約翰·莫里森(John Randall Hennigan),是一位WWE職業選手,1979年10月4日出生於Los Angeles,California(洛杉磯,加州),身高185厘米,2007年6月19日加入WWE,后簽約地下摔角。
曾用名:John Hennigan,Johnny Blaze,John Morrison,Johnny Nitro,Johnny Onyx,Johnny
Spade,Johnny Superstar

現居地:Los Angeles洛杉磯,California加州。
出場歌曲:Ain't No Make Believe
終結技:Starship Pain/End of The World(星際戰艦跳躍/世界終結)
得意技:Moonlight Drive/C4 (Moonsault sideslam)
The Moonlight Drive(Corkscrew neckbreaker) – 2007–present
Nitro Blast(Superkick) – 2004–2005, 2008
Standing shooting star press– 2005–2006; used as a regular move from 2007–present
Starship Pain(Split-legged corkscrew moonsault) – 2009–present; used as a regular move from 2007- 2008
1.180° spun flare transitioned into a leg drop
2.Belly to back wheelbarrow facebuster
3.Corkscrew plancha
4.European uppercut
5.Multiple kick variations
6.Flying Chuck(Springboard roundhouse)
7.Spinning heel
8.Step-up jumping high
9.Running knee smash to a seated opponent
10.Russian legsweep
11.Springboard moonsault
12.Springboard or a slingshot elbow drop
13.STO backbreaker followed by either a Russian legsweep or a neckbreaker
2004.11.13 - 2005.01.19 OVW南部雙打冠軍(als Johnny Nitro; mit Joey Matthewsals MNM)
2005.04.18 - 2005.07.24 WWE雙打冠軍 (als Nitro; mit Mercury als MNM)
2005.10.25 - 2005.12.13 WWE雙打冠軍(第2次) (als Nitro; mit Mercury als MNM)
2005.12.27 - 2006.05.21 WWE雙打冠軍(第3次)(als Nitro; mit Mercury als MNM)
2006.11.06 - 2006.11.13 洲際冠軍(第2次) (als Johnny Nitro)
2007.06.24 - 2007.09.01 ECW重量級冠軍 (als John Morrison, Johnny Nitro)
2007.11.13 - 2008.07.20 WWE雙打冠軍(第4次,和The Miz)
2008.12.13 - 2009.04.05 世界雙打冠軍(和The Miz)
2009.09.04 - 2009.12.14洲際冠軍(第3次)
The Thrillseekers, Guerrero/Mysterio, Holly/Haas, John Heidenreich, Road Warrior Animal, Matt Hardy, Tatanka, Jeff Hardy, The Hardy Boyz, C.M. Punk, Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, Kane& C.M. Punk, Finlay& Hornswoggle, Cryme Tyme(RAW), Ricky Ortiz, Evan Bourne, Degeneration-X, The Colon Brothers, Tommy Dreamer, Shelton Benjamin, Dolph Ziggler, Mike Mizanin
The Shaman of Sexy、性感巫師