

龔傑,男,博士,中山大學數據科學與計算機學院副教授,博士生導師。分別於2008年和2013年在清華大學獲得學士和博士學位,期間於2012年訪問英國愛丁堡大學。2013年至2015年在清華大學從事博士后研究工作,獲得了博士后科學基金面上項目和特別資助。2015年加入中山大學工作至今。作為負責人承擔了國家自然基金青年基金和面上項目、廣州市科學研究專項,作為骨幹參加了國家973項目、國家重點研發計劃國際合作項目等。已在國內外期刊和會議上發表或錄用論文60餘篇,其中IEEE期刊論文19篇,包括IEEE Journal on Selected Area in Communications,IEEE Communications Magazine,IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications等國際權威期刊論文,高被引論文2篇,申請專利7項。目前擔任學術期刊 IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 編輯、在國際會議 IEEE WCNC 2018/19 上組織了邊緣計算專題研討會、IEEE/CIC ICCC 2018 上組織了智慧城市專題研論會。2013年獲得了第二屆IEEE通信學會亞太傑出論文獎,2016年獲得了 IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 模範審稿人稱號。









IEEE WCL模範審稿人(2016.12)


國家自然科學基金面上項目:基於能量獲取相關性的無線網路傳輸與能量管理機制研究,Jan.2018 – Dec.2021,主持
國家重點研發計劃國際合作重點專項:新一代智能信息技術在配用電系統中的應用研究與平台測試,Apr.2018 – Mar.2021,參與
廣州市科技計劃項目:基於新能源的無線網路協同傳輸技術研究,May2017 – Apr.2020,主持
EU's Horizon 2020Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange: Testing and Evaluating Sophisticated information and communication Technologies for enaBling a smartEr griD (TESTBED), Jan.2017 – Dec.2019, Participant


學術期刊 IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking,編輯
國際會議 IEEE Globecom 2019 網路邊緣智能計算與緩存專題研討會,宣傳主席
國際會議 IEEE WCNC 2018/19無線邊緣智能專題研討會,宣傳主席
IEEE/CIC ICCC 2018 智慧城市專題研論會,程序委員會主席
國際會議 IEEE ICC, Globecom, WCNC, ICCC 等,程序委員會委員




● ● J. Gong, T.-H. Chang, C. Shen, X. Chen, “Flight Time Minimization of UAV for Data Collection over Wireless Sensor Networks,”IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), vol. 36, no. 9, pp.1942-1954, Sept. 2018 (CCF A)
● ● Z. Zhou, J. Feng, L. Tan, Y. He,J. Gong, “An Air-Ground Integration Approach for Mobile Edge Computing in IoT,”IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, no. 8, pp.40-47, Aug. 2018
● ● J. Gong, X. Chen, M. Xia, “Transmission Optimization for Hybrid Half/Full-Duplex Relay with Energy Harvesting,”IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), vol. 17, no. 5, pp.3046-3058, May 2018 (CCF B)
● ● J. Gong, X. Chen, “Achievable Rate Region of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems with Wireless Powered Decoder,”IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), vol. 35, no. 12, pp.2846-2859, Dec. 2017 (CCF A)
● ● S. Zhang, N. Zhang, S. Zhou,J. Gong, Z. Niu, X. Shen, “Energy-Sustainable Traffic Steering for 5G Mobile Networks,”IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, no. 11, pp.54-60, Nov. 2017
● ● Z. Zhou,J. Gong, Y. He, Y. Zhang, “Software Defined Machine-to-Machine Communication for Smart Energy Management,”IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, no. 10, pp.52-60, Oct. 2017
● ● J. Gong, S. Zhou, Z. Zhou, Z. Niu, “Policy Optimization for Content Push via Energy Harvesting Small Cells in Heterogeneous Networks,”IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), vol. 16, no. 2, pp.717-729, Feb. 2017 (CCF B)
● ● Z. Chang,J. Gong, Y. Li, et. al., “Energy Efficient Resource Allocation for Wireless Power Transfer Enabled Collaborative Mobile Clouds,”IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 3438-3450, Dec. 2016 (CCF A)
● ● Z. Chang,J. Gong, T. Ristaniemi, Z. Niu, “Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation and User Scheduling for Collaborative Mobile Clouds With Hybrid Receivers,”IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 9834-9846, Dec. 2016
● ● J. Gong, S. Zhou, Z. Zhou, “Networked MIMO with Fractional Joint Transmission in Energy Harvesting Systems,”IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), vol. 64, no. 8, pp.3323-3336, Aug. 2016 (CCF B)
● ● J. Liu, S. Zhou,J. Gong, Z. Niu, S. Xu, “Statistical Multiplexing Gain Analysis of Heterogeneous Virtual Base Station Pools in Cloud Radio Access Networks,”IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), vol. 15, no. 8, pp.5681-5694, Aug. 2016 (CCF B)
● ● S. Zhang, N. Zhang, S. Zhou,J. Gong, Z. Niu and S. Shen, “Energy-Aware Traffic Offloading for Green Heterogeneous Networks,”IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), vol. 34, no. 5, pp.1116-1129, May 2016 (CCF A)(ESI Highly Cited Paper)
● ● S. Zhang,J. Gong, S. Zhou, and Z. Niu, “How Many Small Cells Can Be Turned off via Vertical Offloading under a Separation Architecture?”IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 5440-5453, Oct. 2015 (CCF B)
● ● C. Hu,J. Gong, X. Wang, S. Zhou, and Z. Niu, “Optimal Green Energy Utilization in MIMO Systems with Hybrid Energy Supplies,”IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 3675-3688, Aug. 2015
● ● S. Zhou,J. Gong, Z. Zhou, W. Chen, Z. Niu, “GreenDelivery: Proactive Content Caching and Push with Energy-Harvesting-based Small Cells,”IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 142-149, Apr. 2015
● ● J. Gong, J. S. Thompson, S. Zhou, and Z. Niu, “Base Station Sleeping and Resource Allocation in Renewable Energy Powered Cellular Networks,”IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), vol. 62, no. 11, pp. 3801-3813, Nov. 2014 (CCF B)
● ● J. Gong, S. Zhou, Z. Niu, “Optimal power allocation for energy harvesting and power grid coexisting wireless communication systems,”IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 3040-3049, Jul. 2013 (CCF B)
● ● S. Zhou,J. Gong, Z. Niu, “Distributed adaptation of quantized feedback for downlink network MIMO systems,”IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), Vol.10, No. 1, pp. 61-67, Jan. 2011 (CCF B)
● ● Z. Niu, Y. Wu,J. Gong, Z. Yang, “Cell zooming for cost-efficient green cellular networks,”IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.48, no.11, pp.74-79, Nov. 2010(ESI Highly Cited Paper)