共找到4條詞條名為宋之光的結果 展開



博士,1986 -1994年在中國科學院蘭州地質研究所任研究實習員、助理研究員,主要從事近現代、現代沉積有機地球化學及其在環境和油氣勘探方面的應用研究·




博士,男,研究員,博士生導師。1986 -1994年在中國科學院蘭州地質研究所任研究實習員、助理研究員,主要從事近現代、現代沉積有機地球化學及其在環境和油氣勘探方面的應用研究;1992年-1994年在澳大利亞CSIRO石油地質研究所進行訪問研究;1999年-2001年在美國布魯克文(Brookhaven National Laboratory)國家實驗室環境科學系開展博士后研究;2000年入選中國科學院“引進國外傑出人才計劃”。2001年至今在中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所工作。




油氣和有機地球化學, 環境地球化學


1. Song Zhiguang etc. 2008. Characterizing Organic Matter in Marine Sediments Associated with Gas Hydrate and Oil Seepage From the Gulf of Mexico. Geofluids
2. Song Zhiguang, Wang Cuiping, 2006. The biomarkers of 2,6,10,15,19- pentamethylicosenes and their carbon isotopic composition in the sediments from the Gulf of Mexico. Chinese Science Bulletin
3. Song Zhiguang, Wang Maochun, Barry Batts, Xian ming Xiao, 2005. Hydrous Pyrolysis Transformation of Organic Sulfur Compounds: 1. Their reactivities and Chemcial Changes. Organic Geochemistry
4. Zhiguang Song, Minggang You, Nurden S. Duzgoren-Aydin, 2005. Characterization of particulate organics accumulated on the ceiling of vehicular tunnels in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China. Atmospheric Environment,
5. Song Zhiguang, Batts B.D. and Smith J.W. (1998) Hydrous Pyrolysis reactions of sulfur in three Australian Brown Coals. Organic Geochemistry
6. Song Zhiguang, Batts B.D. and Smith J.W. (1995) The sulfur geochemistry of some Australian brown coals. In Coal Science, Volume II (Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Coal Science). Edited by Pajares J.A. and Tascon
7. Song Zhiguang and Luo Binjie (1993) The transformation of organic matter during the early diagenesis in Southern China Sea and adjacent area. In Quaternary SedimentaryGeology of NanSha Islands and adjacent Sea Area. Ed. by The Multi-disciplinary Oceanographic Expedition Team of Chinese Academy of Sciences to Nansha Islands. Hubei Science and Technology Publisher, WuHan