1997/09-2001/07 | 山東輕工業學院化學工程系 | 本科 |
2001/09-2004/03 | 北京理工大學材料科學研究中心 | 碩士 |
2004/09-2009/01 | 清華大學材料科學與工程系 | 博士 |
2009/01-2011/01 | 清華大學材料科學與工程系 | 博士后 |
2009/11-2010/08 | 日本九州大學先導物質化學研究所 | 訪問研究 |
2011/01-2013/01 | 美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學 物理系 | 博士后 |
2013/02-2015/12 | 清華大學材料學院 | 助理研究員 |
2016/01-至今 | 清華大學 材料學院 | 助理教授、博士生導師 |
2017 國家優秀青年科學基金
2017 Brian Kelly Award
2016 北京市科技新星計劃
2014 清華大學學術新人獎
2011 清華大學優秀博士后
2010 Elsevier Carbon Journal Prize(Runner-up)
2009 中國材料研討會(C-MRS)青年優秀論文獎
2009 清華大學優秀博士學位論文二等獎
2007 清華大學綜合優秀一等獎(清華之友-康寧獎學金)
2004 北京理工大學優秀碩士學位論文
2004 北京理工大學優秀畢業生
主要從事二維材料缺陷調控設計、合成及在能源存儲/轉換器件、超靈敏分子探測、高性能催化等領域的應用性能研究。在PNAS、Adv. Mater.、Acc. Chem. Res.等期刊上發表SCI收錄論文80多篇,發表論文被引用3400餘次(H-index:30,Google Scholar)。有7篇論文入選ESI高被引論文,5篇論文入選為Acc. Chem. Res.、Adv. Mater.等期刊的封面論文。編寫Wiley學術專著1章,申請中國發明專利10項(5項已授權)。擔任Adv. Mater.、ACS Nano、Carbon等32個國際期刊的學術審稿人和教育部學位論文評審專家,榮獲2015年Excellence in Review Award for service to the journal Carbon。主持完成國家自然科學基金-青年基金項目1項,目前正在承擔國家自然科學基金-面上項目1項,中國航空工業集團公司委託項目1項。參加國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)項目和973計劃-青年科學家專題項目各1項。

Florentino Lopez-Urias, Ruitao Lv, Humberto Terrones, Mauricio Terrones. Doped graphene: Theory, synthesis, characterization and applications (Chapter 9 of the Book: "Graphene Chemistry: Theoretical Perspectives"), 2013, Wiley.
F. Yu, Q. Liu, X. Gan, M. Hu, T. Zhang, C. Li*, F. Kang, M. Terrones*, R. Lv*. Ultrasensitive Pressure Detection of Few-Layer MoS2. Advanced Materials 2016: DOI: 10.1002/adma.201603266.
X. Wang, X. Gan, T. Hu, K. Fujisawa, Y. Lei, Z. Lin, B. Xu, Z.-H. Huang, F. Kang, M. Terrones*, R. Lv*. Noble-Metal-Free Hybrid Membranes for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution. Advanced Materials 2016: DOI: 10.1002/adma.201603617.
Q. Wang, X. Zhang*, R. Lv*, X. Chen, B. Xue, P. Liang, X. Huang. Binder-free nitrogen-doped graphene catalyst aircathodes for microbial fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4: 12387-12391.
Z. Lin, B.R. Carvalho, E. Kahn, R. Lv, R. Rao, H. Terrones, M.A. Pimenta, M. Terrones. Defect engineering of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides. 2D Materials 2016, 3: 022002.
Y. Jia*, Z. Zhang, L. Xiao, R. Lv*. Carbon Nanotube-Silicon Nanowire Heterojunction Solar Cells with Gas-Dependent Photovoltaic Performances and Their Application in Self-Powered NO2 Detecting. Nanoscale Research Letters 2016, 11: 299-299.
X. Gan, R. Lv*, H. Zhu, L.-P. Ma, X. Wang, Z. Zhang, Z.-H. Huang, H. Zhu, W. Ren, M. Terrones, F. Kang*. Polymer-coated graphene films as anti-reflective transparent electrodes for Schottky junction solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4: 13795-13802.
S. Feng, M.C. Dos Santos, B.R. Carvalho, R. Lv, Q. Li, K. Fujisawa, A.L. Elias, Y. Lei, N. Perea-Lopez, M. Endo, M. Pan, M.A. Pimenta, M. Terrones. Ultrasensitive molecular sensor using N-doped graphene through enhanced Raman scattering. Science Advances 2016, 2: e1600322.
Y. Bai, Q. Wang, R. Lv*, H. Zhu, F. Kang. Progress on perovskite-based solar cells. Chinese Science Bulletin 2016, 61: 489-500.
