
波士頓大學(Boston University)是美國著名的私立大學之一,素有“學生天堂”的美名。現任校長Robert A. Brown。目前是美國一級國家級大學,北美頂尖大學聯盟美國大學協會和愛國者聯盟的成員校之一,在全球享有極高的學術聲譽。學校位於美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓市,是一所非屬宗派的私立大學。它在1839年建立於佛蒙特州時,是一所衛理公會的神學院,1847年遷移到新罕布希爾州的協和市,1867年又遷到馬薩諸塞州布魯克蘭,最後由1939年至1948年間遷移至現今沿著查爾斯河畔的校區。
波士頓大學1965年建立了美國第一個癌症研究和教學實驗室,1947年建立第一個研究公共關係的學科項目。1875年,亞歷山大·貝爾在波士頓大學的實驗室里發明了電話。1985年,查爾斯·戴里斯教授提出了後來成為人類基因工程的提議。 1872年,波士頓大學是第一所向女性學生開放所有學科的大學。1873年,波士頓大學醫學院是世界上第一所男女混合的醫學院。1877年,波士頓大學是美國第一所授予女性為博士的大學。 1955年,馬丁·路德·金在此獲得神學博士。1864年,瑞白卡·李,在這裡成為美國第一位獲得醫學學位的黑人女性。1897年,所羅門·卡特·福勒在這裡成為美國第一位黑人精神病專家。
波士頓大學的校友和員工中一共有8位諾貝爾獎獲得者, 23位普利策獎獲得者,9位奧斯卡獎獲得者,9位艾美獎獲得者,以及多名金球獎提名或獲獎者。
波士頓大學於2015年收到該校歷史上最大一筆個人捐款,總計5000萬美元,來自Alan Questrom(Questrom'64)及其妻子Kelli Questrom, 波士頓大學管理學院School of Business在4月正式更名為Questrom School of Business(凱斯特羅姆商學院),並在2015年5月17日舉行的畢業典禮上授予Questrom夫婦人文博士榮譽學位。
波士頓大學校區內設施先進,尤其是成立於1989年學生獨立運營的電視台BUTV10、廣播中心WTBU、校刊BU TODAY、酒店(Howard Johnson),提供給傳播學院(College of Communication)及酒店管理學院(School of Hospitality Administration)的學生們絕佳的學習場所。除此之外,波士頓大學還提供了完善的住宿環境,Warren Tower宿舍大樓為全美最大型的宿舍之一;Fitness & Recreation Center體育館和Nickerson Field運動場是學生運動健身的好場所;Mugar圖書館、GSU學生活動中心、BU戲院、BU書局Barnes&Noble等,均是波士頓大學引以為傲的完善設備。
波士頓圖書館(Mugar Memorial Library)系統由23座圖書館組成,擁有250萬冊藏書,45,264種期刊和460萬件縮微資料,除此之外,還擁有大量的專刊、電子信息資源、和其它非文本式資料。波士頓大學圖書館把教學、學習、研究及學生生活很好地融在了一起,另外還有一些較特殊的資料,如:主題領域的相關信息、課程內容、展示現有收藏資料的優勢及不足、考試內容鑒定的回顧、學生和教師的建議等。圖書館系統不斷地擴大著收藏資料的數量和範圍,以滿足課程和研究的需要。
African Studies Library
Astronomy Library
Beebe Communications Library
Music Library
Science and Engineering Library
Medical Library
波士頓大學位於新英格蘭地區(New England),此區域為美國獨立革命的發源地,也是歐洲教徒最早登陸新大陸的地點,此區共有56所院校,其中包括哈佛大學(Harvard University)、麻省理工學院(MIT)等名校及多所音樂及藝術的專業學院。波士頓大學(Boston University)的地理位置方便,在交通上有大眾運輸系統MBTA,包括地鐵、電車、巴士、火車都可以搭乘。
波士頓(Boston)擁有相當多的歷史古迹可供參觀,學術資源亦也相當豐富。波士頓(Boston)為一個學術風氣頂盛及相當具有藝術文化氣息的城市,也是一個古老的港口城市。許多知名的藝術家或是文化工作者均是出自這裡,波士頓大學(Boston University)就是占進了地理之便,在繁華的城市中,成就了無數的優良學子。

全校共有十七個學院:波士頓大學傳播學院(College of Communication)、藝術學院(College of Fine Arts)、教育學院(School of Education)、牙醫學院(Henry & Gold Man School of Dental Medicine)、工學院(College of Engineering)、法學院(School of Law)、文理學院(College of Arts and Science)、凱斯特羅姆商學院(Questrom School of Business)、醫學院(School of Medicine)、大都會學院(Metropolitan College)、公共衛生學院(School of Public Health)、社會工作學院(School of Social Work)神學院(School of Theology)酒店管理學院(School of Hospitality Administration)等,共包括兩百五十個以上不同的科系,是非常完整的綜合大學。

傳播類:享有很大聲譽,出色校友無數,是全美第一所開設公共關係的大學。(根據College Factual:最佳本科新聞學院全美第二,最佳本科新聞項目全美第三)
生物醫學工程(Biomedical Engineering):全美排名前十。
商科:管理學院出過很多知名校友,並且以畢業生素質好聞名。2015年,原管理學院(School of Management)正式更名為Questrom School of Business。

