共找到2條詞條名為張竹君的結果 展開
- 清末民初女醫師
- 南開大學醫學院副教授
張竹君 女南開大學醫學院副教授·。
1999.4-2004.3 神戶大學醫學院兒科,醫學博士學位
2008.11至今 南開大學醫學院,副教授
2004.4-2008.10 日本神戶大學醫學院兒科,博士后
(1) 開發快速分子診斷方法。
(2) 研究微小突變對splicing的影響及機理。
(3) 應用人工合成反義寡聚核苷酸治療Duchenne型肌營養不良。
1. Takeshima Y, Yagi M, Okizuka Y, Awano H, Zhang Z, Yamauchi Y, Nishio H, Matsuo M. Mutation spectrum of the dystrophin gene in 442 Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy cases from one Japanese referral center. J Hum Genet 2010; 55 (6): 379-88.
2. Zhang Z, Yagi M, Okizuka Y, Awano H, Takeshima Y, Matsuo M. Insertion of IL1RAPL1 gene into the duplication junction of the dystrophin gene. J Hum Genet 2009; 54(8): 466-73.
3. Nishiyama A, Takeshima Y, Zhang Z, Habara Y, Tran TH, Yagi M, Matsuo M. Dystrophin nonsense mutations can generate alternative rescue transcripts in lymphocytes. Ann Hum Genet 2008; 72: 717-24.
4. Zhang Z, Takeshima Y, Awano H, Nishiyama A, Okizuka Y, Yagi M, Matsuo M. Tandem duplications of two separate fragments of the dystrophin gene in a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. J Hum Genet 2008; 53(3):215-9.
5. Sahashi K, Masuda A, Matsuura T, Shinmi J, Zhang Z, Takeshima Y, Matsuo M, Sobue G, Ohno K . In vitro and in silico analysis reveals an efficient algorithm to predict the splicing consequences of mutations at the 5' splice sites. Nucleic Acids Res 2007; 35(18):5995-6003.
6. Zhang Z, Yasuaki Habara, Atsushi Nishiyama, Yoshinobu Oyazato, Mariko Yagi, Yasuhiro Takeshima and Masafumi Matsuo. Identification of seven novel cryptic exons embedded in the dystrophin gene and characterization of 14 cryptic dystrophin exons. J Hum Genet 2007; 52(7):607-17.
7. Tran VK, Takeshima Y, Zhang Z, Habara Y, Haginoya K, Nishiyama N, Yagi M and Matsuo M. A nonsense mutation-created intraexonic splice site is active in the lymphocytes, but not in the skeletal muscle of a DMD patient. Human Genet 2007; 120(5): 737-42.
8. Tran VK, Takeshima Y, Zhang Z, Yagi M, Nishiyama N, Habara Y and Matsuo M. Splicing analysis disclosed a determinant single nucleotide for exon skipping caused by a novel intra-exonic four-nucleotide deletion in the dystrophin gene. J Med Genet 2006; 43(12): 924-30.