X. Yu, C. Zhan, R. Lv, Y. Bai, Y. Lin, Z.-H. Huang*, W. Shen, X. Qiu, F. Kang*. Ultrahigh-rate and high-density lithium-ion capacitors through hybriding nitrogen-enriched hierarchical porous carbon cathode with prelithiated nnicrocrystalline graphite anode.Nano Energy2015, 15: 43-53.
D.-M. Tang, C.-L. Ren, R. Lv, W.-J. Yu, P.-X. Hou, M.-S. Wang, X. Wei, Z. Xu, N. Kawamoto, Y. Bando, M. Mitome, C. Liu, H.-M. Cheng, D. Golberg. Amorphization and Directional Crystallization of Metals Confined in Carbon Nanotubes Investigated by in Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy.Nano Letters2015, 15: 4922-4927.
R. Lv, H. Terrones, A.L. Elias, N. Perea-Lopez, H.R. Gutierrez, E. Cruz-Silva, L.P. Rajukumar, M.S. Dresselhaus, M. Terrones. Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides: Clusters, ribbons, sheets and more. Nano Today 2015, 10: 559-592.
R. Lv, J.A. Robinson, R.E. Schaak, D. Sun, Y. Sun, T.E. Mallouk, M. Terrones. Transition Metal Dichalcogenides and Beyond: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Single- and Few-Layer Nanosheets. Accounts of Chemical Research 2015, 48: 56-64.
R. Lv, G. Chen, Q. Li, A. Mccreary, A. Botello-Mendez, S.V. Morozov, L. Liang, X. Declerck, N. Perea-Lopez, D.A. Culleni, S. Feng, A.L. Elias, R. Cruz-Silva, K. Fujisawa, M. Endo, F. Kang, J.-C. Charlier, V. Meunier, M. Pan, A.R. Harutyunyan, K.S. Novoselov, M. Terrones. Ultrasensitive gas detection of large-area boron-doped graphene. PNAS 2015, 112: 14527-14532.
X. Gan, R. Lv*, J. Bai, Z. Zhang, J. Wei, Z.-H. Huang, H. Zhu, F. Kang*, M. Terrones*. Efficient photovoltaic conversion of graphene-carbon nanotube hybrid films grown from solid precursors. 2D Materials 2015, 2: 034003.
R. Lv, M.C. Dos Santos, C. Antonelli, S. Feng, K. Fujisawa, A. Berkdemir, R. Cruz-Silva, A.L. Elias, N. Perea-Lopez, F. Lopez-Urias, H. Terrones, M. Terrones. Large-Area Si-Doped Graphene: Controllable Synthesis and Enhanced Molecular Sensing. Advanced Materials 2014, 26: 7593-7599.
R. Lv, E. Cruz-Silva, M. Terrones. Building Complex Hybrid Carbon Architectures by Covalent Interconnections: Graphene-Nanotube Hybrids and More. ACS Nano 2014, 8: 4061-4069.
徠N. Perea-Lopez, A.L. Elias, A. Berkdemir, A. Castro-Beltran, H.R. Gutierrez, S. Feng, R. Lv, T. Hayashi, F. Lopez-Urias, S. Ghosh, B. Muchharla, S. Talapatra, H. Terrones, M. Terrones. Photosensor Device Based on Few-Layered WS2 Films. Advanced Functional Materials 2013, 23: 5511-5517.
N.I. Kovtyukhova, Y. Wang, R. Lv, M. Terrones, V.H. Crespi, T.E. Mallouk. Reversible Intercalation of Hexagonal Boron Nitride with Bronsted Acids.Journal of the American Chemical Society2013, 135: 8372-8381.
H.R. Gutierrez, N. Perea-Lopez, A.L. Elias, A. Berkdemir, B. Wang, R. Lv, F. Lopez-Urias, V.H. Crespi, H. Terrones, M. Terrones. Extraordinary Room-Temperature Photoluminescence in Triangular WS2 Monolayers. Nano Letters 2013, 13: 3447-3454.
A.L. Elias, N. Perea-Lopez, A. Castro-Beltran, A. Berkdemir, R. Lv, S. Feng, A.D. Long, T. Hayashi, Y.A. Kim, M. Endo, H.R. Gutierrez, N.R. Pradhan, L. Balicas, T.E. Mallouk, F. Lopez-Urias, H. Terrones, M. Terrones. Controlled Synthesis and Transfer of Large-Area WS2 Sheets: From Single Layer to Few Layers. ACS Nano 2013, 7: 5235-5242.
T. Cui, R. Lv*, Z.-H. Huang, X. Gan, K. Wang, D. Wu, H. Zhu, F. Kang*. Hybrid graphene/amorphous carbon films with tadpole-like structures for high-performance photovoltaic applications. RSC Advances 2013, 3: 22295-22300.
T. Cui, R. Lv*, Z.-H. Huang, S. Chen, Z. Zhang, X. Gan, Y. Jia, X. Li, K. Wang, D. Wu, F. Kang*. Enhanced efficiency of graphene/silicon heterojunction solar cells by molecular doping. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1: 5736-5740.