



程小蓓 女,詩人、作家。職業:醫生。
誠實與真純的詩 •程小蓓•我尊敬這樣的詩人——誠實、真純、有責任感。但我認為不能先為自己設定一種身份,包括詩人的身份。在寫作時,我無法讓自己先站在那樣的制高點上,然後再讓文字從自己的指尖像血一樣滴落——從天空的高度滴落時,會不會像天女撒花呢?但“天女”是一個虛幻的人。她不食人間煙火。我們能借她的眼睛看到杜甫的“路有凍死骨”,但我們無法借她的皮膚去感知寒冷,並像杜甫那樣感到切骨的痛。拿痛這樣的感覺作例證——這些必須自己親歷過了才能準確把握的東西。否則,那個字只是一個音節“tong”。用更為“本質的人”去寫自己的“親歷”。因為人首先必須關注他自己的感知,再由此延伸出去,關注他人——關注民族——關注國家——關注人類……。否則,創始的文字無法讓我碰觸,無法讓我進入,更不用說讓我與作者一同——感嘆。


Cheng Xiaobei 's short biography:
Cheng Xiaobei: poet, writer, medical doctor.
Profession: gynecologist, psychologist
Published Poetry Book : 《A Stolen Pen》; 《She Runs in and Out》
Published Novels: 《Life of Resignation》; 《Are You Crazy!?》
Non-Fiction Books: 《Construction Diary》 (Shang Yuan Multi-Arts Series)
Chang Xiaobei 's Photography:《Livelihood》:
Town folks, market vendors, people passing through narrow winding
streets, worshipers at temples, strangers by the roadside, people
bumping into one another by accident,..... are the people destined
to cross paths with me. I pay close attention to how they live, as to
understand what I myself have not experienced in life and to gain
insight from them to see if I could put myself in their shoes or
perhaps、I never could.
Seven-year achievement during 2000-2007:
In 2000 she began arranging for construction of
the Shang Yuan Art Scene (also known as the China
Modern Architecture Scene). The Shang Yuan Art Scene
is composed of 21 works of original architecture occupying
a total area of 30,000 meters. The total floor area of the
buildings is 19,000 square meters. Total investment is
70,000,000 Yuan. All funds were raised by the artists who
belong to Shang Yuan. Construction of the Shang Yuan Art
Exhibition Hall and dormitories was basically finished in
October 2007.
In 1987, She travelled to shoot pictures, starting from Chengdu, She went to several revolutionary bases in Sichuan, Shanbei Plateau, Shanxi, Gunsu, Ningxia and then came back to Beijing detour Shanxi and Hebei. She spent two months and photographed over 10,000 photos. She shot many photo stories and poems among which “Season of Weeds” “I should sing” have been published in Youth and Young. She set new expression for literary publications. Some of the works have been exhibited worldwide and used as cover pages for books, journals and magazines. In2006she set the unit of “Photography Art” in “Shangyuan Art Museum Architecture action Art exhibition”.
Poetry of Honesty and Innocence /Cheng xiaobei / I respect those poets who are honest, innocent and conscientious. However, I don’t think it appropriate to determine my own identity as a poet. In writing, I fail to put myself up to such a high status and then let words flow like blood from my fingertips. Will dropping from the sky be like a fairy spreading flowers? But a fairy is a virtual person who neither eats nor sleeps. We can only borrow her eyes to see frozen dead bodies on the sideways. However, we can not borrow her skin to feel the coldness and bitter pain as what Du Fu experienced. Taking pain as an evidence. We all know it is a prerequisite to experience pain before understanding what it is. Otherwise, pain can only be pronounced with “Tong” in Chinese alphabet. Using a more “substantial person” to write his/her own “experiences”. People shall be first concerned with their own sensibility before reaching out to help others, the nation, the country, as well as humankind… Otherwise, the original words refuse my touch and entry. It refuses me to heave signs together with the writer.