經濟:US news全美排名21,QS world全球排名32。

波士頓大學最出名的是它的Study Abroad計劃。每年都有很多學生有機會去西班牙,以色列,巴西,倫敦,巴黎,悉尼,上海,洛杉磯,紐約,華盛頓等地進行學習以及實習。同學們可以在當地學習最有效的專業知識。比如在洛杉磯 傳播學院的同學們可以在製片場內學習最先進的方法與技巧,在倫敦藝術學院的同學們可以學到最地道的英倫文化。在此類實習或學習計劃中 同學們可以在開拓視野的同時學習到豐富的知識。

US NEWS Best Global Universities Rankings 2017-2018 全球大學排名 第39名。
US NEWS Best Global Universities Rankings 2015-2016 全球大學排名 第32名。
US NEWS Best Global Universities Rankings 2014-2015 全球大學排名 第37名。
2009年 《經濟學家》 把波士頓大學商學院列為全球第21。
2016年QS世界大學專業排名考古學排名50-100 。
2021年,位居2022 QS世界大學榜單排名第112位。
2018年US NEWS 美國大學 第37位。
2017年US NEWS 美國大學 第39位。
2016年US NEWS 美國大學 第41位。
2015年US NEWS 美國大學 第42位。
2014年US NEWS 美國大學 第41位。
2013年US NEWS 美國大學 第51位。
2012年US NEWS 美國大學 第53位。
2011年US NEWS 美國大學 第56位。
Tom Fiedler (MS COM 1971), Executive Editor,Miami Herald, 1991 普利策獎
Ethan Forman, 2003 普利策獎 winner
Daniel Goodrich (COM 1975), Photographer,Newsday, 1997 普利策獎
Stan Grossfeld(MS COM 1980), Associate Editor,Boston Globe, 1984 普利策獎
Joseph Hallinan (BS COM 1984), Reporter,Wall Street Journal, 1991 普利策獎
Kenneth Irby1992, 1993, and 1995 普利策獎
Stephen Kurkjian (BA COM 1966), Senior Metro Editor,Boston Globe, 1972, 1980和2003 普利策獎
Jhumpa Lahiri(MA GRS 1993, MA UNI 1995, PhD UNI 1997), 2000 普利策獎
Justin Lane, Freelance Photographer, 2002 普利策獎
Patricia Maldonado, former Staff Writer,Miami Herald, 1999 普利策獎
Gerald O'Neil, former Reporter,Boston Globe, 1972 普利策獎
Michael Rezendes, Reporter,Boston Globe, 2003 普利策獎
Sacha Pfeiffer, Reporter,Boston Globe, 2003 普利策獎
James Savage, Retired Associate Editor,Miami Herald, 1987 and 1993 news staff 普利策獎
William Sherman, Reporter,New York Daily News, 普利策獎,艾美獎and皮博迪獎winner
Mark Thompson(BS COM 1975), Senior Correspondent,Time Magazine, 1985 普利策獎
Don Van Natta, Jr.(BS COM 1986), Correspondent,New York Times, 1993, 1999, and 2002 普利策獎
Joan Vennochi, Columnist,Boston Globe, 1980 普利策獎
Helen Ubinas (BS COM 1994), Columnist,Hartford Courant, 1999 普利策獎
Susan Walsh (BS COM 1987), Staff Photographer,Associated Press, 1999 普利策獎
Meredith Warren, 2003 普利策獎
Elissa Altman, food writer,The Huffington Post, restaurant critic,Hartford Courant
Mike Barnicle, Journalist, Radio Host
Peter Botte, (SMG 1990 BSB) Sportswriter, New York Daily News, The Hockey News.
Liz Cho,WABC-TVNews Anchor
Christine Chubbuck, television reporter who committed suicide on live television in 1974
Elizabeth Cohen,CNNmedical correspondent
Joe Concannon, (deceased), Sports writer,Boston Globe
Fabien Cousteau, (BS '91), Aquatic filmmaker, grandson of Jacques Cousteau
David Doubilet(COM 1970 BS), underwater photographer, National Geographic
Mark Feinsand, (COM 1996 BS)Sportswriter, New York Daily News.
