共找到2條詞條名為蒂姆的糟糕生活的結果 展開



蒂姆的糟糕生活是來自於美國的動畫喜劇類電視劇,本劇由Steve Dildarian導演,故事講的是20多歲的蒂姆與他的女朋友在紐約生活,他卻發現自己的生活越來越糟糕的故事。


Everybody makes mistakes, but for Tim - a self-conscious young guy living in New York - just getting out of bed in the morning could be the worst decision he makes all day. No matter the situation, life's little challenges always manage to demand the most offensive solutions, which wouldn't be such a problem if he weren't continually caught red-handed. From the mind of Steve Dildarian - the Clio-winning ad man behind Budweiser's famous 'Lizards' campaign - 'The Life and Times of Tim' follows this everyday working guy from one scandalous crisis to the next.