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導演: Dusan Szabo
編劇: Dusan Szabo / Emir Gengic
主演: Branko Vidakovic
類型: 喜劇
製片國家/地區: 南斯拉夫
語言: 匈牙利語 / Serbian
上映日期: 1990-07-16
又名: Sex-Party's Enemy No.1


前南“黑浪潮”(BLACK WAVE)一代中出現了不少內容大膽前衛的作品,這又是一部堪比《WR高潮的秘密》和《我的家庭在世界革命中的角色》的牛片,其中對鐵托政權的諷刺和政治暗喻完全用超現實的“性愛”來表現,極其讓人驚訝的作品。
The adventures of young tailor apprentice, member of SKOJ, who enters different war actions as a hero, but every action involves love affair, because his love towards women is stronger than towards the Party. His destiny is the same after the war, and he passes through dark period of Informbureau uninjured, thanks to his restless love enthusiasm. Screening of the synonymous Dusan Sabo's novel.