Tyler Hicks, photographer, 《紐約時報》
Erica Hill, anchor, CNN Headline News
Jeremy Hobson, reporter,Marketplace
Yunghi Kim, Pulitzer Prize nominated photographer
Michele LaFountain, Anchor, ESPN SportsCenter en espanól
Peter T. Maiale, 獲“有色人種促進協會形象獎”
Albert Maysles, Emmy Award winning documentary filmmaker
Kevin Merida, Associate Editor, 《華盛頓郵報》
Carl Mydans, (CBA BS 1930), Photographic journalist withLife Magazinefrom 1936 into the 1950s
Joseph Nocera, columnist, 《紐約時報》
Bill O'Reilly, (MS '75), Radio & Television personality
Melanie Page, Former CNBC employee
Anthony Radziwill, NBC anchor and reporter
Jay Severin, commentator, politico
Casey Sherman, Bestselling author of A Rose for Mary, Black Irish & The Finest Hours
Bill Simmons, (COM 1993 MS) Podcaster, Writer for ESPN's Page2
Howard Stern(CGS 1974 NDP, SPC 1976 BS), shock jock, radio personality, "King of Sirius XM Radio"
Sharon Tay, host,MSNBC
Anthony Tommasini, Chief Music Critic, 《紐約時報》
Nina Totenberg, (COM 1965) correspondent forNational Public Radio
Gary Tuchman, (COM 1982 BS) reporter, CNN
Dana Tyler, Emmy Award winning news anchor
Linda Vester, host,Fox NewsChannel
William Cohen:政治家、作家;前美國國防部長(第53屆柯林頓政府)、前美國參議院議員(緬因州-共和黨)、前美國眾議院議員。
Gary Locke駱家輝: 美國駐中國大使、前美國商業部長、前華盛頓州州長。
James Howard McGrath:政治家;前美國總檢察長(第41屆杜魯門政府)、前美國參議院議員(羅德島州-民主黨)、前羅德島州州長。
約翰·凱利(John Kelly),美國海軍陸戰隊上將、白宮幕僚長。
Lincoln Almond, (JD 1961), formerGovernor of Rhode Island
John Lewis Bates(CLA A.B. 1882, LAW LL. B. 1885), formerGovernor of Massachusetts.
Albert O. Brown, (LL.B. 1884), formerGovernor of New Hampshire
Fred H. Brown, (attended LAW 1904/06, no degree), formerGovernor of New Hampshire, former U.S. Congressman
Paul Dever, (JD 1926), formerGovernor of Massachusetts
Samuel D. Felker, (LL.B. 1887), formerGovernor of New Hampshire
Judd Gregg, (JD), U.S. Senator, formerGovernor of New Hampshire
Bob McDonnell, (M.S.B.A. 1980), elect-Governor of Virginia
Gary Locke(JD 1975), formerGovernor of Washington
J. Howard McGrath, (JD 1929), former U.S. Senator, formerGovernor of Rhode Island
William Russell, (LL.B. 1879), formerGovernor of Massachusetts.
David I. Walsh, (LL.B. 1897), former U.S. Senator, formerGovernor of Massachusetts
Joseph E. Casey, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)
Antonio Colorado, (BS 1962) Resident Commissioner in US Congress from Puerto Rico
Paul Cronin, former U.S. Congressman (MA)
John Crosby, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)
Emilio Q. Daddario, (law), former U.S. Congressman (CT)
Norman D'Amours, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (NH)
Louise Day Hicks, former U.S. Congresswoman (MA)
Brian J. Donnelly, (BS 1970), former U.S. Congressman (MA), former US Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago,
Charles Douglas III, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (NH)
Forrest Goodwin, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (ME)
Daniel Granger, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (RI)
Arthur Daniel Healey, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA), and U.S. federal judge
John Patrick Higgins, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)
Joe Hoeffel, (BS ), former U.S. Congressman (PA)
Barbara Jordan, (JD), former U.S. Congresswoman (TX)
Charles Joyce, (Newbury Seminary, pre-1850), former U.S. Congressman (VT)
Ambrose Kennedy, (JB LAW 1906), former U.S. Congressman (RI)
James Maloney, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (CT)
Jim Marshall, (JD), U.S. Congressman (GA)
Connie Morella, former U.S. Congresswoman (MD), former Maryland State Senator
Frank Morse, former U.S. Congressman (MA)
Henry Naphen, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)
Jeremiah O'Connell, former U.S. Congressman (RI)
Ernest W. Roberts, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)
Ferdinand St. Germain, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (RI)
Charles Sprague, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)
Robert Stafford, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (VT)
Walter Stiness, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (RI)
John Sullivan, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)
Joseph Walsh, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)
Edward Wason, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (NH)
George Williams, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)
Keith B. Alexander, (MBA), Director,National Security Agency
Armand Arabian, Retired Justice, California Supreme Court
Jennifer M. Callahan, (B.A., B.S.), member of theMass. House of Representatives(served2002 -present)
Michael Carleton, CIO,United States Department of Health and Human Services
Paul C. Casey, (MBA 1998), member of the Mass. House of Representatives (served1989 -present)
Martha Coakley, (JD), Massachusetts Attorney General
William Cohen, (JD), former U.S. Secretary of Defense, former U.S. Senator, former U.S. Congressman
Ned DeWire, (M.Div), former General Secretary,United Methodist Church
Joshua DuBois, (BA 2003), Head of theOffice of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnershipsunder PresidentBarack Obama.
