



2012年9月— 中國科學院武漢植物園,副研究員
2011年7月—2012年8月 中國科學院武漢植物園,助理研究員
2006年9月—2011年7月 中國科學院武漢植物園,生態學,博士學位
2002年9月—2006年7月 湖南師範大學生物科學學士學位




Zhang K., Cheng X., Dang H., Ye C.,, Zhang Y., Zhang Q., 2013. Linking litter production, quality and decomposition to vegetation succession following agricultural abandonment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Zhang K., Zhang Y., Tian H., Cheng X., Dang H., Zhang Q., 2013. Sustainability of social-ecological systems under conservation projects: lessons from a biodiversity hotspot in western China. Biological Conservation
Zhang K., Cheng X., Dang H., Ye C., Zhang Q., 2012. Soil nitrogen and denitrification potential as affected by land use and stand age following agricultural abandonment in a headwater catchment. Soil Use and Management
Zhang K., Dang H., Tan S., Wang Z., Zhang Q., 2010. Vegetation community and soil characteristics of abandoned agricultural land and pine plantation in the Qinling Mountains, China. Forest Ecology and Management
Zhang K., Dang H., Tan S., Cheng X., Zhang Q., 2010. Change in soil organic carbon following the Grain-for-Green programme in China. Land Degradation & Development
Dan H., Zhang K., Zhang Y., Tong X., Zhang Q., 2013. Regeneration dynamics of subalpine fir (Abies fargesii) forest across the altitudinal range in the Shennongjia Mountains, central China. Journal of Plant Ecology
Ye C., Zhang K., Deng Q., Zhang Q., 2013. Plant communities in relation to flooding and soil characteristics in the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Dang H., Zhang Y., Zhang K., Jiang M., Zhang Q., 2013. Climate-growth relations of subalpine fir (Abies fargesii) across the altitudinal range in the Shennongjia Mountains, central China. Climatic Change
Dang H., Zhang Y., Zhang K., Jiang M., Zhang Q., 2010. Age structure and regeneration of subalpine fir (Abies fargesii) forest across the altitudinal range in the Qinling Mountains, China. Forest Ecology and Management
Dang H., Zhang K., Zhang Y., Jiang M., Zhang Q., 2009. Treeline dynamics in relation to climatic variability in the Shennongjia Mountains, Central China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research

