
專 業: 分析化學
職 稱:講師
1995-1999 蘭州大學化學化工學院 應化化學專業 學士
1999-2002 蘭州大學化學化工學院 分析化學專業 碩士
2002-2005 中國科學技術大學化學系分析化學專業博士
2005- 首都師範大學化學系講師
計算機輔助藥物設計 近紅外特徵提取與建模
北京市優秀人才培養資助項目 D類抗腫瘤組蛋白去乙醯化酶抑製劑的定量構效關係及作用機理研(20081D0501600194)2009.01-2010.12,主持. 國家自然科學基金項目:婦科癌瘤組織的近紅外光譜特徵變數提取與原位診斷研究(20875065)2009.1-2011.12,排名第三. 北京市教育委員會科技發展計劃項目,致幻類藥物的定量構效關係研究及應用(KM200710028009),2007.1~2008.12,排名第二.
1. Yu徠hong Xiang, ZhuoYong Zhang, JinXu Huo, QSAR Studies on HSV-1 Inhibitors by CoMFA, CoMSIA and HQSAR Approaches, Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2010, 7(5), 332-340. SCI
2. Yuhong Xiang, Zhuoyong Zhang, Aijing Xiao, and Jinxu Huo, Recent studies of QSAR on inhibitors of estrogen receptor and human eosinophil phosphodiesterase, Current Computer-Aided Drug Design, 2009,5(3) 200-214. SCI
3. Yuhong Xiang, Jing Tian, and Zhuoyong Zhang, Diagnosis of endometrial cancer by using near-infrared spectroscopy and back-propagation neural network, Sixth international conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2009, 3, 508-512. (EI)
4. Yuhong Xiang, Haiyan Jiang, Wensheng Cai, and Xueguang Shao,An Efficient Method Based on Lattice Construction and the Genetic Algorithm for Optimization of Large Lennard-Jones Clusters, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2004, 108, 3586-3592.
5. Xueguang Shao, Yuhong Xiang, Wensheng Cai, Formation of the central vacancy in icosahedral Lennard-Jones clusters, Chem. Phys. 2004, 305, 69–75. 3. Yuhong Xiang, Longjiu Cheng, Wensheng Cai, Xueguang Shao, Structural Distribution of Lennard-Jones Clusters Containing 562 to 1000 Atoms, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2004, 108, 9516-9520.
6. Xueguang Shao, Yuhong Xiang, Wensheng Cai, Structural Transition from Icosahedra to Decahedra of Large Lennard-Jones Clusters, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2005, 109, 5193-5197.
7. Y. H. Xiang, M. C. Liu, X. Y. Zhang, R. S. Zhang, and Z. D. Hu, B. T. Fan, J. P. Doucet, and A. Panaye, Quantitative Prediction of Liquid Chromatography Retention of N-Benzylideneanilines Based on Quantum Chemical Parameters and Radial Basis Function Neural Network, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 2002, 42, 592-597.