



王之:女,現為復旦大學經濟學院助理教授。她於2013年5月從美國布朗大學(Brown University)經濟系獲得經濟學博士學位。她的論文主要是城市經濟學領域的應用微觀研究,主要關注城市間工資增長差異的度量(urban wage-growth premium)、城市土地發展模式(urban land development pattern)的決定因素、土地利用規制(land use regulations)的執行以及其對房屋市場的影響、環境政策對企業空間布局的影響等問題。她還擔任了Journal of Urban Economics,Journal of Public Economics,Annuals of Regional Science的匿名評審。她現面向研究生開設城市經濟專題研究,面向本科生開設計量經濟學、面向EMA學生開設Urbanization in China。
(1) “Fundamental Factors in the Housing Markets of China” (with Qinghua Zhang), Journal of Housing Economics, 25(2014), 53-61
(2) “Wage Growth, Ability Sorting, and Location Choice at Labor-Force Entry: New Evidence from U.S. Census Data,” Journal of Urban Economics, forthcoming
(3) “To Build above the Limit? Land Use Regulations and Implementation in Urban China” (with Hongbin Cai and Qinghua Zhang), Journal of Urban Economics, forthcoming
(4) “Stricter regulation, better environment? The unintended consequences of China’s recent environmental policy” (with Zhao Chen, Matthew Kahn, and Yu Liu)
(5) “To Build Outward or Upward? Urban Land Development Pattern in Chinese Cities” (with Qinghua Zhang and Li’an Zhou)
(6) “Land-Use Constraints and Housing Production Function” (with Qinghua Zhang and Ya Tan)
(7) “Smart City, Life-Cycle Migration and Falling Mobility since the 1980s”
(8) 如何保障“保障房”-搜索匹配模型框架下的住房市場分類均衡和政策分析,與張慶華和張伯通合作,經濟學報,第1卷第1期,2014年3月