共找到8條詞條名為凱莉的結果 展開
- 動畫《凹凸世界》中的角色
- 英國首相約翰遜妻子
- 美國明星
- 《巴啦啦小魔仙》動畫人物
- 動畫《萬能阿曼》角色
- 2004年動畫電影《超人總動員》中的角色
- 英屬維京群島女子短跑運動員
- 遊戲《凹凸世界》中的角色
Violet: Yes, Mom, I'm completely stupid. Of course we got a sitter. Do you think I'm totally irresponsibile? Thanks a lot.
Helen: All right, well, who'd you get?
[scene switch to telephone]
Kari: You don't have to worry about one single thing, Mrs. Parr. I've got this baby-sitting thing wired. I've taken courses and learned CPR, and I've got excellent marks and certificates I can produce on demand.
Helen: Kari?
Kari: I also brought Mozart to play while he sleeps to make him smarter because leading experts say Mozart makes babies smarter?
Helen: Kari...
Kari: ...And the beauty part is the babies don't even have to listen ?cause they're asleep! You know, I wish my parents played Mozart when I slept because half the time I don't even know what the heck anyone's talking about!
Helen: Kari, I really don't feel comfortable with this. I'll pay you for your trouble but I'd really rather call a service.
Kari: Oh, there's really no need, Mrs. Parr. I can totally handle anything this baby can dish out. Can't I, little baby? Who can handle it? Who can handle it?
Hi, this is Kari, sorry for freakin' out but your baby has “special needs”.

你知道嗎,Kari 帶著牙套。在給巴荷莉的電話中,她說“無論這個孩子做什麼我都能對付。”(I can totally handle anything this baby can dish out.)可是沒想到小傑讓她完全崩潰…… 這就是她自以為是的後果了。
超人總動員 | The Incredibles | 2004 配角
小傑的攻擊 | Jack-Jack Attack | 2005 主角
角色配音:Bret 'Brook' Parker、伍春風(大陸國配)