Michael F. Flaherty, (JD), President, Boston City Council
Martha Fuller-Clark, (MA),New HampshireState Senator
James Franklin Jeffrey, (MBA), Ambassador,U.S. Department of State
Elizabeth Meyer Glaser(SED 1970), child advocate, AIDS activits and co-founder of theElizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
Colleen Graffy, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of State (P.R.)
Elizabeth Jones, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of State
Takeo Kikuchi (LLB LAW 1877), one of the first Japanese to study law in the US, founder and second president of Tokyo’sChuo University
Rikki Klieman(JD LAW 1975), attorney, TV personality,Court TV
Zsolt Limperger, Hungarian football player
Ida Lorentzen, American born Norwegian Artist
Joan M. Menard, Massachusetts State Senator
Markos Moulitsas Zúniga(JD), political consultant
David Mulford(MA GRS 1962), U.S. Ambassador to India
Shannon O'Brien, (JD), former Massachusetts State Treasurer
Barbara Pariente, (COM '70) Chief Justice,FloridaSupreme Court (Authored the Terri Schiavo decision)
Mark Regev, (MS MET 1998), spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister
Elizabeth Rhodes, (MBA), Rhode Island State Senator
Lelia Robinson (Mrs. Sawtelle), (LL.B LAW 1881), first woman admitted to Massachusetts state bar
Anna Howard Shaw(STH 1878, MED 1886) President, Nat'l Women's Suffrage Assn (1904-1915), first woman awardedDistinguished Service Medal
Cynthia Stone-Creem, Massachusetts State Senator
Louis Wade Sullivan, (MED), former Secretary, Health and Human Services
Martha Ware, Massachusetts jurist and politician
Sumner Whittier, former Lt. Governor of Massachusetts
Frank J. Williams, Chief Justice, Rhode Island Superior Court
Faisal al-Fayez(CAS MA) former Prime Minister ofJordan
Oscar Arias, (attended, no degree) President, Costa Rica; 1987Nobel Peace Prize
Milind Deora, (SMG BSBA '99) member ofIndia's Parliament
Keiko Fujimori, (SMG BSB 1997) member of Peru's Congress, former first lady of Peru
Neva Rockefeller Goodwin, (GRS PhD 1988) Philanthropist
Don Gorton(CAS B.A. 1982), Commissioner, Commonwealth ofMassachusetts Appellate Tax Board
Martin Luther King, Jr.(STH PhD 1955), 1964Nobel Peace Prize; Civil Rights Leader
Benjamin LaGuer, (MET B.L.S.magna cum laude, 1997) Massachusetts inmate who fought a conviction for more than two decades
Margaret Ng, (STH PhD) member ofHong Kong’sLegislative Council
Hiroshige Seko, (COM MS 1992) Public Relations Advisor in theCabinet of Japan
Gigi Tsereteli, (SPH 2005) Parliament, Georgia
J Allard, Vice President,Microsoft
Supachai Chearavanont, (BSB 1989 SMG), CEO & President,True Corporation(Thailand)
Nathaniel Baker, CEO, Domestic Bank
Norman Barron, Founder,Marshalls Department Stores
Kirk Bauer, (JD), Executive Director, Disabled Sports USA; Former Member,President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Brian Bedol, (COM BA 1980), Founder,Fusient Media Ventures, Creator,Classic Sports Network(which becameESPN Classic), Founder and CEO,CSTV
Jack Belsito, (BSBA 1982), President,SnappleDistributing Co.
Alessandro Benetton(SMG BSB 1988) Chairman of 21 Investimenti S.p. A, and Deuty Chairman of Benetton Group
John K. Billock, (MBA 1975), Vice Chairman and COO,Time Warner Cable
Chutinant Bhirom Bhakdi, Board of Directors,Boon Rawd Brewery(Singha Beer)
Gina R. Boswell, Sr. Vice President and COO,Avon Products
Ellen Bovarnick, Vice President,Coca-Cola
David Brand, (BS 1983) Head, Global Technology M&A,Lehman Brothers
Janice Brandt, Vice Chair,America Online
Shin Yong-Il, (MBA), CEO,Deutsche Asset Management
Michael Bronner, (BSBA 1982), Founder & Chairman,Upromise, Digitas
Fred Bronstein, President,Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Richard Cahill, President & CEO, Conway Realty
Jay Cashman, CEO, Jay Cashman, Inc., Boston-area construction mogul
David K. Colapinto, Esquire, partner,Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, Washington, D.C.
