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i never told you

Colbie Caillat演唱歌曲

歌手Colbie Caillat在其2009年8月21日發行的專輯Breakthrough中的一首歌曲。


COCO 2009年全新專輯,8月25號首發,。22歲,來自美國LosAngeles的女歌手,初聽感覺她的聲音很深,很純也很有質感,如果唱jazz會不錯!可是風格歸檔到了Acoustic / Soul / Folk...據last.fm說Colbie Caillat曾受Michael Buble的影響,Michael Buble的聲音和演唱技巧可是讓人佩服的。可以聽聽他那首home...整張專輯的氣氛很濃厚,讓人有種閑怡自在的感覺,沒有負擔,沒有壓力...全身心投入地去聆聽Colbie帶給的自由快感....一個值得推薦的女聲
Colbie Caillat的發跡過程被美國媒體形容為“部落格神話”。蔻比最初只是單純地把吉他創作放到MySpace與網友分享,沒想到創作單曲Bubbly點播超達2,000多萬次,先被美國6,240位創作人士部落格串聯推薦,之後如滾雪球般的變成22萬名網友將她添加部落格好友名單。在沒有與唱片公司簽訂合約之前,Colbie Caillat的Myspace空間連續四個月中都是所有未簽約的藝人中瀏覽量最高的,平均每天超過了5萬次,可見她在歌迷當中積累下來的人氣。從音樂風格上看,Colbie Caillat的歌算是流行民謠與R&B音樂的融合,編曲更偏民謠化,但她在部分歌曲中的唱腔還是結合了一些現代R&B的元素。
Billboard告示牌樂評稱她為:‘女生版的傑克強森’、專業音樂網站AMG給予四顆星高評價,還盛讚:‘這是一個比Norah Jones更輕盈明亮的悅耳作品。’在這個商業行銷手法凌駕音樂本質,以及詞曲創作被所謂的芭樂公式限制住的現在,蔻比的出現為當代流行樂壇注入無比清新的氧氣。“她是真才實料的”,Universal Republic Records總裁Monte Lipman這樣評價Colbie Caillat。
憑藉上一張專輯《Coco》的出色表現,Colbie Caillat於07一炮而紅!晃眼,兩年過去了,在歌迷們的翹首期盼下,Colbie Caillat發行了個人第二張大碟。兩年的時間,說長不長,說短也不短,但是對於Colbie Caillat的粉絲來說,兩年的等待絕對是值得的!


Colbie Caillat- I Never Told You
I miss those blue eyes
How you kiss me at night
I miss the way we sleep
Like there's no sunrise
Like the taste of your smile
I miss the way we breathe
But I never told you
What I should have said
No, I never told you
I just held it in
And now,
I miss everything about you
Can't believe that I still want you
and after all the things we've been through
I miss everything about you
Without you
I see your blue eyes
Everytime I close mine
You make it hard to see
Where I belong to
When I'm not around you
It's like I'm not with me
But I never told you
What I should have said
No, I never told you
I just held it in
And now,
I miss everything about you
Can't believe that I still want you
and after all the things we've been through
I miss everything about you
Without you
But I never told you
What I should have said
No, I never told you
I just held it in
And now,
I miss everything about you
Can't believe that I still want you
and after all the things we've been through
I miss everything about you
Without you

