共找到5條詞條名為張新光的結果 展開
張新光,男,1969年11月出生。博士,煙台大學教授。澳大利亞 Curtin University 博士生導師。
目前是美國數學學會特約評論員,國際期刊《Journal of Applied Experimental Mathematics》,《Cogent Mathematics》的編委,期刊《Mathematical Problems in Engineering》和《Abstract and Applied Analysis》 的客座編委和主編。
在國內外核心期刊正式發表論文70餘篇,其中SCI收錄66篇,EI收錄3篇,國內核心期刊3篇。Essential Science Indicators高被引用論文14篇,其中2篇獲中國百篇最具影響的國際學術論文。主持國家自然科學基金面上項目1項,主持山東省自然科學基金面上項目2項,參入國家自然科學基金3項,省基金3項,。
1.Xinguang Zhang, Lishan Liu,A necessary and sufficient condition of existence of positive solutions for nonlinear singular differential systems,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,327 (2007) 400–414.(SCI).
2.Xinguang Zhang, Lishan Liu and Yonghong Wu,Global solutions of nonlinear second-order impulsive integro-differential equations of mixed type in Banach spaces,Nonlinear Anal.,67(2007) 2335-2349. (SCI).
3.Xinguang Zhang, Lishan Liu,Existence of positive solutions for second order differential equations on the half-line,Appl. Math. Comput.,185(2007)628-635.(SCI).
4.Xinguang Zhang, Lishan Liu, Existence of positive solutions for a singular semipositone differential systems.Math. Comput.Model., 47(2008)115-126.(SCI).
5.Xinguang Zhang, Huichao Zou and Lishan Liu,Positive solutions of second-orderm-point boundary value problems with changing sign singular nonlinearity,AppliedMath.Letters, 20(6)(2007), 629-636.(SCI)
6.Xinguang Zhang, Lishan Liu, Initial value problems for nonlinear second order impulsive integro-differential equations of mixed type in Banach, spaces,Nonlinear Anal., 64( 2006), 2562-2574. (SCI)
7.Xinguang Zhang, Lishan Liu and Yonghong Wu, Nontrivial solution of third-order nonlinear eigenvalue problems,Appl.Math.Comput., 176( 2006)714-721. (SCI).
8.Xinguang Zhang, Lishan Liu, Positive solutions of superlinear semipositone singularDirichlet boundary value problems,J. Math. Anal. Appl., 316(2006) 525-537.(SCI).
9.Xinguang Zhang, Lishan Liu, B.Wiwatanapataphee, Yonghong Wu, Singular higher oder semipositone nonlinear eigenvalue problems,Dynamics of Continuou,Discrete,Impulsive Systems, 14(4)(2007), 565-576.(SCI).
10.Xinguang Zhang, Lishan Liuand Huichao Zou,Eigenvalues of fourth-order singular Sturm–Liouville boundary value problems,Nonlinear Anal.,189, ( 2007)1359-1367.(SCI).
11.XinguangZhang, Lishan Liu,Positive solutions of fourth-order multi-point boundary value problems with bending term,Appl.Math.Comput.,194( 2007)321-332.(SCI).
12.XinguangZhang, Lishan Liu,Positive solutions of fourth-order four-point boundary value problems withp-Laplacian operator,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,336(2007)1414-1423.(SCI).
13.XinguangZhang, Lishan Liu and Yonghong Wu,Positive solutions of nonresonance semipositone singular Dirichlet boundary value problems,Nonlinear Anal.,68(1)(2008)97-108.(SCI).
14.XinguangZhang, Lishan Liu and Huichao Zou,Eigenvalues of fourth-order singular Sturm–Liouville boundary value problems,Nonlinear Anal.,68, (2)(2008)384-392.(SCI).
15.Xinguang Zhang, Lishang Liu, A necessary and sufficient condition ofpositive solutions for nonlinear singular differential systems with four-point boundary conditions,Nonlinear Anal., In press, accepted 6 Mar. 2007.(SCI).
16.XinguangZhang,Lishan Liu, Nontrivial solutions for higher order multi-point boundary value problems,Computers, Mathematics with Applications,In press, accepted, (SCI).
17.XinguangZhang, Lishan Liu,Eigenvalue for fourth order m-point boundary value problem with derivatives,Computers & Mathematics with Applications,In press, accepted,(SCI).
18.Xinguang Zhang, Lishan Liu and Jiqiang Jiang,Positive solutions of fourth-order Sturm–Liouville boundary value problems with changing sign nonlinearity,Nonlinear Anal.,In Press,Nov.2007(SCI).
19.Xinguang Zhang, Eigenvalue of higher-order semipositone multi-point boundary value problems with derivatives,Appl.Math.Comput.,In Press,Feb.2008(SCI).
20.Lishan Liu,XinguangZhangand Yonghong Wu,Existence of positive solutions for singular higher-order differential equations,Nonlinear Anal.,In Press,Apr. 2007.(SCI).
21.Lishan Liu,XinguangZhangand Yonghong Wu,On existence of positive solutions of a two-point boundary value problem for a nonlinear singular semipositone system,Appl.Math.Comput.,192(2007) 223-232.(SCI).
22.Lishan Liu,XinguangZhangand Yonghong Wu,Positive solutions of fourth-order nonlinear singular Sturm–Liouville eigenvalue problems,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,326(2007)1212-1224(SCI).
23.Zengqin Zhao,XinguangZhang,C(I) Positive solutions of nonlinear singular differential equations for nonmonotonic function terms,Nonlinear Anal.,66(2007)22-37.(SCI).
24.Lishan Liu, Yonghong Wu andXinguangZhang,On well-posedness of an initial value problem for nonlinear second-order impulsive integro differential equations of Volterra type in Banach spaces,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,317(2006) 634-649.(SCI).
25.Xinguang Zhang and Lishan Liu, positive solutions of Singular Semipositone Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems,Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications,10(3)(2005)469-478.
28.XinguangZhang, Sun yongping,Existence Result for Semipositone Second-Order Three-PointBoundaryValue Problem,Journal MathematicalStudy,2 (2004) 123-128.
29.Huichao Zou, Hefeng Jiang,XinguangZhang, Nonlinear eigenvalue problems for BVPs of second-order difference equations,Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications,11(2006)523-531.
30.孫永平,張新光,三階三點邊值問題無窮多個正解的存在性,工程數學學報,vol. 21, No. 4 (2004) 661-664.
32.Xu Youjun,XinguangZhang,Existence of positive solutions for a class of similinear
elliptic equation with convex and concave nonlinearities,Annals of Differential Equations, vol.22, No.4, (2006)596-601.
33.Xinsheng Du,Jiqiang Jiang, Huichao, Zou,XinguangZhang,Positive Solutions of Singularnth Order Boundary Value Problems with NonlocalConditions,JP Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 1(1),2006,43-51.