Ken Danieli, Brand Strategist and Principal,Danieli Consulting,LLC,Pepsi Stuffcreator
Allison Davis, Vice President,CBSTelevision
David Dinerstein, Founder, Paramount Classics
Mickey Drexler, (MBA 1968), Chairman & CEO,J. Crew
Trung Dung, software billionaire business executive, founder of Fogbreak Software and On Display
David Edgerton, co-founder ofBurger King
Susan Evans, Co-Founder, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Ahmass Fakahany, Executive Vice President and CFO,Merrill Lynch
Kenneth Feld(SMG 1970 BSB), CEO,Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus
Sidney Feltenstein, (BA 1962), CEO,A&WandLong John Silversrestaurants
Bill Fine, President & General Manager,WCVB-TVBoston
Paul Fireman, founder,Reebok
Jerald G. Fishman, (MBA), CEO,Analog Devices
Michael Fricklas, (JD), Executive Vice President & General Counsel,Viacom
Samuel P. Fried, (JD), Senior Vice President, Secretary & General Counsel,Limited Brands
Arlen W. Gelbard, (JD) Chief Banking Officer and President, E*TRADE Bank
Richard Gladstein, Founder, Film Colony
Shelly Glick Gryfe, (BS, Psychology, '75) VP of Marketing Research,Fisher Price
Bonnie Hammer, President,Sci-Fi Channel
Ted Harbert, President, E! Networks
Edgar J. Helms, founder ofGoodwill Industries
Jeanette Horan, (EMBA 1993), Vice President,IBM
John P. Howe, III, President & CEO,Project HOPE (USA)
Frederick Huntsberry, (CGS non-degree prog 1982, BSB SMG 1984) Chief Operating Officer, Paramount Pictures
Ishrat Husain(PhD) 13th Governor ofState Bank of Pakistan
Paul Irwin, former CEO, TheHumane Societyof the United States
Shel Israel(COM, no degree) Author, Entrepreneur and Consultant
Toshimasa Iue, (MBA 1989), President & COO,Sanyo
Bruce Karatz, (BA 1967), CEO,KB Home
Damian Kozlowski, (MS), CEO,CitigroupGlobal Wealth Management
Paul LaCamera, (MS), former President & General Manager,WCVB-TVBoston
Louis Lataif, former President,Ford Motor CompanyEurope; Dean,Boston University School of Management
Michael Tze Hau Lee, (SMG MBA 1986), Managing DirectorHysan Development Company Limited
David Lubars, Chief Creative Officer, BBDO
Christian F. Martin, CEO,C.F. Martin & Company
Jessica McClintock, (BA 1950), Founder, President, CEO, Jessica McClintock, Inc.
James McLamore, co-founder ofBurger King
Edward Mehlman, (DDS), Vice President,American Dental Association
Dirk Meyer, (MBA 1993) President & COO,Advanced Micro Devices, ACM Maurice Wilkes Award winner for contributions to Alpha and x86 chip designs
Mitchell Modell, CEO,Modell's Sporting Goods
Peter J. Moran, (CLA 1986), Co-Founder of ThinkBusiness magazine
Ellen Parker, Executive Director, Project Bread
Christine Poon, (MBA 1983), Vice Chairman,Johnson & Johnson
Craig S. Prusher, (BA 1985, JD 1988), Vice President, Asst. General Counsel, Burger King Corporation
Richard D. Reidy, (BS 1982), President, Chief Executive Officer,Progress Software
Shari Redstone, (JD), Vice Chair,ViacomandCBS
Michael I. Roth, (JD), Interpublic Group
Jay Rowe, Sr. Vice President, HBO Films
Monty Sarhan, CEO, Cracked Entertainment
J. Michael Schell, (JD), Vice Chairman, Global Banking,CitigroupGlobal Markets, Inc.
Neil Schubert, (BA 1985), Senior Vice President,Lifetime Television
John F. Smith, Jr.MBA 1965, Honorary Degree 1993, former Chairman and CEO ofGeneral Motors
Patrick Spain(LAW JD 1979), founder ofHoover'sandHighBeam Research
Fonda Snyder, Founder, Starbright Foundation
Margaret Stumpp, Senior Vice President,Prudential Financial
Nina Tassler, President, CBS Entertainment
Bruce Taub, (MBA 1973), Executive Vice President & CFO,CBSTelevision
Gerald Tsai, Jr., (CAS, GRS 1949), Chairman, Tsai Management, Inc.
Margaret Wallace, (BS 1989), CEO, Co-Founder,Rebel Monkey
David Weinstein, (BA 1972), Chief, Administration & Government Affairs,Fidelity Investments
Joseph Williams, CEO,HiberniaSouthcoast Capital Corp.
