Vik Rubenfeld執導電視劇
《明日新聞》是一部美國科幻電視劇,由Patrick Q. Page、Vik Rubenfeld執導,該劇於1996年9月至2000年5月在美國CBS電視台播出,全劇原版90集共分四季播出,是一部周六晚間8點黃金檔的電視劇。《明日新聞》曾因受到美國觀眾歡迎提前到晚間7點播出,也曾因其它熱門劇集而中斷播出。AXN台譯名為《新聞超感應》,明珠台譯名為《早報》。該劇以芝加哥為背景,講述一名男子每天神秘地收到一份本應第二天才發行的芝加哥太陽報,他依此為線索阻止每日即將發生的重大事故。
演員 | 角色 | 備註 |
凱爾·錢德勒 | Gary Hobson | |
夏勒西亞·戴維斯 | Marissa Clark | |
費希爾·史蒂文斯 | Chuck Fishman | |
Panther | The Cat | |
Kristy Swanson | Erica Paget | |
Myles Jeffrey | Henry Paget | |
Billie Worley | Patrick Quinn | |
菲麗西提·霍夫曼 | 女警察 |
郭政建 王磊 芒來 任亞明 翟存元 鄭建初 唐燁 張璐 楊冬雁 張欣
導演:張筠英 唐燁
電編:李曉東 李寧 曾恭農
欄目主編:崔德寅 郭維紅 侯麗紅 高雲蘭
頻道副總監:韓建群 汪恆 申積軍
Season | U.S. ratings | Network | Rank | |
1 | 1996-97 | 9.0 household rating | CBS | #49 |
2 | 1997-98 | 11.9 million viewers | CBS | #48 |
3 | 1998-99 | 10.2 million viewers | CBS | #69 |
4 | 1999-00 | 8.8 million viewers | CBS | #74 |
Country | Name | Translation | Channel |
Argentina | Early Edition | Sony Entertainment Television | |
Belgium | Demain à la une | Tomorrow's Headlines | La Une |
Belgium | Early Edition | Eén | |
Brazil | Edição de Amanhã | Tomorrow's Edition | Rede Record |
Bulgaria | Утрешен вестник (Utreshen Vestnik) | Tomorrow's newspaper | NTV |
Canada | Early Edition | Global Television Network | |
Canada(Quebec) | Le fou du Dinsdale | Dinsdale's Folly | |
China (Mainland) | 明日新聞 | News from Tomorrow | CCTV-8 |
Colombia | El diario del destino | The Paper of Destiny | Caracol TV |
Czech republic | Předčasné vydání | Early Edition | |
Denmark | Mig og Fremtiden | Me and the future | TV3,TV3+ |
Estonia | Homsed uudised | Tomorrow's news | TV3 |
Finland | Aikavaras | The Time Thief | Nelonen |
France | Demain à la une | Tomorrow's Headlines | M6,NT1,Numéro 23 |
Germany | Allein gegen die Zukunft | Alone against the future | ProSieben |
Greece | Τυχερή Έκδοση (Tiheri Ekdosi) | Lucky Edition | Mega Channel |
Hong Kong | Early Edition | ' | Hallmark Channel |
Hungary | A kiválasztott - Az amerikai látnok | The chosen - The American prophet | TV2,AXN |
Iran | در برابر آینده | Against Future | Channel 2 (Iran) |
India | Early Edition | Early Edition | Hallmark Channel |
Indonesia | Early Edition | Early Edition | RCTI,ANTV,B-Channel |
Israel | מהדורה מוקדמת | Early Edition | Channel 1 (Israel) |
Italy | Ultime dal Cielo | News from Heaven | Rete 4,Canale 5 |
Mexico | El diario del Destino | The Destiny's Paper | Canal 5 |
New Zealand | Early Edition | Early Edition | TV2(first run) |
ChoiceTV(re-run) | |||
Netherlands | Early Edition | Early Edition | NET 5 |
Norway | Morgenutgaven | The Morningedition | TV3 |
Philippines | Early Edition | Studio 23 | |
Poland | Zdarzyło się jutro | It happened tomorrow | AXN |
Portugal | Edição Especial | Special Edition | TVI |
Romania | Viitorul începe azi | The future starts today | Antena1,AXN |
Singapore | Early Edition | ' | AXN |
Slovakia | Zajtrajšie noviny | Tomorrow's newspaper | TV Markíza |
Slovenia | Prva izdaja | First Edition | AXN |
South Africa | Early Edition | SABC3 | |
Spain | Edición Anterior | Previous Edition | Sony Entertainment Television |
Sweden | Morgondagens hjälte | Tomorrow's hero | |
Russia | Завтра наступит сегодня | Tomorrow comes today | Hallmark Channel |
Taiwan | 未卜先知 | Foresee | China Television |
Turkey | Erken Baski | Early Edition | Kanal D |
United Kingdom | Early Edition | ITV | |
Venezuela | El diario del destino | The Paper of Destiny | Televen |
Vietnam | Bản tin sớm | early Edition | VTV1 |
DVD Name | Ep # | Release Date |
The First Season | 23 | June 24, 2008 |
The Second Season | 22 | July 28, 2009 |
S01E01 "Pilot"試播集
在被妻子Marcia趕出家門后,股票經紀人Gary Hobson不得不搬到一間旅店暫住,那裡,他開始在房門收到一份神秘的報紙,隨同的還有一隻黃貓。一開始Gary並不以為意,但隨後他發現這是明天一期的《芝加哥太陽時報》。於是Gary有了絕佳的機會,利用這份報紙使自己獲益或是幫助他人。就像他通過向銀行劫匪承諾送他一張會中獎的彩票以解決經濟上的燃眉之急,成功阻止了銀行搶劫案,也因此挽救了好友Marissa Clark的性命。
S01E02 "The Choice"抉擇
這集中,Gary面臨了一個艱難的抉擇,是救下一個小女孩的生命,還是阻止一場致命的墜機事故。儘管Gary做了諸多努力,但他還是不能及時地同時完成兩件事,只儘力保護了小女孩。可值得慶幸的是他這麼做反而同時阻止了兩件事,因為那家飛機的飛行員正是小女孩的父親。當他聽說自己的女兒受傷了,趕緊在最後一秒放棄了起飛,趕到女兒身邊陪伴左右,這也正巧避免了墜機事故。在本集最後,當翻閱一本前妻送他的書時,Gary找到了關於報紙的線索:在一張圖片中,一個叫做Lucius Snow的男人擁有那隻和報紙一起送來的黃貓。
S01E03 "Baby"孩子
S01E04 “The Paper”報紙
在探尋神秘報紙來源的過程中,Gary開始在《芝加哥太陽時報》辦公大樓里進行調查。期間,他與一位叫Meredith Carson的記者有了密切的交集。該記者因為Gary對某些新聞故事的詳盡了解而感到十分可疑。於是Gary得想盡辦法不讓她發現他收到隔天報紙的秘密。
S01E05 "Thief Swipes Mayor's Dog" 誰偷了市長的狗
S01E06 "Hoops"灌籃高手
S01E07 "After Midnight"午夜之後
S01E08 "Gun"手槍
S01E09 "His Girl Thursday"他的周四女孩
S01E10 "The Wrong Man"遇人不淑
Gary得知他的前妻Marcia準備與他的前任老闆Phil Pritchard結婚。可之後,他發現報紙上報道說Pritchard被人謀殺了。
S01E11 "Christmas"聖誕節
S01E12 "Frostbite"挨凍
S01E13 "Mob Wife"黑幫分子的女人
Gary和Chunk在槍口下救了一名黑幫分子的前未婚妻Theresa Laparko之後不小心捲入了黑幫之事,同時Chuck愛上了Theresa。
S01E14 "The Wall (Part 1)"高牆I
S01E15 "The Wall (Part 2)"高牆II
S01E16 "Bat Masterson"傳奇槍手
Gary遇到了一名認為自己是Bat Masterson(美國西部傳說中知名槍手)的退休刑警。這名退休刑警決心找出殺害了他前任搭檔的兇手。Gary幫助他解決了這樁案子,並幫他回到生活正軌。
S01E17 "The Jury"陪審團
S01E18 "Psychic"靈媒
S01E19 "The Cat"貓
S01E20 "Phantom at the Opera"劇院魅影
S01E21 "Faith"信念
S01E22 "Dad"父親
S01E23 "Love Is Blind"愛是盲目的
Gary試圖阻止關於大學教授Price博士的謀殺案。他懷疑犯人是Marissa大學的同學Jeffrey Craig。
Ep. | No. | Title | Director | Writer(s) | Original air date |
1 | 1 | "Pilot" | Michael Dinner | Bob Brush, Ian Abrams | September 28, 1996 |
After being kicked out of his house by his wife, Marcia, stockbroker Gary Hobson is forced to move into a hotel room. There, he starts to receive a mysterious newspaper that is delivered to his door with a yellow cat. At first Gary doesn't think anything of it, but after a while, he realizes that it is tomorrow's edition of the Chicago Sun-Times. This gives Gary the opportunity to use the Paper for his own gain or to use it to help people, such as when a bank robbery endangers the life of his friend Marissa Clark. Ultimately he stops the robbery by talking to the robber and after accepting his destiny, plans to send him a winning lottery ticket to help his financial troubles. Guest Stars:Felicity Huffman,Ron Dean,Neil Flynn, andMarc Vann. | |||||
