I Know


I Know是一首歌曲,歌手是吳莫愁。


*Yep,there was a rabbit in the fruit shop,
and I saw it was eating some fruit.
I Know[吳莫愁歌曲]
I Know[吳莫愁歌曲]
Le t me think it over,
Would you like some grapes and blueberries
Yep,there was a rabbit in the fruit shop,
and I saw it was eating some fruit.
Let me think it over,
as far as I know
Where would it go
There was a rabbit in the fruit shop and it was staring and thinking
Would you like to look for it with me?
as far as I know
Where would I go
I like a rabbit in the fruit shop and it was staring and thinking
Would you like to look for it with me?
as far as I


《I Know》是吳莫愁聯合蝦米音樂人發起的《90后力量》音樂計劃的首支正式單曲,由吳莫愁和ZHI16演唱,並由ZHI16填詞,譜曲以及編曲。