Stuart Zakim, (BA 1976, MA 1978), Vice President,Showtime Network
Edward Zander, (MBA 1975), Chairman & CEO,Motorola, former PresidentSun Microsystems
Jason Strauss, CEO of the Strategic Group
Gleason Archer, Sr.(BA 1904, JD 1906), founder ofSuffolk UniversityandSuffolk University Law School
John S. Bailey, (BSBA '51) Chancellor,American College of Greece
Gail Carney, Dean,Lesley College
Robert A. Chernak, (BSBA '68) Senior VP, Student and Academic Support Services,George Washington University
Patricia Cormier (B.A.), President,Longwood University
Charles Wesley Emerson, (School of Oratory, 1877) Founder, Emerson College
Mary Jane England, President,Regis College
Nancy Harrington, President,Salem State College,Massachusetts
Ruth Linn, Dean,Haifa University,Israel
Dana Mohler-Faria, President,Bridgewater State College
Janice Stecchi, Dean,University of Massachusetts Lowell
Thomas Tritton, President,Haverford College
Diana Chapman Walsh (M.S., PhD), President,Wellesley College
Anthony Bruno, (CAS 1974 BA), Novelist
Percy Jewett Burrell, (pre-1900 B.O., School of Oratory) American dramatist
Hal Clement, (SED 1946 M.Ed), science fiction writer
Nicholas Gage(DGE 1961, COM BS 1963, HON LtD 1985), Author, "Eleni", "A Place For Us", "Greek Fire"
Peter Guralnick,(1971 MA), author focused on twentieth-century American popular music
Younghill Kang, author, Guggenheim Fellow
William Ellery Leonard(1899) Poet
Susan Miller, (SSW 1979 MSS), author
Stewart O'Nan, (ENG 1983 BS), author
Robert B. Parker, (GRS 1957 MA, 1971 PhD), author, "Spencer for Hire" and other mystery novels
Norman Vincent Peale, (STh) Minister, author
John Perkins, (SMG 1968 BSB), economist, author
金·史丹利·羅賓遜, (GRS 1975 MA) science fiction author
Lauren Slater, (SED 1995 EDD[Doctor of Education]) author, psychologist
Anne Sexton, Pulitzer Prize winning poet
Neal Stephenson, (CLA 1981 BA) science fiction author
Dorothy West, author, member of Harlem Renaissance
Scott Whitaker, poet
PSY,South Koreansinger (ranked number 10 in best entertainers in Korea)
Samuel Adler, composer
Sylvia Alimena, (CFA 1981),French Horn,National Symphony Orchestra,Conductor, Eclipse Chamber Orchestra
Jason Alexander(attended SFA 3 years, Hon. 1995),托尼獎winning actor andSeinfeldcharacterGeorge Costanza
Fred Allen(attended Summer Session), entertainer
Ian Bavitz (Aesop Rock), musician
Joan Baez(CFA 1962 no degree), folk singer
Abhishek Bachchan(CAS 1997, no degree) Award-winning Indian actor -husband of actressAishwarya Rai
Edwin Barker, Principal Double Bass,波士頓交響樂團
Craig Bierko, (BA), Actor
James Billings(CFA 1957 MM), operatic baritone, opera librettist, and opera director
Ed Bishop, (Deceased) Actor,傅爾布萊特計劃
Nicole Blackman, artist, poet, author, vocalist, Goth icon
Calvin Burnett, (MFA 1960) artist
Jensen Buchanan,艾美獎nominated actress
John Cazale,Golden Globe Awardnominated actor, best known for role as "Fredo" in The Godfather
Michael Chiklis,艾美獎和金球獎winning actor
Valerie Coleman, (SFA '95) Composer, Founder of Grammy-nominated chamber ensemble Imani Winds
Christopher Cousins, Actor - Dozens of TV roles
Alexis Cruz, actor
Geena Davis, (SFA 1979)奧斯卡金像獎winning actress
David de Berry, theater composer, actor
Ron Della Chiesa, (BA 1959) radio personality
Emily Deschanel, actress, sister ofZooey Deschanel
Rocco DiSpirito, Chef, restaurateur, television personalityThe Restaurant
Aubrey Dollar, (no degree) actress
Olympia Dukakis(SAR BS 1953, SFA MFA 1957),奧斯卡金像獎winning actress
Bill Duke, actor,
Faye Dunaway,奧斯卡金像獎winning actress
鄧梓峰(SMG BSB 1985),香港演員及電視主持人
Don Ellis, Trumpeter and jazz composer
Charles Farrell(SMG 1928 no degree) Film & TV Actor, mayor of Palm Springs, Ca., with two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
Bruce Feirstein, Screenwriter (3 James Bond movies), and author "Real Men Don't Eat Quiche"
Peter Filardi,Hollywoodscreenwriter
Jason Filardi,Hollywoodscreenwriter
Greg Fitzsimmons, comedian
Connie Fletcher, actress
Dan Fogler, actor
Alexandra Fol, composer
Justine Susanna Gamache(SFA BFA 1994, MFA 1999), Lead Singer,Freezepop
Nina Garcia, Fashion Director ofElle Magazine, Judge forProject Runway
David Garrison, (BFA), Tony award nominated actor, Al Bundy's Neighbor onMarried with Children
Paul Michael Glaser, actor (Starsky!)