2 | 2 | "The Choice" | Michael Dinner | Bob Brush, John Romano | October 5, 1996 |
Gary faces a difficult decision of choosing between stopping a fatal plane crash or saving the life of a young girl. Despite everything he tries, Gary is unable to reach both in time and saves the little girl, but in doing so saves both: it turns out the girl's father is the pilot of the plane and when he hears that his daughter is injured, he stops take-off at the last second to be at her side, averting the crash. At the end, while looking through a book given to him by his ex-wife, Gary finds a clue to the Paper: in a picture, a man named Lucius Snow has the cat that delivers it next to him. Guest stars:Ron DeanandRya Kihlstedt. | |||||
3 | 3 | "Baby" | Randall Zisk | Bob Brush, Alex Taub | October 12, 1996 |
After the newspaper shows Chuck delivering twins on the L, Gary and Marissa try to convince him to go through with it. Meanwhile, Gary searches for a mysterious blonde woman. Guest Stars:Cynthia Nixon,Jane Krakowski, andRya Kihlstedt. | |||||
4 | 4 | "The Paper" | Michael Nankin | Bob Brush, John Romano | October 19, 1996 |
While searching for answers about the Paper, Gary investigates at the Chicago Sun-Timesoffice building and becomes involved with one of the paper's reporters, Meredith Carson, who is suspicious of his apparent knowledge of a certain story. Gary has to prevent her from discovering the fact that he receives tomorrow's edition of the paper. Guest Star:Leslie Hope | |||||
5 | 5 | "Thief Swipes Mayor's Dog" | Susan Seidelman | Bob Brush, Robert Rabinowitz, John Romano | October 26, 1996 |
Gary tries to prevent and understand why someone would want to kidnap Mayor Mike Garfield's dog. While doing this, Gary uncovers a lottery scheme. Guest Stars:Fyvush FinkelandMax Wright | |||||
6 | 6 | "Hoops" | Rick Rosenthal | Bob Brush | November 2, 1996 |
Gary tries to stop a popular basketball player with a life-threatening heart condition from risking his life on the court and dying. While this is happening, Marissa runs into an old flame. Chuck tries to keep his brand-new sports car out of peril. Guest Stars:Michael WarrenandJames Tolkan. | |||||
7 | 7 | "After Midnight" | Michael Toshiyuki Uno | Deborah Joy LeVine | November 9, 1996 |
A woman plans to abandon her baby and take her own life, so Gary attempts to reunite her with her parents, which fails and he starts running out of time to help her. Meanwhile, Chuck uses the Paper to get a date with an attractive woman, Lenore, with whom he shared a taxi. Guest Stars:Peri GilpinandRon Dean. | |||||
8 | 8 | "Gun" | Jace Alexander | Robert Rabinowitz, Alex Taub | November 16, 1996 |
The Paper reveals that a young boy, Tommy Porter, will accidentally shoot his older brother, Bryce Porter, with a handgun. However, Gary's actions to prevent this leads to the Paper changing to the children's mother, Nikki Porter, being murdered by her abusive ex, Kurt Porter. Gary stops the attack and Kurt is arrested, but Tommy out of fear hides in his treehouse with a gun and nearly shoots Bryce. Gary, reading this in the Paper, pulls him out of the way just in time and convinces Tommy to give him in the gun. Seeing one of his sons nearly die shocks Kurt and he seems to come to his senses. Guest Stars:Ashley CrowandMason Gamble. | |||||
9 | 9 | "His Girl Thursday" | Stephen Cragg | Jeff Melvoin | November 23, 1996 |
Meredith re-enters Gary's life and she and Chuck use Gary's Paper for personal gain, with disastrous results. Guest stars:Leslie HopeandMarc Vann. | |||||
10 | 10 | "The Wrong Man" | David Jones | Alex Taub | December 7, 1996 |
Gary learns that his ex-wife, Marcia, is getting married to his old boss, Phil Pritchard. Later, the newspaper reveals that Pritchard is going to be murdered. Guest stars:Rya KihlstedtandMarc Vann. | |||||
11 | 11 | "Christmas" | Daniel Attias | Bob Brush | December 21, 1996 |
Gary seeks Detective Crumb's help in stopping a bomb that will kill 20 ice skaters. Meanwhile, Chuck gets arrested and plots a with a man who believes he's Santa. Guest Stars:M. Emmet Walsh,Stanley DeSantis, andRon Dean. | |||||
12 | 12 | "Frostbite" | Lee Bonner | Alex Taub, Deborah Joy LeVine, Bob Brush | January 11, 1997 |
During a save, Gary becomes stranded in an abandoned building with a homeless boy in 20 below zero weather and it's up to Chuck to save him. Guest Stars:Jonathan TuckerandCaroline Aaron | |||||
13 | 13 | "Mob Wife" | Rick Rosenthal | Dusty Kay, Norman Morrill, Alex Taub | January 25, 1997 |
Gary and Chuck get mistakenly involved with the mob after they save a gangster's ex-fiancée, Theresa Laparko, from being shot and then Chuck falls in love with her. Guest stars:Pauley PerretteandNeil Flynn. | |||||
14 | 14 | "The Wall (Part 1)" | Michael Dinner | Bob Brush | February 1, 1997 |
The Paper reveals that Gary will murder the U.S. president on his upcoming visit to Chicago. Guest stars:Ron DeanandJosef Sommer. | |||||
15 | 15 | "The Wall (Part 2)" | James Quinn | Bob Brush | February 8, 1997 |
While evading the Secret Service, Gary attempts to prevent the presidential assassination. Guest stars:Ron DeanandLou Rawls. | |||||
16 | 16 | "Bat Masterson" | Rick Wallace | Dusty Kay | February 22, 1997 |
Gary meets an ex-cop who believes that he isBat Masterson. The ex-cop sets out to find the person who killed his former partner. Gary helps him solve the case and he starts to put his life back together. Guest Stars:Philip BoscoandRon Dean. | |||||
17 | 17 | "The Jury" | Stephen Cragg | Norman Morrill, Matt Dearborn | March 8, 1997 |
