托徠比·艾默里奇(Toby Emmerich),男,水瓶座,出生地,美國,紐約。是著名製片人、編輯。製作過《黑洞頻率》、《身為人母》、《他其實沒那麼喜歡你》等優秀作品。
托比·艾默里奇(Toby Emmerich)
性別: 男
星座: 水瓶座
出生日期: 1963-02-08
出生地: 美國,紐約
職業: 製片 / 編劇
土星獎 徠Best Writing(提名)
黑洞頻率 Frequency
身為人母 Little Children
火星的孩子 Martian Child
舞動天地 Take the Lead
他其實沒那麼喜歡你 He's Just Not That Into You
Tammy Sutton
Bill Terezakis
Benoit Girard
極度恐懼/Riot(2011) executive producer
新年前夜/New Year's Eve(2011) producer
慾望都市2/Sex and the City 2(2010) executive producer
其實你不懂他的心/He's Just Not That Into You(2009) executive producer
13號星期五/Friday the 13th(2009) executive producer
姐姐的守護者/My Sister's Keeper(2009) executive producer
自豪與榮耀/Pride and Glory(2008) executive producer
墨水心/Inkheart(2008) executive producer
executive producer
半職業選手/Semi-Pro(2008) executive producer
王牌製片家/Be Kind Rewind(2008) executive producer
阿帕魯薩鎮/Appaloosa(2008) executive producer
四個聖誕節/Four Christmases(2008) production executive

火星的孩子/Martian Child(2007) executive producer
代號:殺手/Code Name: The Cleaner(2007) executive producer
靈數23/The Number 23(2007) executive producer
破綻/Fracture(2007) executive producer
憤怒乒乓球/Balls of Fury(2007) executive producer
反恐疑雲/Rendition(2007) executive producer
蝴蝶效應 (2004) executive producer
吸引法則/Laws of Attraction(2004) executive producer
勁歌飛揚/Raise Your Voice(2004) executive producer
日落之後/After the Sunset(2004) executive producer
刀鋒戰士3/Blade: Trinity(2004) executive producer
一線聲機/Cellular(2004) executive producer
二手雄獅/Secondhand Lions(2003) executive producer
千頭萬緒/How to Deal(2003) executive producer
真實誘惑/The Real Cancun(2003)
聖誕精靈/Elf(2003) executive producer
死神來了2/Final Destination 2(2003) executive producer
熱血高速/Highwaymen(2003) executive producer
馭鼠怪人/Willard(2003) executive producer
當阿獃遇上阿瓜/Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd(2003) executive producer
刀鋒戰士2/Blade II(2002) executive producer
班哲明傳奇/All About the Benjamins(2002) executive producer
王牌大賤諜3/Austin Powers in Goldmember(2002) executive producer
下下星期五/Friday After Next(2002) executive producer
尖峰時刻2/Rush Hour 2(2001) executive producer
黑洞頻率/Frequency(2000) producer
魔力玩具盒/The Last Mimzy(2007) (screenplay)
黑洞頻率/Frequency(2000) (written by)