new Measuring Technique of Time Delay of Shear Waves and its Application in Northeastern Japan”, AGU 2003 fall meeting, Poster, (Paper Number: S11C-0305)
9. LI Xuezheng and Lei Jun, “Study on the Method of Optimal Location on Explosion Events at Near-source Site”, Acta seismological Sinica, 2001, 14, 394-355.
10. Li Xuezheng, Yang Xuanhui, Hu Yuliang and Lei Jun, “Refining of Explosion Aftershocks at Background noise”, Seismological and Geomagnetic observation and reseach, 2001,22 9-17 (in Chinese)
11. Li Xuezheng, Ying Feng, Lei Jun and Hu Yuliang, “Application of the Neural Networks to the Epicenter Locating of Explosion Earthquake. Seismology and Geology,1999, 21,77-82 (in Chinese)
12. Lei Jun, Wang Pei-de, Yao Chen and Chen Yun-tai, Characteristics of near-field shear wave and the relation to structures in Jianchuan, Yunnan Provience. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 1997, Vol. 40, No.4, 551-563.
13. Lei Jun, Seismic hazard in the ground fissure zone and its reduction measures, Continental earthquakes(Selected paper of the second international conference on continental earthquakes), IASPEI publication series for the IDNDR, 1993, Vol.3, 508~517, Seismological press, Beijing.
14. Lei Jun and Yao Chen, Numeric simulation of shear wave splitting on a Multilayer crack model, 1996, 30th International Geological Congress, Beijing.
15. Yao Chen,Chen Xiangguo,Lei Jun,2000, Seismic synthetics study of 4 components for sea floor reflection,SEG 2000 Expanded Abstracts
16. Li Xue-zheng and Lei Jun, 2001, Study on the method of optimal location on explosion events at near-source site, ACTA SEISMOLOGICA SINICA, Vol.14. No.2, 349~355.
17. Li Xue-zheng,Wang Haijun and Lei Jun, 2003. The calculation of calibration function and explosive aftershocks of the near field. Earthquake research in China,19, No.2(in Chinese)
18. Lei Jun, Li Xue-zheng and Gai Zengxi, 2001. Application of the technique of separating vector-wave to the natural seismological data-processing, Annual of Chinese Geophysical Society (186), Science and Technology of Yunnan Press (in Chinese)
19. Lei Jun, Li Xue-zheng, Yao Chen and Hu Yuliang, 2000. Separation and reconstruction of three-component seismic wave vector field, Annual of Chinese Geophysical Society (8), Seismological Press (in Chinese)
20. Lei Jun and Li Xue-zheng, 2000. Polarization Analysis of three-component near-field data, Annual of Chinese Geophysical Society (186), Xian Cartographic Publishing House. (in Chinese)
21. Lei Jun, Yao Chen and Fan Jingmei, 1997. Study on seismic wave features of explosive source in geological complex area. Annual of Chinese Geophysical Society (331), Tongji University Press. (in Chinese)
22. Yao Chen, Lei Jun, and Xiong Yangwu, 1997. The effects of weak crack-induced anisotropy on seismic body waves, Earthquake research in China, 13,232-240.(in Chinese).
23. Pu Jiang, Xiaohua Liang and Lei Jun, Synthetic and Simulation of Ground Motion in Engineering, Seismology Publishing Press, Beijing. 1991 (in Chinese).
24. Pu Jiang, Qiming Wang, Ruihua Qian, Xiaohua Liang, Qingshan Gao, Lisi Dai and Lei Jun, Demarcation of Earthquake Zones, Seismology Publishing Press, 1990 (in Chinese).
25. Pu Jiang, Ruihua Qian and Lei Jun, Earthquake Zoning of Liaohe Petrolum, Liaoning Province, Seismology Publinshing Press, 1989 (in Chinese).