Gary is chosen to serve as a juror in the trial of a man accused of stealing money from his company and is unsuccessful in trying to avoid serving and is even elected foreperson. Gary is suspicious as the man, Phil, acts strangely and isn't sure of his guilt. While Gary originally votes guilty, as he's about to read the verdict, the Cat delivers the Paper to him in the courtroom and he learns that Phil's wife holds the key to proving him innocent, causing him to change his vote to not guilty. As the judge sequesters the jury as a result, Gary sends Chuck to talk to Phil's wife who agrees to talk to Gary, but nobody else. With the help of Chuck, Gary escapes and meets up with the wife, but their plan is found out when one of the other jurors, Linda, sneaks in to see Gary and finds Chuck. Phil's wife reveals that Phil had learned of the embezzling scheme while at work and began investigating it. His boss, the head of the company, Prosky was stealing profits from himself and framed Phil for it and has been making threats against his family. She's unwilling to testify and reveals that the only other person who would have, Gus, is too scared after being beaten up at the beginning of the trial before Gary saved him. When Gary returns with this information, he learns that his deception was found out and is kicked off the jury. After learning that Phil will kill himself, Gary and Chuck track down Gus and convince him to testify. They arrive as the jury is about to declare a guilty verdict and while the judge initially refuses to even hear from Gus, after seeing how scared he is of Prosky, he listens to Gary. While the judge refuses to allow Gus to testify, he declares a mistrial instead and asks the courts to make it so that Gary will never be called for jury duty again. At the end, Prosky is tried for his crimes and found guilty and Gary's fellow juror Linda drags him off for a drink. Guest stars:Mike Starr. | |||||
18 | 18 | "Psychic" | Mel Damski | Alexander J. Taub, Gina Wendkos | April 12, 1997 |
Gary partners with a psychic, Claire, whom he at first believes to be phony, to save a young child who has been kidnapped. Guest Star:Kathy Najimy. | |||||
19 | 19 | "The Cat" | Daniel Attias | Norman Morrill | April 13, 1997 |
The cat starts delivering the Paper to a dying woman. Guest Stars:Talia Balsam,Marion Ross, andRoger Ebert | |||||
20 | 20 | "Phantom at the Opera" | Jan Eliasberg | John J. Sakmar, Kerry Lenhart | April 19, 1997 |
Gary falls for an artist he saved. However, Gary faces a tough decision when he learns that she will reunite with an old flame. Guest Star:Adrienne Shelly. | |||||
21 | 21 | "Faith" | John Kretchmer | Bob Brush | April 26, 1997 |
Gary is hospitalized after being run over by a car and suffering a head injury. At the hospital, Gary meets a young girl named Rachel who is in need of a heart. Gary faces a moral dilemma when he learns that he could save Rachel's life by missing a save. Gary chooses to save the kid, Tommy, and is shot, causing the kid who shot him, Eddie, to drive away at high speed. Gary has an out-of-body experience where he communicates with Rachel's spirit who convinces him to drop the paper and rely on faith as she apparently dies. It's shown that Gary nearly dies himself, but is revived and the doctors reveal that Rachel did get a heart: the kid who shot Gary, Eddie, flipped his car and died and she got his. Gary and Rachel recover and Chuck makes peace with Tommy who had helped Eddie steal his car which he never recovered. Guest stars:Robert Picardo. | |||||
22 | 22 | "Dad" | Randall Zisk | Alex Taub, Bob Brush | May 3, 1997 |
Gary's father, Bernie, temporarily moves in with his son after Gary's mom kicks him out. After learning about the Paper and enjoying helping others, Bernie decides to stay permanently. Guest Star:William Devane. | |||||
23 | 23 | "Love Is Blind" | Michael Lange | John J. Sakmar, Kerry Lenhart | May 10, 1997 |
Gary attempts to stop the murder of a college professor, Dr. Price, who thinks that Gary is stalking her. Gary suspects Marissa's college study partner, Jeffrey Craig, is the culprit. Guest star:Tara Lipinski. |
Ep. | No. | Title | Director | Writer(s) | Original air date |
24 | 1 | "Home" | Mel Damski | H. Wiggins | September 27, 1997 |
Gary finds out that a greedy businessman wants to purchase McGinty's and an orphanage in order to demolish them and build a parking lot. Meanwhile, Gary must also find a new place to live after his hotel room burns because of an electrical fire and forces him to move out. Guest stars:Alex Rocco,Liz Vassey,Paul Dooley. | |||||
25 | 2 | "The Medal" | Daniel Attias | Sean Clark | October 4, 1997 |
Gary must help a Vietnam vet who has the Congressional Medal of Honor when a ceremony in his honor triggers guilt and flashbacks because of a mistake he made in the Vietnam War. Meanwhile, Chuck falls in love. Guest stars:Louis Gossett, Jr. | |||||
26 | 3 | "The Wedding" | James Quinn | Carla Kettner | October 11, 1997 |
McGinty's is asked to cater the wedding of Gary's ex-girlfriend and high school sweetheart, who still has some romantic feelings for Gary. Meanwhile, her father has been under police's witness protection for three weeks and the paper warns of trouble at the wedding. Guest stars:Brian McNamara, Peter Burns,Neil Flynn. | |||||
27 | 4 | "Jenny Sloane" | Gary Nelson | Alex Taub | October 18, 1997 |
Gary must help a young boy who is ill with leukemia, but who is refusing to undergo treatment. Gary tries to get him to meet Jenny Sloane, Chicago's sweetheart who is ill with cancer. Guest stars:Robyn Lively,John Spencer. | |||||
28 | 5 | "Downsized" | Mel Damski | Nick Harding | October 25, 1997 |