Richard N. Gladstein(CGS non-degree program 1981, COM BS 1983),奧斯卡nominated film producer
Elon Gold, comedian
Ginnifer Goodwin, actress
Norman Greenbaum, musician, "Spirit in the Sky"
Mariel Hemingway,奧斯卡金像獎nominated actress, granddaughter ofErnest Hemingway
Dorian Ho(SMG), fashion designer from Hong Kong
Michelle Hurd, actress
Eugene Izotov, Principal Oboe of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Jamie Kaler(CAS BA 1987), actor, "My Boys"
Yunjin Kim, actress,LOST, "The KoreanJulia Roberts"
Andrew Kriesberg, writer,The Simpsons
David E. Kelley, (JD), television producer, husband ofMichelle Pfeiffer, His father, Jack Kelley, coached BU Hockey
Paula Kelley, singer
Jeff Kline, Producer, various children's television shows
Dominique LaBelle, opera singer
Vincent Larusso, (BSB 2000 SMG), actorThe Mighty Ducks films
James Kyson Lee, actor英雄
Erica Leerhsen, (BFA '98), Actress
Noah Lennox, experimental musician and founding member of theAnimal Collective
Will Lyman, (SFA '71), Narrator,PBSFrontline
Yan Luo (screenwriter), actress
Elizabeth (Sadie) Holloway Marston, co-creator of the comic book character,Wonder Woman
Rob Mariano(CAS BA 1999), better known as Boston Rob, an American reality TV star and husband ofAmber Brkich
Joshua Marvit, (writing under pseudonym Milt Pupique), creator of acrosticdoublespeak
Megan McCormick, television travel host
David Metzler, television producer
Tom Magliozzi, (MBA, PhD) co-host ofCar Talk
Ikuko Mizuno-Spire, violinist,波士頓交響樂團
Julianne Moore,奧斯卡nominated and艾美獎winning actress
Russell Morash, (BA '57), Emmy Award winning producer,This Old House,New Yankee Workshop,The Victory Garden
Kevin O'Connor, (GSM MBA '99) host ofThis Old House
Rosie O'Donnell(dropout), actress, comedian
Linda Park, actress
Peter Paige, actor
Ethan Phillips, actor
Paula Plum, actress, director, playwright
Paul Rachman, (CAS BA '82), Film DirectorAmerican Hardcore, co-founderSlamdance FIlm Festival
Kim Raver, (BFA) actress, (Audrey Raines from24)
Paul Reubens(dropout), actor.
Scott Rosenberg,Hollywoodscreenwriter
Jeffrey Ross, actor, comedian
Steven Rosenhaus, (COM '97), writer, assistant director
Patti Rothberg, (no degree awarded), singer, songwriter
Anthony Ruivivar, actor
Harold Russell,奧斯卡金像獎winning actor, former National Commander of AMVETS
Sarah Saltzberg, actress
Erik Scott, singer
Robert Shampain, (CFA 1980) actor; Coordinator, Boston University in Los Angeles Internship Program
Richard Sher (producer), radio and television producer
Lan Shui, Music Director,新加坡交響樂團
Matt Squire, (CAS 1999), Platinum Music Producer
Eric Stein, castmember onBig Brother 8
Howard Stern, (CGS non degree program 1974, COM BS 1976), radio host and self-declared"King of All Media"
Ryan Sypek, actor
Mary Timony, indie rocker
Marisa Tomei(attended CFA 1983, Hon. DFA 2002),奧斯卡winning actress
Armand Van Helden, DJ
Joan Wasser, indie rocker
Michaela Watkins, actress,周末夜現場
Cynthia Watros,艾美獎winning actress
Ashley Williams, (BA '01) actress,Associated Press'It Girl', 2003
Michael Williams,奧斯卡金像獎winning producer
Alfre Woodard,艾美獎winning and奧斯卡金像獎nominated actress
David Weinberg, American vocalist,The Suicide File
Carl Adams, current wrestling coach; 3-time NCAA All-American, 2-time National Champion @ 158lb.
Harry Agganis, professional baseball player
Tony Amonte,NHLhockey player
Shawn Bates, NHL hockey player
Raja Bell(transferred toFlorida International University), NBA basketball player
Rocco Benettonformer chief executive of theBenetton Formula Oneteam.
Cindy Blodgett, FormerWNBAPlayer, Assistant Basketball Coach
Billy Brooks, NFL's Buffalo Bills '93-'95
Tom Burke, (Law LL.B. 1897)奧運會冠軍
Butch Byrd, Professional Football Standout
Mickey Cochrane, Hall of Fame Baseball player
Jim Craig,1980年美國奧運會冰球隊
Jochen Dieckfoss, 4-time America Eastcross-countrychampion
Rick DiPietro, NHL hockey player
Andy Dorman,美國職業足球大聯盟運動員
Chris Drury, NHL hockey player,Hobey BakerAward winner
Tom Dwan, Professional Poker Player
Michael Emenalo(CAS BA 1989), member of奈及利亞's 1994 World Cup soccer team
Mike Eruzione, Captain,1980年美國奧運會冰球隊
Dick Farley,College Football Hall of Famecoach
Foge Fazio, NCAA football Coach, NFL football coach
Michael Felger, sports writer for theBoston Heraldand sports radio talk show host
Mike Grier, NHL hockey player
Cornella Harrington Sanders, Olympic speed skater
Bill Herrion, NCAA basketball coach
Karl Hobbs, NCAA basketball coach
Rick Hoyt, inspirationaltriathlete
Mike Jarvis, NCAA Basketball Coach
Jim "Crash" Jensen, Former NFL football player
Adam Kagin, Professional Poker Player
Robyn Kenney, Team USA Field Hockey
Jeffrey Lurie, ex-owner, Philadelphia Eagles, ex-professor, BU
Shawn McEachern, NHL hockey player
Stephanie McMahon, WWE current Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, Live Events and Creative Writing
Shane McMahon, WWE current Executive Vice President of Global Media
Freddy Meyer, NHL hockey player
Jack O'Callahan,1980年美國奧運會冰球隊
Jay Pandolfo, NHL hockey player
Jack Parker, legendary Boston University hockey coach
Gary Plummer, NBA player
Rick Pitino, NCAA & NBA Basketball Coach
Tom Poti, NHL hockey player
Ed Ronan, NHL hockey player
Dave Silk,1980年美國奧運會冰球隊
Mike Sullivan (hockey), NHL Hockey Player, NHL Coach
John Thomas (athlete), High Jump World Record Holder
Keith Tkachuk, NHL hockey player
Ryan Whitney, NHL hockey player
Scott Young, retired NHL player
Francis Lee Bailey, (JD '60) (A.K.A. F. Lee Bailey), Renowned lawyer, Graduated first in class
Bernard Berenson(attended CLA 1883-84, no degree) prominent Art Historian of the early 20th Century
Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, wife ofJohn F. Kennedy, Jr..Killed in an airplane crashon July 16, 1999.
