Unit 1 Politics
Text:The Higher Education of Washington
Further Readings:
Reading Passage 1:The Bubble of American Supremacy
Reading Passage 2:The Bubble of American Supremacy(Continued)
Cultural Information:
1 解讀美國政治中的“院外遊說”現象
2 The American Presidential Election
Unit 2 Economics
Text:Global Motros
Further Readings:
Reading Passage 1:Two-Faced Capitalism
Reading Passage 2:Stormy Weather
Cultural Information:
1 英語汽車辭彙摘要
2 Aerospace Industry in teh United States
Unit 3 Military Affairs
Text:Army Study of lrap War Detalis a "Morass"of Supply Shortages
Further Readings:
Reading Passage 1:So,What Went Wrong?
Reading Passage 2:So,What Went Wrong?(Continued)
Cultural Information:
1 美軍和英軍的軍銜制
2 美軍的陸海空三軍建制
Unit 4 Law and Crime
Text:Computer Violence:Are You Kids at Risk?
Further Readings:
Reading Passage 1:The Case Against the Prosecution
Reading Passage 2:In the Heart of Darkness
Cultural Information:
1 美國文化娛樂產品的分級制度
2 Capital Punishment in the United States
Unit 5 Education
Text:Campus on a Keyboard
Further Readings:
Reading Passage 1:Who Pays to Study?
Reading Passage 2:Who Pays to Study?(Continued)
Cultural Information:
1 英國教育體制概況
2 A Glimpse of Universites in the United States
Unit 6 Society and Culture
Unit 7 Art
Unit 8 Personality
Unit 9 Science and Technology
Appendix 1 美英新聞業簡介
Appendix 2 美英著名報刊發行量排行表
Appendix 3 Glossary