An old co-worker and friend of Gary and Chuck's, Fred Meanwell, is having a mid-life crisis and Gary and Chuck must stop him having a fatal plastic surgery to impress his girlfriend and enhance his career. Guest stars:Richard Gilliland,Karin Anglin,Romy Windsor,Barbara Howard. | |||||
29 | 6 | "Angels and Devils" | Gary Nelson | Sean Cholodenko | November 1, 1997 |
Gary and Chuck become involved with a night basketball program at a local church for inner city youth, where they meet a young nun named Sister Mary. Gary helps stop Sister Mary from abandoning her call after a young man involved with the basketball program is killed during a convenience store robbery attempt, which Gary had failed to stop. Guest stars:Judy Greer,Nia Peeples, andVicellous Reon Shannon. | |||||
30 | 7 | "Redfellas" | John Kretchmer | Carla Kettner | November 8, 1997 |
The newspaper arrives with an article written in Russian. Gary saves a cab driver who is able to read the Russian article to Gary. Gary then must save a beautiful Russian violinist, Paulina Rosanova, from being murdered and bring her together with her long lost father. Guest stars:Stephanie Romanov,Mike Nussbaum. | |||||
31 | 8 | "March in Time" | Robert Ginty | Randy Feldman | November 15, 1997 |
After learning that a leader of a white supremacist's movement, Darryl Foster, will be assassinated during a march, Gary begins to debate whether he should save his life or let him die. Marissa manages to convince him to save him. The situation is further complicated when the leader's son, Lance Foster, befriends a young African-American kid. Guest stars:Emile HirschandNick Searcy. | |||||
32 | 9 | "A Regular Joe" | Mel Damski | Jeff Melvoin | November 22, 1997 |
Gary is stressed out, and just wants a regular life. He is having recurring dreams about a psychiatrist encouraging him to take Sundays off from the paper, advice that Gary takes. Unfortunately, he finds out that he needs to convince a famous quarterback for the Chicago Bears, Joe Damski, to stop playing in order to avoid a serious injury. Meanwhile, Chuck and Marissa clash over the management of McGinty's bar. Guest stars:Dick Butkus,Charles Durning,Emily Procter,Scott Adsit. | |||||
33 | 10 | "A Bris Is Just a Bris" | Scott Paulin | Alex Taub | December 20, 1997 |
Gary comes between his cook and an accident-prone librarian. Chuck turns truthful while dating a Rabbi. Guest stars:Jessica Hecht,Stephanie March. | |||||
34 | 11 | "A Minor Miracle" | Jim Charleston | Randy Feldman | January 10, 1998 |
Gary's search for a missing child makes him a suspect in her disappearance. When the police refuse to listen to him, Gary goes into a flooding underground sewer to try to rescue the little girl before it's too late. Guest stars:Bill Nunn,Tim Kazurinsky,John Beasley,Taylor Momsen. | |||||
35 | 12 | "Romancing the Throne" | Gary Nelson | Carla Kettner | January 17, 1998 |
After she hides in the backseat of his van, Gary must deal with Princess Sibella, who is believed to be missing after she runs away from her privileged and rigid lifestyle. This is an homage to the 1953 film,Roman Holiday, starringAudrey Hepburn. Guest stars:Hayley DuMond,Paxton Whitehead,Scott Adsit. | |||||
36 | 13 | "Walk, Don't Run" | Richard Heus | Sean Clark | January 24, 1998 |
Gary is nominated to fill in a vacant City Council seat and he tries to get a street light installed at a dangerous crossroad where a lot of street accidents occur, but he's told that first he has to vote with them on a project that Gary learns will displace a lot of people. So Gary decides not to vote with them and they decide not to back Gary's project. Gary has to get help from Molly Greene and a former and honest Council member. Guest stars:Don Stark,H. Richard Greene,George Murdock,Mimi Lieber. | |||||
37 | 14 | "The Return of Crumb" | Gary Nelson | Randy Feldman | January 31, 1998 |
Gary has to keep a soon-to-retire Detective Crumb from being arrested due to a blackmail investigation after he becomes the target of a ruthless District Attorney out to prove police corruption. Guest stars:Ron Dean,Michael Shannon. | |||||
38 | 15 | "Mum's the Word" | John Patterson | Robert Masello | April 4, 1998 |
Marissa is cursed by earrings her new boyfriend stole from a mummy exhibit. Guest stars:Karina Lombard,Brian George,Shaun Toub,Héctor Elizondo,Jayne BrookandRocky Carroll. | |||||
39 | 16 | "Where or When" | David Crossman | Shannon Dobson | April 11, 1998 |
In a "Rear Window" style plot, Gary is injured in a fall and becomes housebound while his broken leg heals. He watches people in the apartment building across the street and is attracted to a new neighbor who seems to have been the victim of a murder almost 50 years ago. Guest stars:Ron Dean,Andrew Rothenberg,Caitlin Hart,Alexondra LeeandGeorge D. Wallace. | |||||
40 | 17 | "The Fourth Carpathian" | Gary Nelson | Alex Taub | April 18, 1998 |
Gary's parents receive the paper when Gary is trapped in an abandoned theatre after trying to save a monkey. Guest stars:Ron Dean,William Devane, andTess Harper. | |||||
41 | 18 | "The Quality of Mercy" | Fisher Stevens | David T. Levinson | April 25, 1998 |
The paper tells Gary that a man, John Hernandez, is going to die in a road accident, so he saves the man, but afterwards, the paper changes and says that the man is going to kill Rachel Stone. Gary tries to warn the person, who is a judge, because the man is a recently released convict and the judge was the one who sentenced him. After Gary refuses to tell her how he knows about this, the judge dismisses him. Guest stars:Luis Guzman,John BeasleyandRon Dean. | |||||
42 | 19 | "Show Me the Monet" | Mel Damski | Nick Harding | May 2, 1998 |
Gary learns that a British person who assisted him with a mission is actually a forger with many enemies. He is willing to return a stolen masterpiece in exchange for help breaking into a museum. Guest stars:Ian Ogilvy,Sherry Miller. | |||||