James Richard Cocke, M.D. (1863–1900), American physician, homeopath, and a pioneer hypnotherapist (the first blind medical graduate)
Warren A. Cole, founder of theLambda Chi AlphaFraternity, which is one of the largest social fraternities in theUnited States
Paul R. Devlin, Supreme Advocate, Knights of Columbus
Tipper Gore, Former 2nd Lady of the United States
Larry Graham, (JD '70), President,National Confectioners Association
Jeffrey Guterman, Mental health counselor and counselor educator
Karen Kwan, skater
Joyce Jillson, astrologer, 20th Century Fox Studios, Reagan Administration
Hadassah Lieberman, wife of U.S. SenatorJoseph Lieberman
Claudia Nugent, granddaughter of PresidentLyndon Johnson
Jeff Roberts, (CFA '99),傅爾布萊特計劃- Traditional Chinese Music
Mark Rosewater,Magic: The GatheringHead Designer
Travis Roy, (COM 2000) a leading activitist for spinal cord injury survivors and founder of The Travis Roy Foundation
Dawn Steel(deceased)(did not graduate), first woman to run a major hollywood studio
Steven H. Untracht, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S., (CAS BA '75), member of 1999 Nobel Peace Prize winner Doctors Without Borders.
Helen Magill White, first woman to earn a Ph.D.
College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, and College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College:
Writing: 21
Speaking: 21
Reading: 21
Listening: 21
College of Communication, College of General Studies and School of Management:
Writing: 22
Speaking: 23
Reading: 25
Listening: 21;或PBT成績600分以上
SAT Reasoning test 1770-2050 (50%)
College of Arts & Sciences, School of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, and College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College:
Writing: 22
Speaking: 23
Reading: 21
Listening: 18
College of Communication, College of General Studies and School of Management:
Writing: 22
Speaking: 23
Reading: 25
Listening: 21
錄取學生高中排名:Top 7%
What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
There's jokes--the hockey players, basketball players, crew guys, rugby guys, etc. There's also hipsters, which are usually belong the "CFA kids" category. There's frat guys and sorority girls. Definitely some nerds. The stereotypes are usually pretty accurate. People fit their part, but blend into the whole all the same. BU does have many different groups of different type of people, but I feel like everyone mixes in really well. And as far as a general stereotype for just a BU Student, I can't really say that there is one, because everyone seems so unique.

該校籃球校隊與其他八所位於新英格蘭地區、紐約州及馬里蘭州的大學共同屬於“美東聯盟”(America East Conference);冰球校隊屬於“冰球東部協會”(Hockey East Association);並參與“北美十三州體育協會”(Colonial Athletic Association)及“東部大學體育聯盟”(Eastern College Athletic Conference)等約十種男女室內外體育競賽,包括足球、壘球、曲棍球、賽艇、戶外賽跑、游泳等。正式參與競賽等級均屬美國“全國大學體育協會”(National Collegiate Athletic Association)第一級(Division I)。
校隊主色是猩紅色,昵稱為“梗犬”(Terriers),吉祥物名喚“瑞德”(Rhett),是條項圈帶刺、叉手咧嘴的小獵犬。“瑞德”命名的靈感,來自美國1930年代暢銷小說《飄》(Gone With the Wind)中的經典名句:“世上再沒人比瑞德更愛思嘉了。”(No one loves Scarlet more than Rhett.)。書中女主角郝思嘉(Scarlet O'Hara)的名字,恰與猩紅色英文同字;而“瑞德”即源自男主角白瑞德(Rhett Butler)的名字。

2016年5月6日,波士頓大學時任校長Robert Brown與清華大學校長邱勇先生簽署了系統工程專業雙學位項目合作協議。新的雙學位項目允許清華大學系統工程專業的本科畢業生在波士頓大學工程學院繼續深造,攻讀碩士學位。