

bigpizza即比格餐廳是經營大眾化西餐的意式休閑餐廳。以自助比薩為主,兼營零點及外賣。精緻美味、豐富多樣的百餘款食品供顧客隨意盛取不限量;休閑浪漫的環境、溫暖周到的服務讓顧客輕鬆愜意無拘束。全開放舞台式廚房,頃刻間讓顧客置身比薩的故鄉——義大利那不勒斯的小鎮,邊享受各式美味,邊欣賞製作比薩的過程;獨創的比格“比薩吧”,既能讓廚師量身定做顧客喜愛的比薩,又能接受廚師專業指導,自己動手DIY 比薩。



About Big Pizza Company
Big Pizza Company is an enterprise chain serving Italian-style pizza buffet. Big PIzza Company was built in Beijing in 2002 and registered for trademark, named Beijing Big Pizza Restaurant Management Company. In 2003, it became a member of the enterprise chain association of China . Currently, many sub-restaurants have been developed in China .
Big Pizza restaurants supply western food, mainly Pizza. They are so convenient for customer to serve, that you could dine in, carry out or ask for delivery. We take great pleasure and care to delight you with hundreds of delicious food to the customer in a happy family-style atmosphere and a beautiful environment. Our special service is open kitchen. You'll feel like eating in an Italy-style town. While you're eating a delicious meal you can view the process of making pizza. In our special pizza bar, you could let the chef make you any kind of pizza you'd like to eat. Also you could make your own pizza (DIY pizza)! Our target is to let our restaurants to be popular in all kinds of people, such as students, white-collar people and families with the middle income . By making your own pizza you'll feel interested to come. We want to develop more and more Big Pizza Restaurant chain and make it successful. We believe that the Big Pizza Company will be the most famous brand of western food in China .
在年輕消費者中,比格逐漸劃定了自己的品牌地界。為夯實市場,比格將年輕學生與新白領的聚集地作為最佳開店選址;執行 39+N 進可攻退可守的消費價位;升級餐廳環境,營造浪漫的義大利文化氣息;研發出具西式產品結構、亦滿足國人口味的西餐食品,牢牢鎖定目標消費群。
The goal of Big Pizza Company
To build the famous western style food in China :
Big Pizza Company becomes more and more famous in young customers. To expand our market, we build our restaurants mainly at the location where gathering most young peoples and new white-collar people. We offer flexible price, named 39+N, which satisfied different kind of customers. To appeal customers, we build a delightful Italian-style environment and provide delicious western-style food with Chinese people's flavor. We believe Big Pizza Company will become the most famous western-style restaurant in China .
2、加盟店的使用面積不低於 300 平方米;
5、具備良好的資信,資金取得合法,用於投資比格專項資金不得低於 150 萬元人民幣;