43 | 20 | "Don't Walk Away, Renee" | Gary Nelson | Sean Clark, Alex Taub | May 9, 1998 |
Criminals force Gary to turn over a revolutionary computer program made by one of his childhood friends, Renee, by kidnapping Gary's parents. Guest stars:William Devane,Tess HarperandLori Heuring. | |||||
44 | 21 | "Hot Time in the Old Town" | Gary Nelson | Carla Kettner | May 16, 1998 |
Gary reads in the paper that a pylon at a construction site drops and knocks over a nearby building, killing thousands. Gary tries to prevent the disaster from happening only to get knocked out when he gets knocked in the head and wakes up two days before the1871 Great Chicago Fire. He meets Morris, who looks like Chuck, and he also meets Jesse, a young boy who is the brother of a woman, Eleanor, who is a singer at a saloon, and looks exactly like Marissa, and who is a victim of racism. Gary must help Jesse and Eleanor and try to stop the Chicago fire, too. Guest stars:Scott Bryce. | |||||
45 | 22 | "Second Sight" | Daniel Attias | H. Wiggins | May 23, 1998 |
Marissa sees a vision and believes that her sight is returning. Chuck witnesses a mob murder and Gary, Chuck, and Crumb are taken hostage, leaving Marissa to save them. Guest stars:Ron Dean. |
Ep. | No. | Title | Director | Writer(s) | Original air date |
46 | 1 | "Blackout" | Gary Nelson | Star Frohman | September26,1998 |
During a blackout which covers all of Chicago, Marissa attempts to save two trapped teenagers, while Patrick, a new bartender at McGinty's, helps Gary out. Special Guest Star:George Takei | |||||
47 | 2 | "Collision" | Randy Zisk | Alex Taub | October3,1998 |
Chuck has left McGinty's in financial chaos and Marissa advertises for a pub manager in the paper without telling Gary. Gary has his hands full because he must find a way to prevent a collision that kills anywhere from 9 to 16 people, but has no definitive cause. He then has to decide whether or not to try to stop the crash or to save an 8-year-old, Henry Paget. | |||||
48 | 3 | "A Horse Is a Horse" | Lee Bonner | Carla Kettner | October10,1998 |
After Henry witnesses Gary rescue a clown from a falling bucket, he discovers one of Gary's newspapers and misuses the information contained in the paper to make friends in school and to provide his dad with the winning horses at a race track. Henry's father thinks he has a "gift" and wants to continue using him as a way to make a quick buck. Real-life filming locations: Hawthorne Racetrack | |||||
49 | 4 | "Lt. Hobson, U.S.N." | Mel Damski | Sean Clark | October17,1998 |
To stop an explosion, Gary poses as a Navy Lieutenant, but before he can get off the base, he attracts the attention of an admiral who wants Gary to take his daughter to a dance. However, things don't go as planned and Gary ends up imprisoned in a Naval Jail. While in jail, Gary receives the paper and learns that McGinty's is going to blow up. Meanwhile, Henry gets the chance to impact global politics. Guest Stars:Leslie Bibb,Ronny Cox | |||||
50 | 5 | "Saint Nick" | Jim Quinn | Jeff Melvoin | October24,1998 |
Gary becomes jealous when Erica reunites with a childhood friend, Nick Sterling, who is a philanthropist and beloved by everyone. He reads in the paper that Nick will propose to Erica and that the hospital Nick recently completed construction on is going to catch fire at the opening party. | |||||
51 | 6 | "Halloween" | Gary Nelson | Bob Brush | October31,1998 |
Gary is abducted by two witches that he saved from a fire. They believe that Gary is a warlock and that Gary can help them free their sister who has been locked up for close to 200 years. Gary needs to escape to prevent poisoned candy being handed out to some kids. | |||||
52 | 7 | "Up Chuck" | David Grossman | Alex Taub | November7,1998 |
Gary is suspicious when Chuck makes a surprise visit from California with a surprisingly new attitude, claiming that he is very successful in Hollywood. Gary soon learns that Chuck is paying someone to follow him and film his heroic acts in hopes of getting a movie deal. Guest Star:Jerry Springer | |||||
53 | 8 | "Deadline" | Scott Paulin | Sean Clark | November14,1998 |
The paper tells Gary that a man, named Ricky Brown, is going to be executed the next day. Gary learns that the previous recipient of the paper, Lucius Snow, tried to help Brown, but couldn't. He did leave some clues for Gary about the case. With help from reporter Molly Greene, Gary tries to prove Brown's innocence and clear his name hours before his execution. They start by talking to the victim's sister, whom Brown had been seeing. | |||||
54 | 9 | "In Gary We Trust" | Ian Barry | Carla Kettner | November21,1998 |
When Gary interrupts a federal investigation by trying to save a towel boy from being shot in a sauna, he is placed in the Witness Protection Program. It turns out that the people who were going to kill him are mobsters and the spa worker is actually an FBI agent working on a case to bring the mobsters down. He is assigned an attractive-but-surly agent, Toni Brigatti, to watch over him around the clock, which puts off Erica, whom he just got the courage to ask out and makes it difficult for Gary to fulfill his duties with the paper. Guest Star:Constance Marie | |||||
55 | 10 | "Nest Egg" | Gary Nelson | Alex Taub, Sean Clark | December5,1998 |
Much to his surprise, Gary runs into his mother in the middle of Chicago. He shadows her and sees her drinking champagne with a strange man. Gary first suspects that she is having an affair, but soon learns that the stranger has tricked her into investing her retirement money in a fictitious company. The two of them try to recover not only her funds, but also those of the con artist's other victims. Guest Star:Tess Harper | |||||
