




2001/09 – 2005/06中國海洋大學學士
2005/09 – 2011/06中國海洋大學博士


2014/03 –至今中國海洋大學,海洋生物多樣性與進化研究所,教授。
2011/07 – 2014/01 美國密歇根大學,病理學系, 博士后。



1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,31470064、以纖毛蟲原生動物-嗜熱四膜蟲為模式:DNA複製延伸相關的表觀遺傳學研究、2015/01-2016/12、30萬元、在研、主持。
2. 山東省自然科學基金青年基金項目,ZR2014CQ011、表觀遺傳信息對複製延伸過程及脆性位點表達的調控研究、2014/08-2017/08、12萬元、在研、主持。
3. 中國海洋大學“英才計劃”特別資助項目,篩選影響DNA複製的表觀遺傳因子、2014/03-2017/03、60萬元、在研、主持。
1. Shan Gao, Ling Lu, Yan Bai, Weibo Song, and Cunming Duan. Structural and functional analysis of amphioxus HIFα reveals ancient features of the HIFα family. FASEB Journal, 2014, 28, 1880-1890 (IF=6.2).
2. Feng Gao, Shan Gao (通訊作者), Pu Wang, Laura Katz, and Weibo Song. Phylogenetic analyses of cyclidiids (Protista, Ciliophora, Scuticociliatia) based on multiple genes suggest their close relationship with thigmotrichids. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2014, 75, 219-226 (IF=4.2).
3. Shan Gao, Jie Xiong, Chunchao Zhang, Brian R. Berquist, Rendong Yang, Meng Zhao, Anthony J. Molascon, Shaina Y. Kwiatkowski, Dongxia Yuan, Zhaohui Qin, Jianfen Wen, Geoffrey M. Kapler, Philip C. Andrews, Wei Miao, and Yifan Liu. Impaired replication elongation in Tetrahymena mutants deficient in histone H3 Lys 27 monomethylation. Genes & Development, 2013, 27, 1662-1679 (IF=12.6).
4. Yuan Xu, Shan Gao (通訊作者), Xiaozhong Hu, Khaled AS Al-Rasheid, and Weibo Song. Phylogeny and systematic revision of the karyorelictid genus Remanella (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea) with descriptions of two new species. European Journal of Protistology, 2013, 49, 438-452 (IF=2.3).
5. Jiamei Li, Weiwei Liu, and Shan Gao (通訊作者), Alan Warren, Weibo Song. Multigene-based analyses of the phylogenetic evolution of oligotrich ciliates, with consideration of the Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 secondary structure of three systematically ambiguous genera. Eukaryotic Cell, 2013, 12, 430-437 (IF=3.7).
6. Shan Gao and Yifan Liu. Intercepting noncoding messages between germline and soma. Genes & Development, 2012, 26, 1774-1779 (IF=12.6).
7. Shan Gao, Jie Huang, Jiamei Li, and and Weibo Song. Molecular phylogeny of the cyrtophorid ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Phyllopharyngea). Plos One, 2012, 7 (3), e33198 (IF=4.1).
8. Shan Gao, Michaela C. Strüder-Kypke, Khaled A. S. Al-Rasheid, Xiaofeng Lin, and Weibo Song. Molecular phylogeny of three ambiguous ciliate genera: Kentrophoros, Trachelolophos and Trachelotractus (Alveolata, Ciliophora). Zoologica Scripta, 2010, 39, 305-313 (IF=3.1).
9. Chunchao Zhang, Shan Gao, Yifan Liu, and Philip C. Andrews. Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Histone Modifications in Crosstalk with H3 Lysine 27 Methylation. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2014, 13, 749-759 (IF=7.3).
10. Chunchao Zhang, Anthony J. Molascon, Shan Gao, Yifan Liu, and Philip C. Andrews. Quantitative proteomics reveals that the specific methyltransferases Txr1p and Ezl2p differentially affect the mono-, di-and tri-methylation states of histone H3 lysine 27. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2013, 12, 1678–1688 (IF=7.3).
11. Xiangrui Chen, Shan Gao, Weiwei Liu, Weibo Song, Khaled AS Al-Rasheid, and Alan Warren. Taxonomic descriptions of three marine colepid ciliates, Nolandia sinica spec. nov., Apocoleps caoi spec. nov. and Tiarina fusa (Claparède & Lachmann, 1858) Bergh, 1881 (Ciliophora, Prorodontida). International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 2012, 62, 735-744 (IF=2.8).
12. Xiangrui Chen, Shan Gao, Weibo Song, Khaled A. S. Al-Rasheid, Alan Warren, Jun Gong, and Xiaofeng Lin. Parabirojimia multinucleata spec. nov. and Anteholosticha scutellum (Cohn, 1866) Berger, 2003, two marine ciliates (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) from tropical waters in southern China, with note on their SSU rRNA gene sequences. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2010, 60, 234-243 (IF=2.8).
13. Cunming Duan, Hongxia Ren, and Shan Gao. Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), IGF receptors, and IGF-binding proteins: Roles in skeletal muscle growth and differentiation. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2010, 167, 344-351 (IF=2.7).