共找到3條詞條名為血嬰的結果 展開
- 1990年阿蘭.羅貝克執導電影
- 1982年黃正利主演的電影
- 黑岩網小說
Chino, a thug but a deadly boxer, founds the One Kick Kung Fu School with his nephew, Nap. But the school is just a front for his gang of villains, and it seemed there would be no stopping them - until they kill an old boxer and trigger the hate inside one man.
主演:朱鐵和 Tiet Wo Chu Wing-Hon Cheung,Jang Lee HwangSee full cast & crew»
又名:Five Fingers Of Steel / Blood Child
出品人:李旭馨Li Yuk Hing
監製:羅嘉甫Lo Chia Po
攝影:楊官林Yeung Kun Lin
燈光:邱重光Yau Chung Kwon
編劇:許圃Hui Kwok
副導演:黃少俊Wong Shao Jun
場記:曾碧茹Jan Bik Yu
化妝:黎雪霏Lai Shui Fai
服裝:潘雁英Pong An Ying
劇照:陳志深Chan Lo Sum
錄音:閆小波Yim Hil Bal
效果:陳國民Chan Kok Man
音樂:黃智雄Wong Chi Hung
美術:丁遠大John Ting
武術指導:黃正利HuangJang li 元武Yun moa
導演:梁永傑Vincent Leung (Leung Wing Shan)
黃正利Huang Jang li 徐世官Yum Sai Kon權永文Kuen Wing Man 元武Yun moa 李依依 Li Yi Yi
朱鐵和chu Tit Wal
主演:陳鑒Chan Kam 劉轉年Lau Huk Lin李克明Lin Hai Ming陳飛龍Chang Fei Lung 白沙力Bai sha Lik
許瑩英Hui Ying ying
演職員表來源:電影片頭(中文:中文電影片頭 英文:英文電影片頭)
Chino, a thug but a deadly boxer, founds the One Kick Kung Fu School with his nephew, Nap. But the school is just a front for his gang of villains, and it seemed there would be no stopping them - until they kill an old boxer and trigger the hate inside one man.