56 | 11 | "Teen Angels" | James Quinn | Laura Doyle | December19,1998 |
Gary is mistaken as a high school substitute teacher in order to prevent a school shooting. However, when his newspaper is torn up and lost, he is unable to pinpoint who the shooter is. | |||||
57 | 12 | "Slippity-Doo-Dah" | Fisher Stevens | Carla Kettner | January9,1999 |
Gary catches a snake that was going to bite a bingo player who faints and knocks her head. Turns out she is supposed to be Henry’s babysitter. Gary takes over for her, but Marissa warns him that he can't handle both the paper and Henry. While babysitting for Henry, Gary encounters a woman who has tendency for ambulance chasing. | |||||
58 | 13 | "The Last Untouchable" | Randy Roberts | Sean Clark | January16,1999 |
Gary gets in the middle of a feud between a former Untouchable, Capone’s last living major gang member, who was just released from prison, and a retired T-Man who helped put him away. Guest Stars:Ernest Borgnine.Joseph Campanella | |||||
59 | 14 | "Just One of Those Things" | Gary Nelson | Alex Taub | February6,1999 |
Gary begins to experience medical problems stemming from his frequent lying to Erica about his whereabouts. He decides to come clean and tell her about the newspaper and his heroic acts. However, she has a tough time believing him after his paper gets switched when Patrick, who is looking for an apartment, accidentally takes Gary’s paper. Guest Star:Tom Bosley | |||||
60 | 15 | "Funny Valentine" | Adam Nimoy | Jeff Melvoin | February13,1999 |
While in town to discuss a major deal with the Chicago Cubs, star ball player Andy Miller escapes serious harm when Gary saves him from being severely injured in a freak accident. Andy does bruise his shoulder during the incident and Gary takes him to the hospital where Andy winds up falling in love with his physician, Dr. Suzy Pietro. Andy decides to accept the Cubs lucrative offer so he can stay in Chicago and be with Suzy. Unfortunately, Andy's agent doesn't want him to sign with the team and he soon learns that Suzy is contemplating a marriage proposal from another man. Meanwhile, Marissa becomes acquainted with a man named Emmett Brown. Guest Star:Paul Ben-Victor, Ray Toler | |||||
61 | 16 | "Number One with a Bullet" | David Petrarca | Attica Locke | February20,1999 |
Marissa's old friend, Julius, aka C-Roc, is in town for a CD signing and Gary has to prevent him from being killed at a concert. Guest Stars:Coolioas Julius "C-Roc" Ruby,Tone Loc | |||||
62 | 17 | "Two To Tangle" | Jim Quinn | Rick Mittleman | February27,1999 |
A couple is fighting with each other over their lingerie company and Henry befriends their daughter. | |||||
63 | 18 | "Fate" | Gary Nelson | Carla Kettner | March20,1999 |
A homeless man plummets to his death while Gary tries to save him. Gary is rattled by his inability to prevent the tragedy and questions his involvement with the paper. When Gary refuses to prevent the next day's bad news, he winds up being forced to confront his own fate when he reads his obituary in the paper. Guest Star:Michael Whaley | |||||
64 | 19 | "Crumb Again" | Mel Damski | Sean Clark | April3,1999 |
Crumb is about to publish a manuscript about police corruption in Chicago, when he becomes the target of someone who doesn't want the book to come out. Gary and Crumb then narrowly escape a drive-by shooting. Federal Agent Brigatti, who recently transferred to the Chicago detective squad, takes on the case and attempts to track down Crumb's potential killer. Guest Star:Ron Dean,Constance Marie | |||||
65 | 20 | "Pinch Hitters" | Todd Pfeiffer | Dan Freudenberger | April17,1999 |
Gary tries to prevent an accident involving a rare monkey, but he gets bitten by the animal and is forced into quarantine until it can be determined whether or not he has contracted a rare disease. In the meantime, Gary enlists Marissa's help in preventing an elderly man from being injured in a variety of dangerous mishaps. With the help of her new boyfriend, Emmet, she attempts to save the man. Guest Star:Red Buttons | |||||
66 | 21 | "Home Groan" | Scott Paulin | Alex Taub | May1,1999 |
While Gary is able to prevent a robbery attempt by dangerous criminals, he is unable to convince the local sheriff that the convicts are hiding out in his little town. It turns out that the sheriff, Joe, is an envious old high-school classmate of Gary's who decides to throw him in jail for causing a ruckus. While behind bars, Gary reads in the paper that his mother will be killed by the convicts. When he's unable to convince Joe to stop by his parents house to prevent the impending tragedy, Gary's dad, Bernie, comes to his rescue and they both rush to save Gary's mother. Guest Stars:William Devane,Tess Harper,Robert Duncan McNeill(known for playingTom Paris) | |||||
67 | 22 | "Play It Again, Sammo" | Gary Nelson | Sean Clark | May8,1999 |
Together with Sammo Law (appearing in a crossover role from Martial Law), Gary works to recover a priceless Chinese helmet and also protect a thief and his niece from being murdered. Real Life Filming Locations:Navy Pier Guest Stars:Sammo Hungas Sammo Law,Martina McBrideas herself,Lauren Tom | |||||
68 | 23 | "Blowing Up Is Hard to Do" | David Grossman | Jeff Pinkner, Carla Kettner | May15,1999 |
Gary saves Detective Armstrong's wife from drowning at a gym. The Armstrongs invite Gary and Erica to dinner at their house, but Detective Armstrong is suspicious about Gary saving his wife, and accuses him of trying to kill her. Later, Erica decides to end her relationship with Gary and Gary must prevent two buildings from being blown up. Guest Star:Tamara Taylor,Michael Whaley |
