

徠《恐怖巴迪》(Spooky Buddies)是一部影視作品,導演是羅伯特·文斯。


先前在2009年狗狗們推出《聖誕狗狗》(Santa Buddies),敘述聖誕節的故事,還帶出了新角色 Santa Paws,甚至後來在2010年還推出以新角色 Santa Paws 所主演的衍生作品《全面搜尋聖誕狗狗》(The Search for Santa Paws)。如今,狗狗們的新作品即將來到另一個節慶--萬聖節!在《恐怖狗狗》片中,隨著萬聖節的到來,狗狗們來到一個陰森的大宅,經歷一連串精彩刺激的冒險!有一個名叫 Warlock 的魔法師預謀想要毀滅世界,狗狗們在善良幽靈狗的幫忙下,必須跟萬聖節獵狗展開競爭,才能適時阻止災難的發生。
跟之前的"狗狗"系列相同,本片是由 Anna McRoberts 和 Robert Vince 共同製片,由 Robert Vince 擔任執導,而劇本同樣由 Robert Vince 和 Anna McRoberts 所完成,小狗的配音隨著童星成長也陸續換人了,而本片中演出的角色則包括有 Sierra McCormick 、Harland Williams 、Elisa Donovan 、Sage Ryan …等等。本片的配樂依然是由 Brahm Wenger 所負責。
Disn徠ey's irresistible talking puppies are back in an all-new movie that takes them far across town to a mysterious mansion where something very spooky is going on. With the help of some unexpected new friends -- including a friendly ghost -- this exciting adventure is howling-good Buddy fun. In a race against a no-good hound, the Buddies and their new friends, Pip, Zelda, Rodney and Skip, must stop Warwick the Warlock -- and save the world from his dastardly deeds. Overflowing with action, humor, and a bag full of bonus features, Spooky Buddies is a spooktacular adventure that treats you to a celebration of friendship and teamwork your whole family will enjoy.
It's Halloween, and Disney's irresistible talking puppies are back in an all-new movie that takes them far across town to a mysterious mansion where something very spooky is going on. With the help of some unexpected new friends, including a friendly ghost, this trick-or-treat adventure is howling-good Buddy fun.
In a race against the Howlloween Hound, the Buddies and their new friends, Pip, Zelda, Rodney and Skip must stop Warlock the Magician and save the world from his dastardly deeds.