







1.國家自然科學基金項目“等離子體質譜法測定基性岩中超低含量鉑族元素及其在峨眉山玄武岩中的應用”(2006.1-2008.12,40573049),結題, 項目負責人, 經費34萬。
2.國家自然科學基金項目“汽車尾氣凈化催化劑的鉑族元素環境地球化學初步研究“(2008.1-2010.12,40773070),在研, 項目負責人, 經費40萬。
4.中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向“項目百人計劃”(2009.01-2011.12),在研, 項目負責人, 經費300萬。




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[24]Xu, C., Campbell, I.H., Allen, C.M., Huang, Z.L., Qi, L., Zhang, H., Zhang, C.S. Flat rare earth element patterns as an indicator of cumulate processes in the Lesser Qinling carbonatites, China. Lithos, 2007, 95. (3-4), 267-278.
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[28]Wang, C.Y., Zhou, M.F., Qi, L., Hou, S.G., Gao, H.G., Zhang, Z.W., Malpas, J. The Zhaotong native copper deposit associated with the Permian Emeishan flood basalts, Yunnan, Southwest China. International Geology Review, 2006, 48(8): 742-753.
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[30]Song, X.Y., Zhou, M.F., Keays, R.R., Cao, Z.M., Sun, M., Qi, L. Geochemistry of the Emeishan flood basalts at Yangliuping, Sichuan, SW China: implications for sulfide segregation. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2006, 152(1): 53-74.
[31]Song, X.Y., Zhou, M.F., Wang, C.Y., Qi, L. and Zhang, C.J. Role of crustal contamination in formation of the Jinchuan intrusion and its world-class Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide deposit, northwest China. International Geology Review, 2006, 48(12): 1113-1132.
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[34]Xie, G.Q., Hu, R.Z., Mao, J.W., Li, R.L., Cao, J.J., Jiang, G.H., Qi, L. Geological and geochemical characteristics of Early Cretaceous mafic dikes in northern Jiangxi Province, SE China and their geodynamic implications. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 2005, 79(2): 201-210.
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[37]Xu, C., Zhang, H., Huang, Z.L., Liu, C.Q., Qi, L., Li, W.B., Guan, T. Genesis of the carbonatite-syenite complex and REE deposit at Maoniuping, Sichuan Province, China: Evidence from Pb isotope geochemistry. Geochemical Journal,, 2004, 38(1): 67-76.
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