Ep. | No. | Title | Director | Writer(s) | Original air date |
69 | 1 | "The Out-of-Towner" | Gary Nelson | Alex Taub | September 25, 1999 |
Gary meets a man from New York, Sam Cooper, who receives tomorrow's edition of the New York Daily News. However, unlike Gary, Sam hires other people to complete the rescues and uses the paper's knowledge to make money. Guest Star:Willie Garson | |||||
70 | 2 | "Duck Day Afternoon" | Randy Roberts | Carla Kettner | October 2, 1999 |
In an effort to avoid spending time with his parents, who've decided to move in with him because their town was ravaged by a storm, Gary races off to save a group of ducks and draws the attention of inquisitive Chicago Sun-Timesphotojournalist, Miguel Diaz. When Gary pleads with Miguel not to run the photo he took of him – so his parents won't find out that he's intentionally avoiding them – the photographer becomes more curious. He realizes that Gary's name keeps popping up in connection with many rescues. Guest Stars:William Devane,Tess Harper | |||||
71 | 3 | "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" | Reza Badiyi | Sean Clark | October 9, 1999 |
Chuck comes for a visit and offers to take Gary to a Cubs game where a promising rookie, Pedro Mendoza, is going to play. Gary finds himself trying to help the owner of a restaurant who borrowed money from a loan shark, who is now demanding ownership in the restaurant as payment. Meanwhile, Chuck inadvertently changes the course of the day's events by taking a cab from Mendoza. Guest Star:Amaury Nolasco | |||||
72 | 4 | "The Iceman Taketh" | Scott Paulin | James Stanley, Dianne Messina Stanley | October 16, 1999 |
Gary and Detective Toni Brigatti have to pretend they are a couple for an extended amount of time in effort to catch a jewel thief, while also searching for the gas leak that will cause a ship to explode on Lake Michigan. Guest Stars:Kimberley Davies,Constance Marie,Paul Satterfield | |||||
73 | 5 | "Camera Shy" | Reza Badiyi | Eric Tuchman | October 23, 1999 |
Feeling bad that he helped get Miguel Diaz fired from two jobs, Gary tries to find him another job. When Miguel photographs a criminal thought to be dead, he believes that he has a chance at getting his job back at the Chicago Sun-Times. However, things don't go as planned and Gary must save Miguel from being killed. Guest Star:Gregory Itzin | |||||
74 | 6 | "Wild Card" | Kevin Dowling | Josh Applebaum, Andre Nemec | October 30, 1999 |
Gary tries to relax with his obligation to the Paper, but Patrick keeps causing problems when he keeps following Gary around, trying to find a way to tell Gary that he is leaving. When Patrick's actions lead to an explosion at a Halloween rave party, Gary instructs him not to move a muscle – a directive that backfires when Patrick attempts to help and winds up in a life-threatening situation. | |||||
75 | 7 | "Fatal Edition, Part 1" | Gary Nelson | Jeff Pinkner | November 6, 1999 |
Gary is arrested and charged with murder after he is found standing right next to the slain body of a man who had earlier threatened to investigate him after the Paper mis-publishes the time of a reporter's murder. Later, Gary becomes a fugitive. Guest Stars:Michael Whaley,Constance Marie | |||||
76 | 8 | "Fatal Edition, Part 2" | Gary Nelson | Doris Egan | November 13, 1999 |
Gary is on the run from the police after the murder of Frank Scanlon. Gary learns that at the time of Scanlon's death, he was about to break a story on a murder-for-hire ring. With the help of Chicago Sun-Timesphotographer Miguel Diaz, Gary attempts to clear his name. Meanwhile, Detective Brigatti uncovers some evidence of her own, which proves Gary's innocence and implicates someone with whom she works closely in the department, which puts her life in danger. Guest Stars:Constance Marie,Michael Whaley | |||||
77 | 9 | "Weather Girl" | Mel Damski | Alex Taub | November 20, 1999 |
Gary provides precise weather forecasts to an attractive TV weather personality, Rebecca, who becomes renowned for her accurate forecasts, until the paper shows up at his doorstep one morning without a trace of the next day's weather and the weathergirl quits and is unable to warn of a coming disaster. Meanwhile, Uncle Phil keeps getting fired from one job after another. Guest Star:Fyvush Finkel | |||||
78 | 10 | "Run, Gary, Run" | Scott Paulin | Carla Kettner | December 18, 1999 |
When Gary ignores Marissa's repeated requests to help her manage the workload at McGinty's, the Paper plays a dangerous trick on him: he reads that his friend will be struck and killed by a car. | |||||
79 | 11 | "Rose" | Julia Rask | Lorin Wertheimer | February 19, 2000 |
Crumb tries to caution Gary that a woman, Rose, who has amnesia, may appear sweet and innocent, but is probably trouble. Gary ignores his warning, even when evidence surfaces that she has a criminal record. When he believes her explanation that an old boyfriend is after her, Gary agrees to loan Rose $25,000 to get rid of him and is stunned when she suddenly runs off with his money. Guest Star:Ron Dean | |||||
80 | 12 | "Snow Angels" | Sander Stern | Josh Appelbaum, Andre Nemec | February 26, 2000 |
As a blizzard sweeps across Chicago, Gary encounters two men, Earl Camby, a reformed criminal who now devotes his life to helping those less fortunate than himself, and Cliff Mourning, a sleazy motel operator. As Gary tries to save Earl's life when a building collapses on him, he reads that Cliff is going to succumb to a heart attack. Torn between leaving Earl alone to die while he saves an ungrateful human being, Gary contemplates a decision that could ultimately tie the two men's lives together. | |||||
81 | 13 | "Gifted" | Kevin Dowling | Dianne Messina Stanley, James Stanley | March 4, 2000 |
