共找到8條詞條名為楊立峰的結果 展開
2003年獲得電子科技大學光電工程與光通信學士學位,後於2006年在電子科技大學獲得物理電子學碩士學位,同年留校任教,並於2012年獲得光學工程博士學位。2013.2-2014.2收到國際光聲光熱主席A.Mandelis邀請赴加拿大university of Toronto從事光聲檢測方面研究,2015.12進入崑山聯滔電子有限公司博士后工作站從事博士后研究,2016年晉陞為副教授。
【1】Lifeng Yang, Bahman Lashkari, Joel W. Y. Tan and A. Mandelis “Photoacoustic and Ultrasound imaging of cancellous bone tissue” Journal of Biomedical Optics,20(7):0760161-12,2015,(SCI: CP3YZ)
【2】Bahman Lashkari, Lifeng Yang, Andreas Mandelis “The application of backscattered ultrasound and photoacoustic signals for assessment of bone collagen and mineral contents” Quant Imaging Med Surg 5(1):46-56, 2015
【3】Lifeng Yang, Mei Shen, Hui Luo, “The Transmission Band Gap Characteristic of One-dimensional Voltage-Controlled Photonic Crystals”, Sixth International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering, Dalian, P.R. China, Proc. SPIE, 979424-1, 2015 (EI:20161602265207)
【4】Lifeng Yang, Bahman Lashkari, Joel W. Y. Tan and A. Mandelis*, “Bone Composition Diagnostics Photoacoustics Versus Ultrasound” , Int J Thermophys, 36 (5-6):862-867, 2014(SCI: CL0EC)
【5】楊立峰,王亞非,周鷹. 一維壓電Fibonacci類准周期聲子晶體傳輸特性。物理學報,61(10): 107702,2012(SCI: 954VN)
【6】Bahman Lashkari, Lifeng Yang, Lixian Liu, Joel W.Y.Tan, Andreas Mandelis “Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Backscatter Sensitivity to Variation in Bone Collagen and Mineral Contents” Proc. SPIE. 9303, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics XI, 93033X (doi: 10.1117/12.2181093), 2015(EI:20151500739238)
【7】Lifeng Yang,Bahman Lashkari, Andreas Mandelis and Joel W.Y.Tan “Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Backscatter Sensitivity to Variation in Bone Collagen and Mineral Contents” 17th Int. Conf. Photoacoustic Photothermal Phenomena (17-ICPPP), Oct. 20-24, Suzhou, China, 2013
【8】Lifeng Yang, Yafei Wang, Ying Zhou. Correlating Speak Extraction In Acousto-Optic Signal Processing Systems Using Wavelet And Compensation. ICCPS. Chengdu, china, 6092305:1-4, 2011 (EI:20115214632831)