




1999.09-2003.07 山西大學 數學科學學院 本科
2003.09-2006.07 西安交通大學 數學與統計學院 碩士
2006.09-2011.12 西安交通大學 數學與統計學院 博士
2015.08-2016.07 新加坡國立大學 統計與應用概率系 訪問學者


1. 科研論文: Research papers
n L Huang, YC Xia, X Qin. Estimation of Semi-Varying Coefficient Time Series Models With ARMA Errors, Annals of Statistics(SCI), 2016
n Xu Qin, Jiang S. Zhang, Xiao D. Yan. Model selection of the generalized von Mises distribution based on empirical mode decomposition with data analyses. Statistical Methodology, 2013, 14:15-25.( IDS Number : 148JZ)
n Wei Wei, Xu Qin, Lei Wang, et al. GI/Geom/1 queue based on communication model for mesh networks. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2014(December),27(11): 3013–3029(SCI)
n Xu Qin, Jiang S. Zhang, Xiao D. Yan. A Finite Mixture Three-parameter Weibull Model for the Analysis of Wind Speed Data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 2012,
41(12), 2160-2171.(IDS Number :948UM)
n Xu Qin, Jiang S. Zhang, Xiao D. Yan. Two Improved Mixture Weibull Models for the Analysis of Wind Speed Data. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 2012,51(7),1321-1332.(IDS Number :978TR)
n Xu Qin, Jiang S. Zhang. Xiao D. Yan. Local linear least squares kernel regression for linear and circular predictors. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 2011, 40(21), 3812-3823. (IDS Number : 888HM)
n Xu Qin, Jiang S. Zhang, Xiao D. Yan. A nonparametric circular-linear multivariate regression model with a rule-of-thumb bandwidth selector. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2011, 62(8), 3048-3055. (IDS Number : 837ON)
n Xu Qin, Jiang S. Zhang, Xiao D. Yan. A nonparametric circular-linear multivariate regression model with its application to wind energy. International Mathematical Forum,2011, 6(53), 2615 - 2624.
n Xu Qin, Jiang S. Zhang, Xiao D. Yan. A New Circular Distribution and Its Application to Wind Data. Journal of Mathematics Research. 2010, 2(3): 12-17.
n Xu Qin, Jiang S. Zhang, Xiao D. Yan. A Finite Mixture Three-parameter Weibull Model for the Analysis of Wind Speed Data. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering, 2009. (EI 檢索,檢索號20101212798896)
n 秦旭,張講社,延曉冬. 基於改進的EMD的運城市持續極端氣溫的初步分析。大氣科學學報,2009,32(5):645-651.
n 王春紅,張講社,延曉冬,秦旭. 1961~2004年漠河年均溫與持續極端氣溫頻數的變化分析. 氣候與環境研究,2009, 14(5):546-552.
n 王春紅,張講社,延曉冬,秦旭. 1961~2005年漠河年均溫和年均高低溫的變化分析. 數學的實踐與認識, 2009, 39(11):62-68.
n 秦旭,吳雲江. 帶啟動期的多重休假GI/Geom/1離散時間排隊。運籌與管理,2006, 15(1):52-57.
n 秦旭,吳雲江,馮建英. 帶啟動期和關閉期的GI/Geom/1離散時間排隊. 紡織高校基礎科學學報,2005, 18(4):308-311


2012-2014年 校級先進女職工 Advanced female workers of UESTC in 2012-2014
Leading a Basic Research Operating expenses Program of Central College Project and a Teaching Reform Research Project.


2012-2014年 校級先進女職工 Advanced female workers of UESTC in 2012-2014
概率論與數理統計 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
數學實驗 Mathematical Experiments
應用統計分析 Applied Statistical Analysis.