After preventing Nikki from being injured in a school bus accident, Gary meets the tough-talking 13-year-old and learns that she is clairvoyant and also knew about the accident before it almost happened. Gary has to try to help her realize her abilities are a gift. Guest Star:Daniel Roebuck | |||||
82 | 14 | "Performance Anxiety" | Gary Nelson | Doris Egan | March 11, 2000 |
Gary's Paper is stolen by Clams, the former recipient of tomorrow's New York paper whose paper stops coming. Guest Star:T.J. Thyne | |||||
83 | 15 | "False Witness" | Ian Barry | Eric Tuchman | March 25, 2000 |
Gary is placed in a difficult situation when Miguel's brother, Joey, steals a car. However, Gary's decision to deny knowing Joey ultimately leads to a life-threatening situation. Guest Star:Michael Whaley | |||||
84 | 16 | "The Play's the Thing" | Deborah Reinisch | Michael Katz | April 8, 2000 |
Gary joins an amateur acting troupe where he finds former detective Crumb participating and later learns that the theatre will be burned down by an arsonist. Guest Stars:Ron Dean,Timothy Omundson | |||||
85 | 17 | "Blind Faith" | Jim Quinn | Jeff Pinkner | April 22, 2000 |
Gary temporarily loses his sight while trying to prevent three teens from being blown up by an old cannonball. While at the hospital, Gary meets a young kid named Nate Calvin, whose mother is ill. The next day, without being able to see, Gary must save Nate Calvin, who is trapped in an abandoned building by bullies. | |||||
86 | 18 | "Occasionally Amber" | Kyle Chandler | Lawrence Meyers | April 29, 2000 |
Chuck comes back to Chicago and announces he's engaged to a girl named Jade. When Gary meets her, he's shocked because Jade is really Amber, the jewel thief he encountered a few months back and allowed to escape. Gary confides in Marissa who tells him that he must inform Chuck. Gary's not sure what to do, especially when Detective Brigatti, whose career was nearly ruined by her, learns she's back and wants to take her down. Gary confronts Jade, who tells him that she truly loves Chuck and that she is really Jade. He decides not to tell Chuck what he knows. However, the next morning's paper says that a large diamond will be stolen from an auction. Guest Stars:Kimberley Davies,Constance Marie | |||||
87 | 19 | "Mel Schwartz, Bounty Hunter" | Todd Pfeiffer | Alex Taub | May 6, 2000 |
Gary runs into a robber who strips him of everything. The next day, Gary recognizes him and starts to pursue him, but so does a man named Mel Schwartz, an accountant that is trying to become a bounty hunter, whom Gary has to rescue after he gets in over his head. Guest Stars:Jerome "New Jack" Young,Tom "Tommy Dreamer" Laughlin | |||||
88 | 20 | "Time" | Mel Damski | Carla Kettner | May 13, 2000 |
Gary learns that Lucius Snow, the previous recipient of the Paper, saved his life when he was eleven years old and during the encounter Gary unknowingly became Snow's heir to the Paper. Guest Stars:Charles Durning,Tess Harper,Michael Whaley,Janelle Ginestra | |||||
89 | 21 | "Everybody Goes to Rick's" | Gary Nelson | James Stanley, Dianne Messina Stanley, Lorin Wertheimer | May 20, 2000 |
Gary travels back in time to 1929 to the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in order to try to save someone. Eventually after returning to his own time and saving Crumb, Gary learns that the man he saved was Crumb's father. Guest Star:Ron Dean | |||||
90 | 22 | "Luck o' the Irish" | Gary Nelson | Sean Clark | May 27, 2000 |
When Gary meets an Irish man, bad luck begins to center around him, including making a young Irish woman lose her chance at the million dollar lottery when Gary swipes her dollar with which she was going to buy the winning ticket. Gary ends up pretending to be engaged to her while she dodges an INS agent and looks for the man she loves, Nigel, while her brother plans their wedding. Ultimately the woman, Karen, learns that she was just deluding herself about Nigel and he's actually married and she and Gary reveal the truth to her family before Gary has to chase after a dump truck to stop the agent from being killed by accident. There, he learns that the agent, a man named Frank, was actually tracking down Karen because he was a childhood friend of hers and is in love with her and due to her brother's intervention, lost touch with her. In the end, Frank and Karen get married and Gary sends them a winning lottery ticket to make up for the one he cost her, while Nigel gets bitten by a mutant fish and Gary restores the Irish man's tab, ending his streak of bad luck. Guest Stars:Henry Gibson,Tess Harper |
蓋瑞·霍布森(或葛瑞)(Gary Hobson),凱爾·錢德勒 飾演:一開始擔任股票經紀人,其後為McGinty's酒吧的持有者。

恰克·費雪曼(Chuck Fishman),Fisher Stevens飾演(第一季至第二季):蓋瑞的好友和股票經紀人同事,知道“報紙”的事,常因為想賺錢而給蓋瑞和其他人增加更多麻煩,後來去洛杉磯擔任電視製作人,第三季曾客串幾集演出。
貓(The Cat),Panther、Pella、與Carl飾演:每天早上跟著芝加哥太陽報出現的貓,沒有名字,後來蓋瑞開始習慣性的餵養它,好幾次提醒蓋瑞關於報紙的事。
艾莉卡(Erica Paget),Kristy Swanson飾演(第三季):獨自扶養亨利的單親媽媽,曾前去McGinty's求職卻被蓋瑞拒絕,後來蓋瑞救了亨利一命才讓兩人和好,也讓她獲得McGinty's的經理一職。
亨利(Henry Paget),Myles Jeffrey飾演(第三季):艾莉卡的兒子,和蓋瑞及帕特里克的關係不錯,常常幫助(甚至催促)蓋瑞去救人,後來不小心知道“報紙”的事。第三季蓋瑞和艾莉卡感情開始發展后,也擔任兩人中穿針引線的角色。
帕特里克·昆恩(Patrick Quinn),Billie Worley飾演(第三季至第四季):McGinty's酒吧的酒保,有點古怪但是熱情洋溢,相信自己的老闆蓋瑞有“神秘第六感”可以預知災難,常常被派去代替蓋瑞拯救他人。特技是跳舞、吸引眾人注意力和說服他人。
芝加哥的證券經紀人蓋瑞-霍布森(Gary Hobson) 每天都能神秘的從一隻虎斑貓那裡收到一份第二天的報紙,這讓他具有預知未來的能力。報紙中描述的慘劇暗示了他每日的行程,和每天應該做什麼事才能阻止這些慘劇的發生。自從加里偶然的在一家旅館第一次收到早報以後,無論他在那裡每天都會準時收到這些報紙。有時這個能力讓他十分苦惱,因為他每天必須東奔西走拯救其他人,不過這也給他帶來了不少的好處,比如靠報紙上面的中獎彩票號和體育比賽的結果賺錢。

隨著劇情的展開加里發現自己並不是唯一一個能提前收到報紙的人(第十四、十五集《牆(The Wall)》),雖然蓋瑞試著告訴警察他有這種能力,但警察大都不相信他的說詞,不過他的父母和幾位朋友還是知道他有這種能力。有時他能夠在其他的時間醒來(比如1900年左右)改變過去。加里遇到的人通常都很懷疑他有一個秘密,但他們不清楚這個秘密到底是什麼。關於報紙到底是從哪裡來的,劇中一直沒有明確的答覆。加里只知道有一群人擁有特殊能力(比如隨心所欲的出現在想去的地方)負責給他和其他人報紙,但關於這些人的來歷,身世到劇集結束都沒有透露。

