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Almost in Love


by Neal Umphred The Camden series is, except for diehards, of negligible interest. The first couple of Elvis titles drew the consumer in with a couple of tasty recent outtakes (1968's "Tiger Man" and a pair from the 1969 Memphis sessions) and then padded the albums out with soundtrack items that were, for the most part, better forgotten. Even at the budget price they were an iffy buy. Not so this one, which collects ten single sides from both the movies and the studio in an interesting package that illuminates the dichotomy that was Elvis Presley in the two years prior to the NBC special. "Clean up Your Own Backyard" and "U.S. Male" are very interesting country explorations while "Long Legged Girl (With the Short Dress On)" and "A Little Less Conversation" are so awful they need to be heard by everyone!


Almost in Love
Long Legged Girl
Clean up Your Own Backyard
A Little Less Conversation

